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Chapter 27 Section 27 Physical exertion

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 1302Words 2018-03-18
This kind of physical exertion is about twice the normal one, because your breathing is restricted, because the mud also has resistance and weight, and because we are not used to it.Later, the brothers gradually figured out the method of doing physical fitness in the mud, and it was not so uncomfortable. Later, they all developed to the point where they wanted to roll when they saw a pigsty. Because there is no mud rolling in the field training, of course it is just an idea. And then the fucking dog head high school team made us roll, which is more disgusting than a pigsty. I will talk about it later.After I was discharged from the army, I learned that this kind of stuff is popular among rich people abroad. It is also called "mud bath" and it is said to have health effects.

The brothers were covered in mud now, but they still didn't let them get up, and they had to do some test rolls and back rolls and forward rolls according to the sergeant's password, and their heads fell into the mud.I basically didn't have any thoughts in that state at that time, because you can't think to prevent mud from getting in your mouth.Of course we all ended up exhausted and had us in a push up position hanging in the air with arms out of the way for how long I can't remember counting at first but then worrying about my pecs and triceps (if If I remember correctly, I haven’t touched this term for a long time) because it’s getting more and more sour.

I just hung there watching the sweat on the tip of my nose dripping with the mud into the mud below. I was just hanging like this, and it seemed like countless little ants were crawling in the flesh of my arm, and then biting, and then biting violently, it really became more and more uncomfortable, but I still stuck my neck and persisted because I was really tired.In the end, even my neck was sore and my face was cramped because of persistence. I just stuck to it in the front row. A pair of well-polished cowhide boots slowly walked up to me and stood there the whole time. I persevere, I am patient, I try my best to think of some beautiful things, my mind has been wandering, for example, I think of my little shadow, her smiling face, her little hands, her fragrance, her eloquent teeth, I think of everything about her.

Then a military boot stepped on my shoulder, without any force, I went down and fell into the mud, my mouth was full of mud and I couldn't move. I slowly turned around from the mud and took a few mouthfuls to catch my breath. I saw the high school team looking at me with no expression in their eyes. I heard the high school team shaking their heads and sighing, "Wash 'em up and have dinner." When he turned and walked away, I seemed to hear his disdainful smile. I asked him many years later, and he insisted that he didn’t because he came here like that—I don’t know if I remembered it wrong because memories always appear. deviation.

This is the first afternoon I came to the dog head brigade on this dog day. We spent 2 hours bathing in the mud, and then we were driven into the river down the mountain to bathe, and finally we ran to the abandoned A field cooking truck in the corner of the camp had a meal. I didn’t eat enough. I was hungry and wore semi-wet clothes. I ran a 10,000-meter armed cross-country and did the traditional 5 100 physical fitness. The training is over, and then the political study begins. I just don’t want you to rest. Wearing a camouflage uniform made of sweat and river mud. Our stupid study documents, learning spirit, and what else to study?

When the lights were turned off, we all began to know that the dog-headed brigade of this dog day really didn’t look like paper. I said that I am not a fan of the military. In fact, many of my comrades in the special brigade didn’t know much about the special forces. You can run, climb, shoot, etc. As for those that you are particularly interested in all day long, you basically only came into contact with them when you entered the tactical theory study. It’s still written in detail. If I want to write like this, I really can’t finish it. I draw up an outline and let everyone read it slowly. In fact, there is really nothing to write during this period, because everyone knows the same about basic training.My opinion is to directly write about me being hammered, so that there are still stories to read, otherwise it will be my personal experience and become a stream of consciousness.

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