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Chapter 24 Chapter 24 The Second Company of Recruits

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 2812Words 2018-03-18
Many years later, the man I met as soon as I looked up at the special brigade base took his wife and belt to the city where I lived to see a doctor for his mentally retarded son, and I saw him again.He's still in the army and has another star on his shoulder.But that nationally famous hospital didn't want to see him at all. After waiting for him for almost a month, he had no choice but to try to call me, and I immediately drove to the small hotel where he was staying. Seeing that living environment makes my nose sour, even if we are used to suffering, but what about the wife and children?Then I took them to the villa of a friend of mine who is doing business. This friend of mine lives abroad and doesn’t come back once a year, so basically I use them sometimes—do I need to explain what they are used for? ?I also have my private life. Of course, let me explain that it’s not a mess. I come from the army and have basic moral concepts. I just come here for weekends with beautiful girls from college—if I don’t pay attention, I don’t care. Too much to say.

Then I drove to the labor market to bring back a babysitter from Anhui. I threw an envelope in the car and told her to take care of her for a month at most. In this city, I asked the police brothers to lock her up in the shelter and let her enjoy it slowly.She was afraid to think that I was from the underworld, and when she opened the envelope, she was so excited that she nodded repeatedly, as if that meant that Saddam Hussein was also serving me.Then I went to the street to buy vegetables, cooked food, drinks, Coke, children's clothes, and everything I thought I should buy and took them to the villa.Then I picked up the phone book and called all the hospital friends, government friends, and even news friends I met in this city. .

In the end, the solution to this problem was not these friends, it was one of my relatively stable girl friends when I was worrying about this at home.At first I didn't tell her and just said it casually as an annoyance, but she smiled disdainfully and said it was nothing.Because her father and the secretary of the hospital are both old brothers from the army, and they are also her godfather.I was so excited at the time, I hugged her and said that I will register with you after this matter is over.In the end, she smiled and said, why do you marry me?I was taken aback at the time, but when I thought about it, I was just a bastard, so why would someone marry me.Later, when she was studying abroad, I went to the airport to see her off. I was very uncomfortable, because she was the only one who helped me out of so many girls.We kissed her goodbye for a long time in front of her father and mother at the customs passage at the airport, and tears flowed together.It's not that I want to kiss her, it's that she leaps forward and bites my mouth until the blood comes out... She finally pushed me away and turned into the passage, and I saw her slender figure with long flowing hair, as she turned the corner It seems that the collar was untied on purpose, and the wind in the passage blew the camouflage-colored sweat scarf around her neck that was tucked in the clothes. It was mine. It had my sweat, my blood, and my tears on it My youth has all my pains and sorrows.I don't know when she took it, because I don't organize my things.I really don’t know that she took it away, and it’s tied around my neck today, it looks like a camouflage butterfly, unlike the casual one I used to wear when I was hot, and wiped my sweat The sun is too poisonous, so I wrapped it on my head, passed by the stream, soaked it, and then tied it around my neck to replenish the lost water from sweating too much, and there was even blood on it when I was injured—that is to say, it was the most painful of all. The past of the most painful youth.She tied this camouflage sweat towel around her neck, any fool knows what it means—she came up to kiss me for so long because she wanted me to see the sweat towel, she bit my lip until it bled Because I didn't see it—I, a former scout and a top fighter in the former special operations team, didn't see my camouflage sweat scarf tied around her fair and slender neck.She believed that I didn't see it because she knew what kind of fuck I was when I saw these things in the army, so she didn't hate me for being cruel but only for being stupid.I realized at that moment, in fact, I didn't fight for even a little more at that time, in fact, she was so expecting me to fight for a little more, and then she agreed to me... She has no interest in special forces, she likes fashion It's because she is a girl, but she loves me because she loves me, so my pain is her pain and she is willing to bear it, but why I don't see it.Her last gesture is to make me regret for the rest of my life, let her occupy an important place in my heart, let me never forget her among so many girls I have had.Oops, what am I, how can I be so stupid and have the nerve to tell people that I am a former special forces soldier?I went crazy and rushed into the passage, but the customs officials and the armed police on duty came up to stop me. I overturned several and almost beat them, but I was shocked by the electric baton and shivered, and then I was slapped on the head with a stick. .With my head bleeding, I was pushed to the ground by the armed police. With my face pressed against the ground, I tried my best to see the flying plane and opened my mouth, but I lost my voice.In the end I was locked up.One of my comrades-in-arms is now the captain of the airport SWAT team and he bailed me out.In the end, I drove to the high slope outside the airport and watched the planes taking off and landing at the airport like a terrorist scouting target. Tears flowed and that butterfly-like camouflage sweat towel remained in my heart forever-I will always be so stupid Always missing the most precious and always been like this Till now I'm a man who deserves to be single for life and deserves to be a bum I still write some bullshit novels in this world for money, what qualifications do I have...

Oops, it's getting too far, I'm still talking about the hospital.I arranged for the child to see a specialist right away.The father was so excited, he kept asking me to eat, but I disagreed. In the end, he invited me once, and then he served Wuliangye. I knew it was one-fifth of his monthly salary, but I couldn’t stop drinking it. Then we drank two bottles. Wuliangye is one-third of his monthly salary In the end we drank 3 bottles of Wuliangye, which was more than one-half of his monthly salary... Then we all got drunk and sang forward, forward, forward Our team faces the sun, the military song that we all agree will always be a classic, and the song that is as fast as electricity, as fast as the wind, comes without a trace, goes without a trace, we are invincible, and keeps peace. We are heroic special forces. The team song was walking crookedly on the road, and talking loudly about which buildings on both sides were the best to climb. Singing those military songs, occasionally talking about various climbing and fighting skills, and making gestures from time to time-they are not stupid, because a person who is still wearing an officer's uniform knows that this is a cadre and a retired veteran. The fight will not be light, and there will be no results in the end-the most important thing is to know that we will not do bad things. They are afraid that bad people will provoke us. If we miss and kill us, it will not end well, so they just follow us like bodyguards. The family didn’t come up to help us until we couldn’t find the door in front of the villa, took our keys to open the door and sent us into the living room, and then we fell down—I still didn’t forget to get up and give a military salute. It turned out that it was also a family. I was very moved, and then they left and I became drunk.In a daze, I heard him lament that wherever he went, the soldiers he had brought kissed him, no matter how fierce the training was before, but the more fierce the better, the soldiers who he had always been good to them now don't answer him at all.I cried all of a sudden, I said you only know now?He also cried loudly, not at all as serious as when the army took care of me. He said Xiaozhuang Xiaozhuang, you are my best soldier. I said not the best. In fact, I like you the most in my heart. I said don't talk to me about it. I don't care about it now-and then I fell asleep.

I woke up the next day and the babysitter told me that he, his wife and children had left, and left me an envelope with his monthly salary in it... I was so annoyed at the time, no, no, why are you giving me money, why are you talking about this with me? ?But I couldn't find his envelope and the money is still in my drawer, and I haven't even moved it until now-I later learned that he had changed his job and became the deputy minister of the armed forces in a small city. Oops, it's getting too far away, a lot of things got mixed up and I messed up, so let's get to the point.

The first face I saw when I looked up in the special unit was the major. The major who accompanied his pregnant wife to the general hospital for examination. The world is such a fucking coincidence that I take a break to clear my cluttered mind.
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