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Chapter 26 Chapter 26

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 2195Words 2018-03-18
Naturally, we carried our own rucksacks all the way across the country and were taken to a remote mountain lair by two non-commissioned officers driving a jeep with camouflage that I had never seen before. , this is the residence of our new training team.It seems that there are still more than ten kilometers away from the special brigade's garrison, because we are obviously not qualified to enter the mountain where the heavily guarded wolf dogs stick out their tongues.To be honest, I didn't guess our approximate location from the topography and constellation changes until I pondered for a week, and I didn't know where this place was until we entered the study of technical subjects and came into contact with the Laoshizi GPS.When I ran away, the hatred became more and more serious, and I thought to myself, what are you scumbags, aren't you just a few dog heads with white teeth on your arms?You are the army, we are the army, we are all the People’s Liberation Army, we are all soldiers, why do you keep secrets so that our army is so worthless?Sooner or later, I will make you a mess and let you taste that your ancestors scouts are not made of mud!

I was thinking that I had been taken into an abandoned camp by that little jeep that looked like a bastard.I can see at a glance that this place should be a tank regiment's garrison. Probably the troops have been dismantled, so the camp is empty, but the barracks and infantry basic subject training grounds should still be there. It seems that they specialize in cleaning us up. Come be rookie scout ace.Only when we ran into this camp did we realize that there were no decent buildings at all, and they were all ruins. I guess their dog-head brigade used the waste. It seems that the whole army is the same. The spirit of Nanniwan is immortal. I will sleep in a tent again.As a result, the little bastard jeep with the dog's head painted on the door turned and turned. We chased and chased and finally stopped at the original tank garage.

Then we stood in line panting, and the two little non-commissioned officers came down and didn't tell us anything, just opened the door of a tank garage and said let's go in.We went in and I was taken aback when I saw it. Is this a place for people to live?Although the diesel smell in the garage is clean and tidy, there are a dozen or so double-layered iron canopy beds, but the smell is really good enough. I followed the gang of brothers and went in. I put my rucksack on the bed with their names written on them, and I frowned and tried not to breathe. I thought they were all thinking about how to live after this. I didn’t expect to get used to it and changed the barracks. In the future, when I see a diesel-powered car or something, I want to smell it, or I will always feel uncomfortable. Let me tell you the truth, this kind of thing is also addictive.Just like the old tank soldiers are used to the smell of diesel, their bones are also bumpy and they are used to driving a car. They always think it is the same as a toy.

We had just put our rucksacks away and before we opened the bed, the whistle rang outside and we hurried out to line up. That doggy major and a few lieutenants and non-commissioned officers came to deal with things, and stood in a straddle with their hands behind their backs, just like in the movie, waiting for our brothers.This time we all ran soberly to see clearly the dog-headed instructors. The whole body camouflage is slightly different from ours, the fabric is seriously different, the belt is completely different, the shoes are even more different, and it is matched with a black beret (this kind at that time) The hat is not issued to the whole army, so it looks very rare, and few people know it is called a beret. I used to sell pirated CDs and knew what it was. I’ll talk about this very classic wearing method that can make you laugh and cry), and poking at that pose makes you look like you’re superior to others.

We didn't dare to say a word and just stood there. He still looks at me, and I look at him too.Anyway, it’s all here, love what to do, what to do, the Bodhisattva is made of mud and I am made of meat, but I don’t believe that you can do anything to me if I live and die with this 100 kg. This shitty major moved his eyes away, and then made the opening remarks. I think he was choked up at the airport, and he spoke Shandong Mandarin: On behalf of all the officers and soldiers of the Wolf Fang Brigade, I would like to extend a warm welcome to you!Then no one applauds because the fool also knows that there is no need to applaud at this time.Then he looked at us and said what my name is, I thought to myself what is your favorite name, but I just remembered that his surname is Gao and he is a squadron leader. We came this year and we will be assigned to their squadron to be cleaned up. He said Ning Que, don’t abuse me. I wonder if the brush we saw in the training ground is just a rope and a knife.

Then he said something, I can't remember the old routine of army cadres, and it's not worth writing. He probably wasn’t particularly comfortable being seen by me, so his voice was somewhat unconfident, so he ended his opening remarks quickly, and then said that our brothers were not running well just now, and asked our brothers to exercise before meals.I'm not afraid of this, the scouts come down from the training camp and compete to be considered a bird? We changed into our camouflage training uniforms and ran along with the little bastard jeep, turning around and up the mountain.The high school team followed behind with another jeep, and our brothers ran up the hill. No one is stupid to know that the killing power stick has just started and it is not time to work hard, so we all keep our energy.

Then the little bastard jeep leading the way turned to the edge of a quagmire as soon as it accelerated its horsepower. We were a little hesitant when we ran to the front, not knowing whether to run over or stop with the car.Then a non-commissioned officer on the first bastard jeep said, "Get down!" Let's go down to serve as soldiers. Are we not afraid of death? Are we afraid of mud? Then I followed the order to do sit-ups like a candied haws.To be honest, we are all masters in the old army, so sit-ups are simply a child's play, but it is the first time to do it in this quagmire, so it is somewhat uncomfortable.To be honest, the feeling is really uncomfortable. It’s not that you are tired. When you get up and fall, the mud is all over your body, your face is full of ears, and you can’t open your eyes because your face is covered with mud. You don’t dare to take a big breath because your mouth is also full of mud. The body is even more muddy.The dog-headed sergeant wanted us to yell one, two, one, two, and swear if we didn't yell loudly, we were not afraid of swearing because we were all scolded by the company commanders, and the company commanders had a lot more tricks than they did.But we felt uncomfortable doing this all the time, and then we got used to it. Later, when we went to the field for training, we helped fellow villagers cut wheat and saw a pigsty. Everyone felt itchy and wanted to rub it twice to enjoy it—sometimes people’s habits are so strange. Regarding these strange habits, I will slowly introduce you to a few gods. I have never seen such a god.The special brigade is really full of birds and people, so I called them the dog head brigade at the beginning, and it made sense. Later, the brigade leader who got this nickname was not happy because he designed the armband himself and spent several nights. As a result of the effort, the brothers joked that it was a dog's head.

After we did 100 sit-ups, we were turned over and did push-ups, which made it even more difficult because you have to stick your face in the mud and prick your ears repeatedly to get muddy. After 100 brothers, they are all the clay fetuses of the clay figurine Mr. Zhang.
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