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Chapter 9 Chapter 9 Do you want to be a soldier?

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 2054Words 2018-03-18
The person carrying the leather box immediately asked, "Do you want to be a soldier?!" It is the best choice for Xiao Miao to be a soldier——I have to proudly point out that Xiao Miao is a crystallization of the romantic legend of the cottage with only grandma.No one in his village discriminates against him, and they all like him, because he is naturally tall, and everyone doesn't like to take him hunting, and thinks it's a big movement.If he doesn't hunt and stays in the stockade, he will have nothing to do, so he might as well be a soldier.Grandma absolutely supports it. It is a great thing for a child to be a PLA in the stockade. Once the man with the leather box and his colorful soldiers entered the stockade, everyone wanted to send the child to serve as a soldier—and ended up wearing a leather box. I just fell in love with Xiao Miao, it was not a first impression, the company commander Miao told me that it was because there was a kind of aura in his eyes - I thought he was bragging about himself, I didn't see any aura after watching it for so long, but there was a lot of aura Domineering.As soon as Company Commander Miao left the training ground, all the brothers of the reconnaissance company had to train hard, don't talk and shout, he didn't even have to take a second look.

The process is not important, the result is the most important. As a result, Xiao Miao became a soldier, and was still a scout. Those wearing brightly colored clothes are the reconnaissance brigade of a military region who came to the front line to fight in rounds. They belong to our military region. The surname He carrying the leather box is a squadron leader below.Later, this Squadron Leader He also dealt with me, so I will talk about it later. Xiao Miao worked on the front line for a year, achieved second-class merit, and then returned to the military area with the reconnaissance brigade.The reconnaissance brigade was about to be disbanded, and Xiao Miao didn't know where to go—he didn't have any old troops in the first place. Although many troops wanted him, Xiao Miao identified Captain He.People in the mountains are successful, so they recognize friends.Captain He is the reconnaissance battalion commander of our division. When he was selected into the reconnaissance brigade of the military area, he was brought back to the division. He is the deputy company commander of Wild Species, and was rushed to our regiment's reconnaissance company by Commander He.No one dares to mess with him here

Then came the squad leader, platoon leader, deputy company commander, and finally the company commander.As a company commander, there is no way to get promoted, not only a diploma, but he knows everything except the tricks of "a rope and a knife" in the reconnaissance company.Later, my old unit was changed to a high-tech infantry division, and he was completely eliminated-the times make heroes, and the heroes will eventually be eliminated by the times. This is an undeniable truth from ancient times to the present. The first time I served Company Commander Miao to wash his face, I was shocked. First, an eyeball fell into the washbasin.Before I could get over the smell, he actually took that eyeball and rinsed it in the clean hot water in the washbasin, and then inserted it into the left eye.It was only then that I realized that his left eye was a fake eye. At that time, I was deeply moved. Only then did I begin to understand what a soldier is and what a tough guy is.

Company Commander Miao never speaks in a low voice, even if a family member calls, he can call the whole company and know.On the training ground, if he catches someone who is sloppy in rehearsal, he can immediately beat up the student officer who has just graduated from the military academy. He also beats those who came from the army, but they don't fight soldiers—even if the platoon leader is beaten, he doesn't dare to fight, otherwise The company commander also beats the platoon leader-so the platoon leader is afraid of the company commander, and we all love the company commander.You said that once such a company commander leaves the training ground, can everyone not train with their lives?

The company commander didn't have any schooling, but he is very proficient in this major of reconnaissance.He told me that I just learned by death, and there was nothing I could do.When he just came back from the war, he had almost practiced Mandarin (we agreed that his Vietnamese language was much better than Mandarin, because he was forced on the battlefield, as long as he could understand Mandarin, he would die if he didn’t speak Vietnamese well. Human), but I don't know anything about mathematics, physics and chemistry-everyone who has been a soldier knows what mathematics, physics and chemistry mean to the company commander of the reconnaissance company.But he learned it. The descendants of the Miao Orion who learned how to add and multiply without learning the multiplication table in physical chemistry class learned all the knowledge of mathematics, physics and chemistry that an excellent reconnaissance company commander should master—and By the time of the historic adaptation of our division, no one will have time to wait for him to learn high technology, and that is simply impossible...

Why does Company Commander Miao want me?He later told me that it was because I beat the squad leader, and I was a famous and excellent squad leader in the whole regiment. I don't ask, but it's not that I don't know.I actually played a veteran, he has to know me, he is a veteran, and the three giants of the regiment gave him three points.He first looked at my military training results, and then saw something in my eyes, which he said was very similar to his back then.When I looked in the mirror, I didn’t feel like it. I wished I could dig out one eyeball and pretend it was a false one—the company commander who loved me so sincerely at that time!

Company Commander Miao wants me to be a clerk, he wants to hammer me on purpose, so that I can become an excellent scout as soon as possible-he never thought about what to do after training, a person like him can't think so much, as long as he thinks you are suitable I have to train you to be a scout first, otherwise he will feel uncomfortable seeing you idle.Later, I really became an excellent scout, and only then did I realize that it was even more uncomfortable. There is no place to use the excess energy-he doesn’t care about this, he just wants to train you to be a scout, so as not to make him feel uncomfortable, and don’t see the materials being wasted.An army officer can crush people to death at the first level, let alone a veteran combat hero, captain and company commander?You can't do it if you don't want to practice. It doesn't matter what you do in the future, first satisfy his wish.

I left the reconnaissance company later, but Company Commander Miao is still fresh in my memory. He didn't tell me when he changed careers and came home, and that was a year later, when I was no longer in the scout company of our regiment - and he didn't tell any of the best scouts he ever had, he packed his bags himself, Then the deputy head sent a car to take him to the station.He insisted not to allow the deputy head to send him into the station, not even the driver, otherwise he would lose his face, entered the station by himself, and left. I kept thinking about this picture in my mind afterwards——

A veteran who joined the army at the age of 14, tall and thin, his left eye is a fake eye, which is a memorial left to him by the war; he wears a woolen officer uniform, no hat, no yellow rank epaulettes, and military medals And all the rewards are in the bottom of the box, that's all his splendor. Walking alone among the lively crowd. Since then, he has become a common man. Because his army no longer wants him, there is no place for him.A younger and more educated company commander replaced him.He was left behind by the modernization process of the army, far away. The car drove away, and the station was empty.

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