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Chapter 25 Chapter 25 I Was Hammered Again

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 2074Words 2018-03-18
The major was as dumbfounded when he saw me as he was when he saw me. He didn't expect that I would be his soldier, nor did he expect that he would be my superior from now on.At that time, I already had the experience of surviving in the army, and I knew that my direct superiors would never be offended. Now I want to be a soldier, even if the old gun asks me to wash his feet, I can do it. This is the so-called maturity. out of experience. The major looked at me like that, and based on my experience as a private in the army for more than half a year, I knew it was bad food. Anyone who has been a soldier knows that the cadres of the army must maintain their absolute authority in front of you.The army is not a school, so there is no freedom to speak of, and there must be absolute coercion; the army is not a prison, so it cannot be dealt with in the same way as prisoners are treated. It must be reasonable, beneficial, and disciplined. It’s a young man who gives you a big stick at a critical moment. If you don’t fight for three days, you will have to go to the house to expose the tiles—but the premise is that the direct superiors have absolute authority, and discipline is second. The soldiers at 18 and 9 will not be more mature than us. I don't know what is human nature or inhumanity, because most of the education levels are indeed not that high, so cadres must have absolute authority and must be grandfathers in the eyes of soldiers, otherwise how do you manage?That is to say, it is best not to have any stinky things about yourself that the soldiers can talk about. Although we all talk about this cadre and that cadre, most of the jokes can’t find the source—but once we find it, we must clean it up. , Only in this way can we make an example to others, so that others will stop and dare not discuss casually.If you find this symptom, you must prevent it before it happens-what are these jokes about?a lot of.

For example, cadres are afraid of their wives. For example, what I saw was that a majestic special warfare major was not only afraid of his wife, but also smiled at the little private nurse, and the little nurse had some kind of intimacy with my fellow countrymen for some reason—that is to say I probably know about the idea of ​​him going to the hospital with his wife every time—although I really don’t know and I’m not in the mood to know about it, but he doesn’t care so much. Let’s talk about it—especially since I’m still in the unit under his direct control. If I’m not in the same system with him, the major of the People’s Liberation Army has gone to sea, and he’s not afraid of me saying what his soldiers don’t know.

Now it's troublesome, this little private has really come and is still under his own hands. I believe he has seen my file but I also believe he can't recognize me, because that stupid one-inch head portrait was taken when he just joined the army, and it took me a long time for Xiaoying to recognize my changes, let alone him ? I looked into his eyes and knew that I was definitely going to be a bad dish this time. Not only will he deal with me severely, but he will also do everything possible to drive me away to maintain his absolute authority. I know he will do this, and once he does it, I guess Lao Pao and him are the same as the king of Hades.It's very simple, old gun is a fart?He's just a recoilless artillery squad leader in an infantry regiment—what about this uncle?If you don't want to, you can understand what a cadre who can get into the rank of major in the special brigade is.

I get goosebumps without even thinking about it. He looks at me and I look at him. Our eyes did not separate until the rookies of the top special brigade of our 20 field reconnaissance units stood up. We look at each other like two national Go players who are playing chess, and we are thinking about what game the opponent will play next. I'm even more clueless.I know it's easy for him to get rid of me, and I'm too scared to say that's a bad idea and I'm not that kind of shit.But he doesn't know, he's just afraid that if I say it, it doesn't matter whether I say it or not, first get rid of me before my heart will be pure, otherwise it will be a disaster sooner or later.

Although in the eyes of Miao Lian and Chen Pai, I am a top student, a scout, a genius, and a brother. But in his eyes? Shit is not, all the team members here are selected from the top scout competitions in the past, I am a little private. I know it's going to be difficult this time, and it looks like it's going to fall into his hands. We lined up and he was still looking at me but didn't say anything.The light in his eyes was not as flattering as it was in front of my Xiaoying in the general hospital. It was a murderous look. I couldn't help shivering. He was warning me, threatening me, implying that I would surrender so that his men would be merciful.

But I can't lose, I can't let him look down on the little reconnaissance company in our bird regiment in the small valley, there are heroes everywhere in the world, it doesn't mean that your special brigade is better than us. For my Miaolian. For my... Chen Pai. I swear I'll throw them all away when I get that fucking armband and chest strap that shit they cherish.The new training team of the special brigade is not easy, but they have the freedom to leave at any time. I'm leaving on the day of the graduation assessment. I want to give this Laoshizi "Spike" brigade a severe blow, let them wake up to what they are, not because of what you call "special brigade", it is so awesome, it is several times higher than our small reconnaissance company in the valley We should all beg to come in, break our heads and come in!

It doesn’t mean that you are heavenly soldiers if you wear that ugly wolf head with open mouth and white teeth and the Chinese pinyin of “Special Forces” written on it. You are a soldier, and I am a soldier, and I Not weaker than you!What you can do, our little scouts in the valley can do the same and they are better than everyone else! I want to teach this "Spike" special brigade, which has been so proud since its formation, a solid lesson! For this reason, my courage gradually rose, and even to the point where I was filled with righteous indignation. There were strong men who left and never returned, and asked for money without killing me!

There was a murderous look in the middle of my eyes. He saw it. There is a murderous look in our eyes. A special warfare major and a scout private just looked at each other. There was no movement for a long time. Everyone is waiting. The lieutenant and second lieutenant officers of the special brigade who came to pick us up all noticed. Gradually, the brothers who came with us also noticed it. Everyone held their breath and dared not speak and kept silent, which is the best way. It's not good to talk too much, and the army is the same. I know that everyone hopes that I can back down, so as to give the major a step up, or it will end badly, but I just don't!

I have my Miao company, my Chen platoon, my brother in the small reconnaissance company of the Bird Infantry Regiment in the valley, and my Xiaoying! I won't admit defeat! We just looked at it and kept looking at it. The major finally said lightly: "Take it away." Then he turned around and left without even the opening remarks that should have been made. I looked at his back, and my heart started to feel hairy. I didn't know whether I won or lost the first round.
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