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Chapter 5 Chapter 5 The cold war between me and Lao Pao

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 2647Words 2018-03-18
How would you describe Lao Pao?In fact, he is not bad, his prestige in the army is quite high, his military skills are excellent, his behavior is simple, he was born in absolute poverty, and he can't eat without being a soldier.Non-commissioned officers like him account for a large proportion in many grassroots units. In other words, they are part of the cornerstone strength of the current army.Among the squad leaders of our recruit company, he is also the oldest and most prestigious, roughly equivalent to the role of the sergeant major in "Full Metal Jacket". But Lao Pao has a weakness, or a shortcoming.It's because of my petty mind. This is what other monitors told me later.I'm not one to divide people based on geography, as that's proven to be grossly unscientific.I also know a lot of Shanxi people, and many of them are very good friends, but Lao Pao is indeed the kind of Shanxi people in the legend.Small-minded, holds grudges, and likes to trick people secretly.At that time, a squad leader from my hometown joked to me in private, why his squad has always been the pacesetter of the whole regiment?The soldiers below were brought out, dare to be disobedient?

He persuaded me to apologize to Lao Pao, and to be sincere, and to be prepared for repeated defeats and repeated defeats. I just don't believe in this evil, I'm not wrong, what am I apologizing for?It's not that I want to run away?He wants to run away, but why am I apologizing? But I soon discovered the power of the old cannon.The reason why Lao Pao is codenamed Lao Pao by me is not without reason, and I have absolutely no idea to deal with you. First of all, no one in the whole class of recruits dared to answer me or talk to me much.Lao Pao probably knew it well after reading my file, and openly provoked the rural soldiers to fight against me.There is also an urban soldier in our class, from Fujian, who is as wilted as an eggplant. He dare not say that he graduated from high school, and usually pretends to be uneducated.

My complete isolation was only the first step, and I have never passed the internal affairs since then.Because every time I tidy up, as long as I don’t pay attention, go to the toilet or go out to talk to people, the quilt will definitely be messed up, and the inside is not particularly obvious, and it’s not obvious at all when I come back.At the beginning, I couldn't think of it at all. When the platoon leader checked, I always failed.I figured out the taste a few times like this, and I didn’t dare to leave after packing up, but Lao Pao would ask me to go out to talk about trivial matters, or let me go to the service agency to buy a pack of cigarettes or something for him.When I came back, I hurriedly cleaned up, and often the platoon leader had already arrived, and when he saw that I was still cleaning up, he wanted to clean me up.After I was cleaned up by the platoon leader, I was not considered an old gun, and then he cleaned me up, and even started a shift to let the whole class clean me up together.Later, my temper came up, and I finished what I should do, so that's it, love whoever, whoever likes to do whatever.

At that time, I really knew what is evil in human nature. Although I usually don’t talk to everyone (they don’t answer me), I still respect it very much, because if my father hadn’t joined the army at the age of 16 and then changed his career, he would still be a farmer today. .I actually have feelings for farmers. My uncle and aunt are still in the countryside.It's not that I want to create an image of myself as an urban soldier and a university student, it's Lao Pao who made it up on purpose. You can't see it on the surface, it's time to train, to eat, to take a shower, or what to do.But this kind of hostility was so contagious that all the recruits and squad leaders gradually ignored me, and even my fellow villager only dared to whisper something to me to warm my heart when it was my turn to stand at night.

Lao Pao is simply a natural activist. Later, I kept thinking that when the United States attacked Iraq, why didn’t Saddam come to Lao Pao to promote the Arab brothers, it must be useful. After two weeks of recruit training, Lao Pao gradually got a feel for the attitude of all the recruits. Knowing that no one would sue him, he began to punish me explicitly. First of all, he picked on the problem of my queue, and let me stand one step at a time, at least half an hour at a time, until the station was useless.Then there are all kinds of crawling, until my arms, shafts, and knees are completely dried out.Then there are various horizontal bar exercises, and no rest is allowed in the middle, which means that my movements are not good enough.

