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Chapter 4 Chapter 4 My past with Xiaoying

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 1265Words 2018-03-18
I have to go back and talk about Xiaoying, because she has always occupied the most important position in my military career.When I finally took off my military uniform, I finally got rid of my spiritual attachment to her and dared to face a new life.Although I dream of her occasionally, her face has become blurred. Xiaoying is the first girl I like, in my life, she will always be a fantasy incarnation.Many years have passed, I shuttled between different girls, and many girls also shuttled between my different residences in different cities; until recently, I was still relatively fixed between two girls.One is married, one is not married, one is used to coming during the day, and the other is used to coming at night.

This is my real state of life now, coupled with the busy work, I don't have much time to miss the past and recall my youth. But now there is a new situation, that is, none of them will come. The virus sweeping China has made many people stay at home, including me and them.I never call them my women because they don't belong to me and I don't belong to them. When I am free, my mind has a lot of free time.Go to bed when you are full, eat when you wake up, and stare at the TV screen or computer screen in a daze for the rest of the time. I began to think about Xiaoying, what my kennel would look like if she was here.

I saw Kundera a long time ago, but I was surprised when I saw it.Because the living conditions he described were similar to mine, for example, never letting women stay in his home overnight.This is how I am. But Xiaoying can spend the night with me, if she wants, I am willing to snuggle in her arms. Actually, I never touched her. I have a crush on Xiaoying since the third grade of primary school.At that time, she was our school's lead driller, the little girl who led the drills on stage during recess, who else could there be except Xiaoying? Many of us young boys have a crush on her.

me too. The little shadow flew away like a butterfly, and the poems I wrote to her chased and chased like bees... It was just chasing in my heart, and she never read it afterwards. Later, when we were in junior high school, she and I were finally in the same class and at the same table. later…… Memory always seems to be biased. When we recall the past, we always unknowingly beautify the girl we first fell in love with.I can't escape this cliché.So, I'd better avoid some descriptions, because they are redundant.It is enough for you to recall your first love girl. Later, we fell in love.

Innocent childhood sweethearts, go to school, leave school, do homework together, nothing else, except that sometimes they hold hands in class and sneak around, but no one dares to do it in private, especially when they are alone together.I was very timid at that time, unlike later, when I had no scruples about girls. She cares about me like an older sister, and I depend on her like a younger brother. Later, I went to a key high school, and she went to an ordinary high school. Later, I really made a girlfriend and had a physical relationship.I thought I had forgotten Xiaoying. When we meet again, it will be the day when I take a break from school to sell pirated discs at home. The small shop I opened is opposite their compound.I didn't know she moved here.She loves music and movies, and we just got back together.There was no embarrassment, and I didn't feel anything.

But I dreamed about her. When I knew she was going to join the army—at that time, the situation was a little tense, with frequent drills along the southeast coast, and various rumors everywhere.I suddenly realized that I was so dependent on her existence. In fact, when I looked back, all the girlfriends I had found were of the same type as Xiaoying. So far, the girls I like are all long-haired, fair, slender and gentle.Like I’ve been living at home recently, watching Chnael every day, and there’s a new female singer named Wang Xinling, and I fell in love with it right away.Although I shouldn't be obsessed with this kind of little girl at my age, I still like it.

Because she looks like Xiaoying. I joined the army because of Xiaoying. And she haunted me my entire military career. Due to my mood, let me add a paragraph, the following is the story of me and Lao Pao.
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