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Chapter 21 Chapter 21 I know what I know

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 1586Words 2018-03-18
I know it. I asked Xiaoying seriously: "Can you do me a favor?" Xiaoying silently took out a well-folded piece of paper from her pocket, and I took it over. It was a copy of the chest examination, but it was stamped with the red badge of the General Hospital on the chest. Xiaoying said indifferently: "Since I'm here, I know what you want. This chapter was stamped by the sister outside my chest. The stamped one is also valid even if it is a copy; there is also a serial number and a doctor's photocopied signature on it. Check it out." I looked at her moved: "How should I thank you?"

Xiaoying: "Actually, I didn't do it for you. Even if you weren't the 21st, I should have done this. My sisters and I did it for that comrade-in-arms. I don't want him to have an accident in the end, and we will all feel guilty for the rest of our lives." of." I nodded, as if I already regretted what happened to Chen Pai. With tears in her eyes, Xiaoying turned to me: "Can you promise me one thing?" I asked her, "What, you said?" Xiaoying looked at me silently, and put her right hand on my heart: "You promise me - you have gone to the special brigade, and you must come back to see me properly!"

I pulled her into my arms and held her tightly. Her tears soaked my camouflage tank top and dripped down my pecs. I bowed my head and kissed her lips, sweetly for the first time. We just hugged and snuggled together, watching the wild ducks flying around on the lake, watching the fishermen in the distance rowing oars leisurely, watching the unpredictable changes of the clouds in the sky, sometimes like horses and sometimes like eagles . We watched the sun go down until it was dark. She fell asleep in my arms and I didn't even move. I would rather just sit and hold her like this until I grow old.

Of course I handed this inspection report to Miao Lian, and Miao Lian handed it over to the superiors, and the soldier's three years of hard work were ruined just like that. I can't forget the resentful look he gave me when he left for the last time. My heart was stabbed severely. But I don't regret it, because I will regret what happened to Chen Pai for the rest of my life. So I won't let myself regret it again. Well, it's my turn. To go where I have to go, for everyone, and for myself. 17. No matter which side the wind comes from, I always close my eyes and pretend not to see——some questions Xiao Zhuang thinks about

In fact, writing this thing really made me very sad. Many times I avoided it because I didn’t want to immerse myself in this kind of pain. I have been in the army for three years, and the matter of Chen Pai is just the beginning. And this has made me unable to extricate myself for a long time. I can't imagine how to write the following story now.I have never been able to get rid of this emotion, including now. Because, because I'm really, really sad.While I don't regret writing this, I'm really sad. I don't know what words to use to describe it. Only sad. For a long time, I have been writing something made up, not this part of my life.Except for some prescribed reason—although that is not important anymore, there is also my own sadness, which I really dare not recall.Although I can see Chen Pai's smiling face now when I close my eyes, I really dare not think about it any further.

You all like war, you all like weapons, you all like to watch the killings between soldiers live on TV, or watch the killings that are beautified by old Americans in movies, but have you ever thought that what is really killing is not weapons, not cold Metalwork, but living warriors. On average, their age may really be less than 20 years old. Everything in life has not yet begun, they are killing or being killed, and then they are used by many people as a chat after dinner, and then by many websites as a picture to increase the click-through rate, and then their mutual killing and the body after being killed are still being used. Many people posted it on the BBS for exhibition.

Of course, I am not saying that the Internet is wrong, because the Internet is a product of technology, and there is nothing wrong with technology. So who is at fault? I don't know, and I don't think about it. I only know that soldiers are alive, they are alive, whether they are alive or dead, in the eyes of their relatives and lovers, they are all alive, just standing in front of them. Many soldiers were admired heroes during the war, but what about after the war?A warrior who is used to killing and fighting, can you tolerate it?Will you be friends with him?Would you accept him if you were a girl?

If I could choose again, I would really like that I have never been this soldier, and I am as carefree as before, commenting on killings in front of the TV. However, it was too late. I am writing this today, not because I like to write about killing. I also don't like to hunt for novelty, to satisfy some people's curiosity. The army is too special a group, and everyone's personality is unified in a strict commonality.That's all for nothing, the most important thing is that you have the affection of comrades-in-arms, that kind of brotherly affection, these are your wealth, but, often, it is also the pain that you can't get rid of in your life.

So no matter which side the wind came from, I closed my eyes and pretended not to see it. Although the heart is bleeding. These are just my thoughts. The story of the novel continues below, this is just my own thinking.
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