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Chapter 70 Chapter 70 Love Is So Simple

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 2834Words 2018-03-18
Love is that simple. We walked side by side on the right, and whoever came in the courtyard would take a look.At that time, I thought that this time I became a god in the compound, not because I was because of Xiaoying, because this matter was more widely spread than picketing in the military academy, because it was the female soldiers who came.When I was discharged from the army for a long time, a comrade of mine who was still an officer in the brigade once called nonsense and suddenly asked: "You know what? Now the soldiers are saying that there was a god in our group of soldiers. A female military cadet ran all the way from the provincial capital to our brigade to see one of our soldiers. She lost one of her shoes and cried when she came in and hugged that soldier. I thought about it for a long time and didn’t know who it was. Is it such a godly thing? Why don’t I remember it?”

I held the phone in a daze for a long time, and then stayed there, but I didn't cry. But my heart hurts. This shows two things: One, what is a legend?Later people always processed on the prototype and performed novels according to their own imagination, so even the people who witnessed it at the time did not know where they came from; Second, what is the origin of the legend?The truth worthy of your spread is the origin of the legend.For example, a 19-year-old female private soldier went to the mountains to find the person she missed day and night, which is a story worth spreading. ——It's getting further away.

When we left the gate of the barracks, Xiaoying hadn’t spoken yet. The squad leader standing guard had already brought out a very nice small round box wrapped in kraft paper from the sentry booth and laid it flat for Xiaoying, saying that it should be laid flat according to your requirements. Did not dare to touch. ——I was really surprised at how good Xiaoying was, she was really in our brigade all the way!Even the well-known iron door gods of the Jingtong Squadron worked for her, and they were very obedient. Xiaoying took it nonchalantly, hugged it carefully, and nodded without even saying thank you—their female soldiers, especially the beautiful little female soldiers, are really used to soldiers treating them like this, and they seldom run into walls. No, it’s because they mainly want to make things difficult for them and say a few more words, and there are some who don’t like this, but there are not many of them—then turn around and say to me:

"Walk!" Just swaggered out. I quickly thanked the monitor and followed her out. Then the guards in the Police Squadron were holding 95 automatic rifles, carrying special warfare daggers, fully armed in camouflage, standing still like nails, but when I passed by them, I felt their eyes moving and following us. Follow Xiaoying first, then look at me after Xiaoying walks out of their peripheral vision—their military posture is really good!Although the cadre is not there, the neck just doesn't move, or iron discipline is iron discipline!The discipline of the special forces is not loose, it is stricter than any other army - it is not to fight in the wild, it is to be strict in combat. Where are you from?Still talking about trivial matters, why does the army stand in a military posture, kick forward, stack tofu cubes, use old toothbrushes to brush the urinal, use razor blades to shave urine alkali?Are these fights useful?Of course it's useless, but it's definitely a vital role-it's strictness, you will obey orders only if you are strict in everything, and you will form an overall combat effectiveness.When I was in the recruit company of the Field Army Infantry Regiment, I felt stricter than at home; when I entered the reconnaissance company, I felt stricter; when I entered the training base, it was stricter than in the regiment; I did not know until I was in the special forces, what the fuck is. Strict! ——In fact, it’s the same with people. People who are very relaxed about themselves can’t become big players, such as me now.

We went out and walked on the winding mountain road. I didn't ask Xiaoying until the picket was out of sight, "What are you holding?" "I won't tell you!" Or small leather shoes Gaba Gaba. I don't ask any more questions, if I don't ask, this kind of consciousness is really subtly infused into my mind.What should not be said? —I dare not forget now!No matter what nature dares to forget this point, because the various lessons are too profound.So anyone who wants to get something from this novel can give it up. After a while, Xiaoying became unhappy when I saw that I was silent: "You don't even guess?"

