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Chapter 20 Chapter 20 Go where I should go

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 2277Words 2018-03-18
Back at the training base, Miao Lian didn't ask me what was going on with Chen Pai, and I didn't dare to say anything.In fact, he was still young at that time, how could Miao Lian not know?In fact, Miao Lian knew more than I did. He probably had already been informed of Chen Pai's future fate at that time. Of course, he would not share his sadness with me. But many years later, when I recalled Miao Lian's eyes, I realized that there was actually a trace of guilt in his eyes. However, this is not his fault, whose fault is it?In fact, there was nothing wrong with it, but there was such an irreversible result.

Who did I hate the most? What I hate the most is the "special brigade". Because of these four words, my Chen Pai's leg was ruined (I thought it was a leg at the time, because no one would tell me such a cruel result when I was less than 18 years old); I must retaliate severely for this In four words, I want to be the best and most outstanding special soldier, and then abandon this so-called honor.This was my true thought at the time, that kind of hatred was in my bones, a kind of flame that could burn my heart into iron and into steel. After our competition, the organizers of the military region arranged a series of activities for us, the top scouting troops in the valley, to show their condolences. In addition to the performances of the military art troupe, there were also tours of the scenic spots and historic sites in this tourist attraction, and local alliances, etc. Rausch of the series.

I didn't go there even once. Miao Lian knew that I was uncomfortable, so he didn't force me. I vented all the hatred in my heart on those competition facilities. Every day from the morning, I ran and practiced desperately. It wasn't until I was exhausted that I lay down on the beach of the lake and cried loudly. What am I crying about, I don't know myself. Then get up and run again, get up and practice again. Later, Miao Lian had to come forward to stop me, because the engineering soldiers at the end even looked at my strength, and no one dared to come up and tell me to stop practicing and let them dismantle things to restore the past, because they knew that one of our platoon leaders had an accident, and they also vaguely Heard about my brotherly relationship with him.

Under Miao Lian's persuasion, I stood on a high place on the shore of the lake and watched these temporary buildings disappear within a day, as if they had never existed. So where did my Chen Pai fall down?Who else can find it?Who else can remember? So where did all the sweat we shed go? Then Xiaoying came to see me. It was a weekend, and most of the troops who came to the training camp went to the city to play.I didn't tell her where I live, but it was too easy for the nurses at the General Hospital of the Military Region to find them. I was leaning on a tree and stood upside down. Then I saw Xiaoying jumping off the truck of our cooking class and rushing towards us. The cooking squad leader waved his hand, said thank you crisply, and then ran towards the tent where we lived.

The armed sentinel on duty tried to stop him, but he refused. The female soldiers themselves are exempt from inspection, not to mention the contest is over, there is no secret here. It had just rained in the past few days, and the water in the forest was very deep. The road we built with sandbags was left unattended due to the gradual dismantling of the training base, because the troops have been moving out one after another in the past few days.So the road was very muddy, I hurriedly turned over and got down to help Xiaoying. Xiaoying gave me a blank look: "You still know how to help me?"

I am simple-minded—many things are contagious, such as my accent. Later, there was a soldier from the Northeast in my class who was always nice to me. In the end, I sometimes had a Northeast accent. Some people still think I am from the Northeast, and I also I don't bother to explain; the expressions of the army soldiers are also the same, after staying for a long time, they are almost the same.Assimilation is powerful. Xiaoying laughed: "Look at you, you really don't recognize it? It doesn't count if you wear a camouflage vest, it seems that you even changed your head?"

I don't know how to talk to girls anymore, just happy. Xiaoying blinked and blinked: "Go! Go and see your kennel!" I took her over to see our tent. There was a soldier sleeping in it, so we came out.As soon as I got out of the tent, she took my hand. I was shocked like an electric shock, and let go quickly. Xiaoying: "What are you doing? Isn't it the time when you were in middle school and begged Fei to hold my hand for class?" I was nervous: "There is someone here!" Xiaoying: "What's wrong with someone? What's wrong with us?" She said, holding my arm generously.

The sentinels on duty looked silly and happy, and were also a little jealous. They didn't know how this little private was so lucky.Fortunately, Miao Lian was not around that day and went to the city, otherwise I would be in trouble. I quickly broke her apart and said, "The regulations say that soldiers are not allowed to fall in love! This is for people to see!" Xiaoying dangled her military cap, happily saying, "It's been so long since our military general hospital didn't talk about it and you still talk about it? Is this still you? My God! What the hell is the army? The sun comes out from the west Already?"

I smiled wryly, but I was still thinking about Chen Pai in my heart. Xiaoying followed me to the reeds of the lake, and I took off the top of my camouflage uniform and put it on the river beach for her. It's hot! Aren't you hot?" "It's caused by water vapor, we are used to it." I said lightly. She looked at my arm, which was full of scars, and the tendons were thick and strong. She sighed and said, "You are really different! People told me that the army is a big melting pot. I really didn't believe it. I just became a soldier. I don't believe it either—now I do, you've really changed."

I smiled lightly, not daring to say anything more, I know the power of her language. Xiaoying took off my training hat and looked at my face: "You really have changed a lot. I used to think you were just a little boy, but now you are really a man! - Scout, why don't you speak?" I laughed aloud: "Didn't you keep talking?" Xiaoying: "I'm telling you something seriously—did you know that the top 20 of your contestants will undergo physical examinations in our hospital?" I said I know. Xiaoying said indifferently: "There is one who is unqualified."

I was startled: "Really?!" Xiaoying nodded: "Yes, my roommate has one outside her chest, she knows what's going on." I asked her what happened. She said: "Heart disease, but it's not serious. It's also a problem from training. He said that it started last year when the scouts of the army scouts competed in business. Damn it, there are many physical injuries in the physical examination! I am also a soldier, but only then do I know what it is like to be a soldier. Most injuries and diseases do not affect training, but this soldier’s disease is different , will affect training. For example, skydiving and diving, he must not touch these." I asked him if he knew? Xiaoying nodded: "Yes, he begged the doctors and nurses not to disqualify him." I was stunned: "Why? Isn't this a joke with my own life?" Xiaoying said dejectedly: "He said that he has been preparing for 3 years, just for this opportunity, even if he dies, he will die on the training ground of the special brigade." I was shocked, how similar it was to Chen Pai! I asked Xiaoying what your hospital is going to do? Xiaoying: "If we want to hide it, the infirmary of the special brigade can't find out. They don't have the equipment for chest examination, so they still have to come to our place for investigation. The director of chest surgery must tell the truth, the soldier has already begged him several times. Oh my god. But I don’t know how to deal with it in the end. The soldier is very pitiful, the sisters in our house are very touched, and the director outside the chest is very embarrassed.”
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