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Chapter 43 Chapter 43 The Grass Around You

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 1307Words 2018-03-18
Then, I saw several places in the grass around me moving. I didn't even have the courage to scold in my heart. Wait to die. I didn't expect that a hero from Xiaozhuang didn't die on the battlefield of killing the enemy, but was fed to the wolves. Then, I saw three wolves appear less than half a meter away from me. The fluffy ones are the same as the little gray yarn balls. Three little wolf cubs. They romped and howled, one bit the tail of the other, the ear of the other, rolling around like little wolf dogs. They broke into the battlefield where PLA soldiers beat wolves or the scene where PLA soldiers fed wolves. They didn't know that the atmosphere of war was coming and the bloody smell was heating up. They only knew that they were frolicking and drinking water.

right between us. A position I can grasp as soon as I reach out. Some even came close to my knees, and almost jumped on me like a puppy. They don't know what I am yet, because they don't know how to prey yet. I look at the little wolf first and then the big wolf. The big wolf looked at the little wolf first and then at me. If I make a move, I will have no problem picking up one of the little wolf cubs, as big as a two-month-old puppy with one foot, one hand, and a machete, at least the two of them will not hesitate to go down.If I can't fucking deal with the big bad wolf, I'm not at a loss if I take care of a few little ones!My eyes flashed fiercely at the little wolf cub, and I slowly raised the machete.

The threatening roar of the big wolf disappeared, and the wolf no longer had the brains to know the danger of the little wolf cub. Then I saw the voice in the wolf's throat change. It's not a threat, it's a plea. Aww, the voice is very small, but any fool knows it is begging. The gaze is not wolf-like, but maternal, which is common to all animals.That's how my mom looked at my dad when I was spanked when I was a kid. I was also dumbfounded, should I hit the little wolf cub or not? The big wolf looked at me pitifully, then got down on all fours, lowered its head like a dog, and still looked at me pitifully.

This time I understand. Come on, kill me and let my child go. The little wolf cubs didn't know the danger, they rolled back and forth in front of me, playing and drinking water, and one of them ran up to the big bad wolf's nose and licked it. I saw tears in the big bad wolf's eyes. tears?Wolf's tears? Really wolf tears. A drop, so big and cloudy, fell down and landed on its thin cheek. Its eyes looked at me pitifully, and there was pitifully low pleading in its throat, wailing, intermittently, as if it was afraid of making me angry. My left hand holding the knife froze in the air.

Should I fight or not? It continued to look at me, and even crawled forward, like a trained wolf dog. It means that I am closer to you, so it is easier for you to hit me on the head. I look into its eyes. A mother's eyes, begging me. My knife was lowered very slowly. It got up all of a sudden, my knife was raised again, and it quickly got down on the ground like a well-trained wolfhound of the Police Communication Squadron.It begged and cried, as if you don't get me wrong and took the child away. My knife is down again. It watched me stand up slowly, there was no fierce light in its eyes, and I looked carefully this time, so I didn't raise the knife.

It called out to the little wolf cubs in a low voice, and the three little wolf cubs rolled over like gray fur balls, rolled around its legs, crawled on top of it, and fell off, clumsily like little bears.Only two months! I couldn't help laughing. The wolf looked at me vigilantly, and I quickly raised my knife. It saw that I was not malicious, so it called softly to the little wolf cub, backed away slowly and looked at me slowly.The three little wolf cubs rolled around and followed it all the way into the woods. Then I saw it turn around and take the three cubs away. Disappeared deep in the jungle.

My hand that raised the knife softened all of a sudden. The knife fell to the river beach beside me with a clang, and I also fell on my back, my whole body was limp, and now I felt the fear, my whole body trembling like a pendulum, even my bald scalp was trembling, tears were running on my face, and my nose was runny. Then I just lay there trembling and holding the orchid tightly in my right hand. I put the orchid in front of my nose and smell the fragrance.My hands were still trembling, so Lanhua was trembling too. The fragrance of small shadows. Then I saw it was getting dark. This day is longer than a century for me.

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