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Chapter 39 Chapter 39 Gritting your teeth and standing up

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 2248Words 2018-03-18
I gritted my teeth and stood up, with a machete in my left hand, I cut off a hard branch and cut off the leaves and twigs on it, and used it as a crutch to support myself. Gritting my teeth, I held the bunch of orchids in my right hand and walked step by step into the depths of the jungle. go. The orchid is like a small shadow accompanying me. I smell it when I can't stand it. Then there is courage. Does it hurt?I really don't seem to remember. How many years later, when I think back, what is the most important thing in adversity?Really spiritual power.For example, when I read reports about the cure of SARS, many people don’t believe it, but I do.Because I know that the spiritual strength of a person in adversity is more important than anything else.If you believe you'll get through it, you'll get through it; if you despair, it's all over.Many years later, I read books on Buddhism. At that time, I was writing a small article about Master Hongyi. I just read it, although I don’t like Buddhism.But there is a sentence that I was stunned for a long time: "Buddha has a saying - it's not the flag that moves, it's not the wind that moves, it's your heart that moves."

When you are desperate, you have nothing. If you have confidence in yourself, you can survive anything, even if you can't survive, after all, you have failed in the struggle against fate!It's an honor to be defeated! I didn't spend a long time talking about SARS. To be honest, it doesn't do anything for me as a novelist. I just want to say that many years ago, a soldier under the age of 18 gritted his teeth, held a cane in his left hand, and walked with blood in his right hand holding a bunch of small orchids in the virgin forest. His clothes were completely covered by dew and moisture. Wearing Jinshi's camouflage uniform, enduring the pain of sprained ankle, although I stop from time to time to look at the map and compass, or drink the dew on the leaves or the rain, I don't know, but I have been walking towards the goal without stopping!The goal is a place 70 kilometers away called the new training team of the special brigade.If you can walk, if you can't walk, you have to walk, even if you climb, you have to climb back, and if you die, you have to die on the way forward.

Because he has orchids in his hand. Because there is love in his heart. Many years later, this little soldier still has tears in his eyes when he thinks about it... What era was that! If you march 10,000 meters in the real subtropical mountain jungle, the physical exertion is several times more than the daily 10,000-meter armed cross-country feeling.Needless to say whether it is rough or not, because there is no road at all. No one has been here for decades or even hundreds of years. What kind of road do you think there is?The key is the low air pressure - it is humid itself, coupled with the bottom of the valley, the air circulation is not good, and you will soon find it difficult to breathe.And it’s really unpleasant to smell the wet smell of rotting animals and plants in the air. I didn’t feel anything at first, but after walking for a long time, it seems that the whole lungs have this smell—the branches and leaves are really real. Too dense, the wind can only circulate in the upper part of the forest, what about the bottom?If you think about it, I suspect that there has been no air circulation for hundreds of years.

Therefore, every time I pass through a small clearing full of low shrubs, I quickly stop to take a big breath of fresh air and change the smell in my lungs.Then move on, there is no other way. Dehydration is naturally very serious, and you will be covered in sweat after walking for a long time.Walking in this subtropical low-pressure hot jungle, my body is always wet, but my lips are always dry. I lick my lips from time to time, but soon I feel that it is useless—because even your My tongue feels dehydrated. At this time, you have to lick the accumulated water or dew on the big leaves. Of course, bacteria will definitely breed—but it’s true that when you were a soldier, you were so cheap that you drank everything and ate everything. I only drank pure water, because I felt that the taste of boiled tap water was unpleasant; but at that time, it was enough to have running water, no matter what the taste was. ——But I was inexperienced at that time, and I dare not even drink it casually in the future.

The camouflage uniform will always be semi-dry and wet within a few hours. The dryness is due to the evaporation of body heat, and the wetness is due to the environment and your own sweat. You can clearly see that the sweat on it turns into white spots little by little— - What is the name for this?It seems to be sweat alkali, right?I can't remember. The air pressure was terribly low, which made my heart uncomfortable, and I was kicking around like a rabbit in a panic—after I got used to training and living in this kind of place, I returned to the city instead. The heart is more uncomfortable, and it takes a longer time to adapt, especially the exhaust gas in the city air. I have to adapt for a long time before I can bear it.

Then there is pain, sizzling pain, and it hurts every time I touch the ground.But I didn't dare to stop casually. The plan I set for myself was to rest for ten minutes in two hours, ten minutes at most, otherwise I wouldn't be able to get up—this kind of experience grew up little by little, and then I gradually Come to understand, running in the mountains is different from running on a cross-country training ground. The latter can only be said to be the same as training for the track and field team. The former is the need for combat, not your sprinting. It’s okay—the key is to be patient, because every time the road is very long, every time is full of dangers, you have to be patient every second under the premise of ensuring speed, be careful, cautious, and careful No matter how cautious you are, that fiery temperament is useless except to cause trouble for yourself. You must have the patience to observe every leaf, because danger often happens at the moment you lose patience. The most overlooked place is hiding—special operations are really not as simple as you see in the movies, nor can they be completed by people with insufficient brains.If you take a picture of us marching in the jungle, you will feel that the eyes of our soldiers seem to be very dull, which is different from the old and beautiful actors in the movie, but I can tell you that their brains are different in a second. It has never stopped turning—observation, discovery, analysis, judgment, and elimination are always such an uninterrupted process—resilience, or resilience; patience, or patience.Don't say bitter, because you have no right to feel bitter; don't say tired, because compared with a dead body, tired is better than not tired, dead people don't feel bitter and tired-you should feel this Lucky because you're still alive. ——This is what I learned later, some were taught by military officers and veteran non-commissioned officers, and some were summed up by myself.

What are special forces?Let me tell you that after I put on the dog-head armband and chest strap, my own experience is a noun-perpetual motion machine.Not only the body, but also the mind.Not only marching, you have to be ready to bear the rain of blank bullets from old players who don't know where they are lurking, or hide in the grass under fallen leaves or even in the creeks on trees. All kinds of hunter clips (the ones made of soft plastic don’t hurt you but definitely hurt) and traps (real traps, of course there are no sharpened bamboo sticks in them, at most I don’t know which Dog Day's old team members pull a piece of shit, these bastards have a good way of punishing rookies), and there are training mines that smoke when you step on them-later I also met real bullet rain and landmines.Let's talk about this later.

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