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Chapter 22 The special brigade of the 22nd dog day

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 2305Words 2018-03-18
I boarded the helicopter with hatred, and Miao Lian was staring at me among the company commanders standing on the river beach; those company commanders were also watching their soldiers go to Beijing with their children. Just like rushing for an exam. Because this is their pride, their honor. In a way, they are also their own avatars. I don’t know what everyone thinks about special forces. Anyway, I don’t think there is anything too great in the army. It’s just an important and valuable vassal. , when the special forces captain who wanted to assassinate that colonel saw that the colonel volunteered to serve in the special forces, he sighed: "My God! He gave up the chance to be a general!" As far as I know, being a special force in the United States The most promising thing is to be a major general, that is already the head of the Joint Special Operations Command, and the special operations officer has reached the peak of that role.

In fact, it’s all the same. It’s nothing to us small soldiers. It’s the same as being a soldier anywhere. Generals, those with an armored background can be generals, those with artillery backgrounds can be generals, and those with logistics backgrounds can be generals, but what about reconnaissance or special warfare?I don't think there will be much promise in official careers—reconnaissance and special warfare are important, but they are not the absolute main force of the army. ——These are too far away. What I want to say is that the official career of the chief officer of the reconnaissance company and battalion at the grassroots level is not so broad, because there can be many infantry regiments. Are there reconnaissance regiments?In particular, scouts are more independent in their business. Can you be the chief of staff and head of the tank regiment?There must be, but I haven't heard of it so far-I said that I am not a military friend and I have no enthusiasm for the appointment and dismissal of superior leaders in the army. I don't care about our country's national defense construction. I only care about my brothers and my friends. The old army because I have feelings for it. There is my sweat, my blood, my tears, my dreams, my youth, and my budding true love. I only have feelings for it, no hobbies. I don’t care about anything else. I care because I don’t like military I don’t like war I don’t like weapons I don’t like killing Drinking green tea likes this hobby, that is, I don’t like war. I was a soldier because I misunderstood the special forces. It’s a big misunderstanding. Although I love my brothers love my old army, I don’t regret this experience, but I don’t love war. In a word, I am a man. A pacifist through and through—although if there is a war in our country, I will be the first to be called up as a reserve member of the Special Forces to pick up my gun and go to the battlefield without hesitation. I want to make a belligerent speech in front of the BBS - let's go too far, let's continue the topic just now - this is the same as cutting ribs with a dagger - although it is sharp, it is powerless!Ten people can't wait for ten people to grab a position in such a birdy place in the army. Can it be the turn of the grassroots chief officers of these reconnaissance units?Are you really trying to be a career military officer?Difficulties in official career are not trivial. The father of one of my comrades in arms finally became the director of the political department of a provincial military region. I met him twice, once when he was a soldier. He was a junior in a military region. The second time I was the head of the Ministry of Political Affairs, the second time I passed by the provincial capital where my father was the director of the political department after retiring from the army, and stopped by to see his comrades-in-arms. I don't have anything to ask his father - what I want to say is that when I first met his father, his head was full of black hair. In just a few years, the top of his head has become so shiny that it can't support the center. ——This is the most intuitive change I have witnessed from a colonel to a major general.This is my understanding of official career, so when I graduated from university, I resolutely gave up the good job of being the secretary of the provincial party committee in my hometown, and became my freelance cultural vagabond.I'm not worried about the few hairs on my head. In the army, I have always had a very short scalp and a bald look, and I didn't think it was ugly. I couldn't afford to worry about it.Although I have been a soldier, I don't want to be an official because I have been a soldier.What kind of road is that? ——Huashan natural danger.Stop there.

——So most of the company commanders I saw off at that time had changed jobs. Are they not professional soldiers?Of course they are, the company commander of the reconnaissance company, if you pull one out at random, it will not be blown out, it will definitely be rolled out in the mud of the fire.But their careers as professional soldiers were short-lived.Although many of them want to be a professional soldier all their lives, the army will not give them this opportunity. Because it really doesn't need to be, it's a cruel reality. (Everyone likes the reconnaissance company and the special forces. It may be legendary and mysterious. This is what I said nicely-I want to say something ugly. Everyone just has a cruel curiosity and likes to watch close-range killings , I like to watch hand-to-hand combat, I like hand-to-hand combat, I find it exciting and beautiful, and I feel the pleasure of appreciating it.)

Therefore, this is often their greatest promise.Of course, it is their dream to become a special operations officer in the special forces, which is impossible for most of them. Age, knowledge level, education level, etc. are all restrictions.Even if there is a chance, can they go?Can they leave their own soldiers?The reconnaissance company is a unit with its own personality in each unit. In fact, the personality of the unit is the personality of the chief officer—especially the reconnaissance company. For these veteran company commanders, they are like their own children. Therefore, they pinned their hopes on us soldiers.

So, they stood there until our helicopter was too far out of sight of us and them.They hope that we will save face for them so that they will not be sent back, and hope that we will make some achievements so that they can satisfy their simple vanity. Of course, to a greater extent it is to realize their dreams. I boarded the helicopter full of hatred until I could not see my company commander. My hatred not only did not disappear, but multiplied.Although I am the only private, the other second lieutenants and non-commissioned officers are all excited, because it is the first time for everyone to ride a helicopter and look around like a sparrow Seeing everything that can be seen is always exciting and I am excited for a long time.

But I sat alone in the corner. I gritted my teeth and said this in my heart: "Gouri's special brigade, here I come!" I was completely down when I got off the plane. We were all thrown off the plane by the soldiers who came up, no matter the second lieutenant sergeant or me, the private, were ruthlessly thrown together and supported each other to get up for a long time. We were all kicked off and all got down. Then I saw officers and non-commissioned officers in camouflage uniforms walking quickly and standing in front of us, all smiling. We all know that this is called a smiling tiger. They are not recruits, they are all veterans of various reconnaissance units.

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