I'm just happy. I really can’t figure it out, my mind is now full of military technology, various formations and various data, and I don’t have any other minds at all-I wrote poetry after I got used to this kind of life after a few months. As soon as Xiaoying pouted, I didn't dare to speak. "Like wood!" she said unhappily. We will go up the mountain. I kept in mind the teaching of the picket squad leader and did not go to the hill with the training ground.To be honest, I can’t get in there, and the guard post can’t wait to put it 5 kilometers away. Although there are few local people, it’s not that there are no.It's not a secret, the special forces all over the world practice these sets of moves, it depends on who has practiced hard, because they are afraid that some sheep herding people will put sheep into mines or blasting training grounds, and that will cause big trouble.There was an accident once, and that was also a miracle. We shot a 95 automatic rifle at a flying target in the air, which was almost like an Olympic competition. In the end, a bullet flew for more than 10 kilometers. He died after being hit on the stomach—what do you call this?But it still happened.I guess all kinds of small accidents like this have happened in every field army unit, and I can’t blame anyone. I say this is your fate.We used to shoot in group battles every day, and we tossed back and forth in the hail of bullets. I really didn’t see anyone hit by the bullets, but the heel of my boots was knocked off by a bullet once, but I didn’t dare to hesitate. Bullets Just follow behind and hit your punching holes. The only choice is to continue training with various fighting postures all the way-otherwise it will really hit you.After I retired from the army, I watched a movie, I forgot what it was called, it was about a unit of the U.S. Marine Corps (not a SEAL) doing group combat shooting, a buddy was hit in the back of the neck by a bullet, and fell down at the time, and then No matter how I overcame my disability, I couldn’t overcome it in the end. I was able to stand up with a steel frame on my legs and drag around for two steps. The lightest consequence of being shot in the spine is paralysis of the whole body. The worst result is not death, which is nothing to fear It's a vegetative person--when I watched it, I felt chills on the back of my neck!How did I get here! ——There are still little brothers living like that now!How many soldiers in the world are living like this!What are they for?Why do you say?Is it to see the bloody excitement in the movie? ——So I am war-weary, I reject weapons, I hate it so much, it is best for all the troops in the world to disband and change to summer camp bases, what is wrong with teaching children to climb mountains and exercise their bodies?Why war?Why do you want a weapon?Who is hurt?Aren't those minions first?and then?The common people are ourselves!Why do you like weapons and like war? —Think about the suffering of these little soldiers?Are they trying to be heroes?Navy 361 boat has 70 buddies at once, my sadness is not the slightest bit, I have never been a sailor, but I am also a small soldier, 70 lives at once!What kind of scene do you think about?When the submarine arrived at the dock of the base, how did the buddy who entered the boat first get off?I dare say that it is impossible for the cadres not to give him a drink. Who has seen it?I don't know what kind of mechanical failure, but death from suffocation is certain. What kind of tragedy is that? !Then how did the first little soldier explore the way inside with snot and tears?How did the remains of these buddies be transported out of such a small hatch one by one?The cadres and sailors below looked at the bodies of comrades-in-arms and brothers, and they were suffocated so badly. Can their sadness and heartache be described in words?Are tears included? What kind of scene is it when 70 remains are placed on the pier? !I believe that even if there is a general who has experienced many battles, he will never forget it in his life! —but what did they die for?I'm not talking about malfunctions, I don't care about that, I mean what are they for?For the sake of the navy, for the coastal defense of our country, and for everyone to be full here, watch the BBS and watch our soldiers suffer and see our soldiers cry-but why do these soldiers suffer?What if there were no wars, no armies and no weapons in the world?Will these 70 lads, 70 buddies, still die?Human life is greater than heaven! ——But I believe they will not regret it, and I am also proud of having such comrades in the navy, but I just want to say, let’s get to know war and weapons from a different angle!It's not easy for these minions who wield your blood-boiling metal weapons!Be more understanding and tolerant to them!As long as there are wars in the world, these little soldiers will suffer—so don't scold them, whether they are literate or uneducated, what are they suffering for? ——Think about it for yourself? ——So I am extremely anti-war, I hope there will be no wars in the world, no armies, no soldiers—of course, it’s just a hope!

——It’s a bit far-fetched, serious digression, pay attention next time.
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