The most amazing thing, and what I admire the most about Lao Pao, is that he refuses to scold me or hit me. I never rest on weekends, Lao Pao can always find various names to loosen my muscles and bones.For example, at the 400-meter obstacle, I couldn't do it at first, but it took me more than 2 points to 3 points to get down. He trained me hard. He just refused to admit defeat, no matter how seasoned he was with me, I actually ran to 1:25 in the end, not only a record in the recruit company, but also the first and second in the whole regiment. Lao Pao saw that this was not enough, so he added subjects.It's called cultivating top recruits, let's get it, as far as my internal affairs performance is concerned, it's no wonder that I'm not the last or second.I have done all kinds of training. Under the personal supervision of Lao Pao, my military quality has not improved a little bit. In addition, although my brain is twisted, it is still relatively flexible. It is not slow to master. If he practices again, I will be consolidated and improved. .

In the first assessment of the recruit company, I was the first in military performance, and the last in internal affairs and politics. This incident alarmed the deputy regimental commander in charge of training. My joining the army itself was a matter of great concern to the regiment leadership.He specially came to the recruit company to understand the situation, but no one dared to tell.What kind of character is the deputy head?The veteran who was soaked in the army basically knew everything he thought when he narrowed his eyes. He talked to me, and I was blunt, telling the whole story about Lao Pao and me.The deputy head thought for a long time, but he didn't look for Lao Pao, but directly gave an order to our company commander to transfer me to my fellow villager's squad.

Only now did I realize that the army is a big family. The squad leader and I are fellow villagers, and the other brothers act according to the color of the squad leader.Gradually the relationship became harmonious.Moreover, my military quality and technology have improved a lot under the tempering of the old artillery, so my prestige has gradually increased. I'm used to being hammered by the old cannon hammer, and I'm also used to being hammered.As a result, every time I take a break, I can't be idle, so I go to the training ground to run obstacles and practice horizontal and parallel bars, otherwise I can't stand it.The family building of the group leader is just behind the training ground, and the balconies are all facing the playground, so they can be seen, so it is naturally well received.

I have received more and more praises, and I feel like becoming a pacesetter.I still see Lao Pao every day, he doesn't speak every time he sees me, I still call him monitor.This is the rule, otherwise I would ignore him and pass by. Just when I thought it was all over, something happened. One night while I was sleeping, the door of the class was kicked open.A few people rushed in and took the quilt to cover me, and I opened the hammer. I was beaten violently while I was still in my dream, and I woke up in pain.By the time I realized it, the person who came had already retreated as quickly as when he came.

As soon as the lights came on, all the cadres came. All the brethren in the class stared wide-eyed and dared not say anything. The cadres looked at my wounds and asked our monitor to take me to the infirmary to have a look.To be honest, there is really nothing outside, they didn't start, they hit the stomach directly.What I suffered was internal injury, probably not serious, they still have a sense of proportion, but it hurts! I gritted my teeth and went down to the infirmary with the support of the monitor.Passing by the garden construction site that our group was repairing, I tripped over something and looked down to see it was a shovel.

As soon as I pushed the squad leader away, I picked up the shovel and ran back. The squad leader hurriedly chased after him. I ran to the recruit company like a lunatic, and the soldiers on guard were dumbfounded.It happened that our platoon leader came up and kicked me to the ground and snatched my shovel.I took a hard bite on the hand he was pressing on me, and he let go with a cry. I got up and rushed to the barracks, rushed to Lao Pao's door without any mistakes, and kicked open the door: "Old Pao! I'll fuck you!" Lao Pao, who was obviously pretending to be asleep, got up all of a sudden, and the squad leaders in their room also got up, and they didn't sleep. I picked up the stool and smashed it: "Old Pao! I'll fuck your mother!" The old cannon head flashed and hit his arm.A few other people came up to press me, and I swung the stool to force them away: "It's none of your business! Get out of the way!" One monitor came up to grab my stool, and the other hugged me from behind.Then I was beaten, fisted and kicked. I kicked, bit, kicked and beat like a crazy little beast, and rushed to the old Pao who was holding his arm, and grabbed his hair (veterans in the army like to shave the bottom short and leave the top, so that Wearing a hat does not violate the regulations and has hair) Beat him hard. I can't remember why everyone else was dumbfounded. It may be because of my screams, or it may be that I don't want my life.It is an undeniable truth that everyone who is not afraid of death is afraid of death. At that time, I was swearing repeatedly with blood streaming down my face: "Old Pao! I'll fuck your mother!"
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