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Chapter 29 Chapter 29 Old Sergeant

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 2305Words 2018-03-18
My lower bunk is the master who surpassed me in the reconnaissance battalion of a certain division when he ran 10,000 meters cross-country. He is a five-year veteran non-commissioned officer, nicknamed "Motor".You can imagine how much he can run away.Originally, I didn’t talk to him at the training base, because both of us knew that the other was the absolute opponent in this project. If there is really any Huashan Lunjian, then Dugu Qiubai in the 10,000-meter armed cross-country is me and him. Personally, we all know this very well.So we don't talk, but we definitely have a deep impression on each other, because we are testing each other, observing and pondering each other every day during training.I know that his climbing subjects are relatively average and others are upstream but not as good as 10,000 meters. I think he should also know that my swimming is relatively average, because our company commander will not be idle if he does not pay attention. Every day with a telescope around your neck and a stop on the mountain, do you think they are looking at the scenery?Just staring at our training to see who is the seed player, where are his weaknesses, and how to suppress his strengths in which subject-every competition in the world has a competition spy, but our scout competitions are relatively open It is more professional and everyone is tacitly aware that when they meet and say hello to each other on the mountain, they will be busy on their own, because there is nothing to discuss, because they do not tell the truth, and false information will easily interfere with their own judgments-this is the old detective style. I understand.

He and I screamed every day during the 10,000-meter training, and sometimes deceived each other to slow down and make some smoke bombs, but we knew very well that the final final was actually me and him-but I finally disappeared in the 10,000-meter armed cross-country If I perform normally in this score, I should be in the top 10 in total - I know this, I believe everyone knows it, but no one cares about me because I am a small private, because I am not a unit Everyone who came here is not familiar with me yet, if you don’t clean up, I’m lucky, why should you answer me? But I really felt uncomfortable and wanted to talk to people. At that time, I was about to pass my 18th birthday, but I was still a very childish person.

Squad leader Ma Ma was lying on the bed reading martial arts novels, and was stunned for a long time when he heard this, because we have been in the new training team for a few days, although we have bunk beds but have not spoken.He must think that I am quite a bird, not a person who can talk so much, so he doesn't take the initiative to talk to me. I dare not, but it is really uncomfortable to hold back for a few days without telling me, so I dare. Ma Da looked at me for a long time, probably seeing that I had just cried, so he smiled: "Why are you crying, kid? Come down quickly, son of a bitch."

My tears came patter.The motor monitor is really nice!Squad leader Ma is from Sichuan, so Sichuan soldiers are really good. No wonder Brecht wants to write a play called "Sichuan Good Man"! I turned over all of a sudden, the squad leader of the motor told him to sit up, and I sat on his bed. We faced each other, and my tears burst out. Ma Da couldn't help laughing: "Why are you crying? Aren't you a pretty bird?" At this time, I recalled that I was really a child at that time. Although I could run, climb rocks and do this and that, I was still a child. I don't cry when I feel comfortable crying.

Ma Da wiped the remaining tears from the corners of my eyes with his rough hands, and he also felt that I was a child.I just laughed, I was actually still a child so I was so attached to my Chen Pai because he was like my own brother. Da Da gave me a cigarette and I smoked him, and then we chatted.That's when I found out that the monitor of Ma Da was from Mianyang, Sichuan, where color TVs were produced, but he wasn't from the city. After finishing junior high school in the county, the family couldn't afford it, so he worked as a migrant worker for two years to earn money for his younger brother to go to school. Ma Da joined the army after finishing junior high school, because there was no other way out, and being a migrant worker was really not a way out. Ma Da was not well-educated but he was definitely a clever person.However, after the reform of the military service system, rural soldiers who become non-commissioned officers will be paid as cadres. Unlike before, it was difficult to transfer to volunteers.Ma Da became a scout because he was able to run and has a good physical foundation, he was in a mountainous area so he could climb mountains quickly, and he was a migrant worker so he could bear hardships—he became a scout for various reasons. He just wants to have a good way out in the future. This is different from Chen Pai. He is not a professional military officer and he can't think so much.

Ma Da and I were rivals at first, then became good friends, then became comrades who ate in a pot, and then were brothers who depended on each other for life and death. Finally, he stayed in my memory forever and became another important part of my military career. Dare to mention the wound. Because Ma Da chatted with me, the son of their division did not regard me as an outsider. The son was a non-commissioned officer for three years. He was from Chibi, Hubei. His family graduated from high school in the county. Work, as a scout because he learned gymnastics in a sports school since he was a child, his flexibility is excellent, and when he was a recruit, the practice of the horizontal bar shocked the whole regiment. He couldn't do it properly.He is a bit similar to Chen Pai in that he wants to be a special soldier, because he thinks it's good but he can't tell how good it is, and he smiles and says it's good.

We had a good chat and then the rest of the guys talked to me.I became friends with all the soldiers, because although they didn't know each other, they knew each other's names. The masters who came to the training camp knew each other very well.We chatted, and they treated me like a little brother and a private in their class—they turned out to be the squad leader, unlike me, a private.I am very happy to have so many monitors at once, and they also think that I am quite good and not as stupid as I look.I will tell their names and stories later. In fact, the three second lieutenants were more isolated and deliberately isolated themselves, because they are cadres and will be special warfare officers in the future.All three are platoon leaders of the reconnaissance company, but they are not in the same unit. They are not as close as Chen platoon and I are.Although they also practiced and ate together with Bing Qishan playing cards, what they read was not martial arts novels, military literature, foreign language textbooks, etc. They also often chatted, but they talked about things we didn't want to hear, such as "The Blue Light Commando The reason for the failure in the Iranian hostage incident", "The role of special forces in the British Armadale Island naval battle" and so on.We soldiers don't talk about this, we just talk about our hometown, we talk about anecdotes, we talk about our comrades, we talk about the stinking things about the cadres - of course, I have never dared to say the stinking things about the dog head high school team, not only because I dare not, but I am not talking nonsense until now people.But I like to tell jokes.But at the time, I still didn't say it.

I didn't tell them that I have Xiaoying, because at that time I thought it was still a secret in my heart and should be my own exclusive happiness. Alright, here we go for the time being, I'm going to write slowly, take a break first.In fact, the end of "Your Lips That Kissed My Bald Head" is actually the end of a chapter. The previous one belongs to the first chapter. I will call it "Refinement" for the time being. I haven't decided what to call it until I enter the second chapter. .That is to say, the writing is now entering a relatively smooth beginning and development of the story, and I also hope that everyone can relax a little bit.

I will come down and organize how to tell the story:)
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