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Chapter 2 Chapter 2 For love, join the army

Leave me the last bullet 刘猛 1734Words 2018-03-18
Memories are really a terrible thing. You can feel that the hardened shell covering your heart is breaking a little bit, and your heart hurts, because this kind of weakness has not seen the sun for a long time, and it is hidden in your own heart. In a dark drawer I dare not show others. I started writing poems when I was 9 years old, and novels when I was 11 years old. Every now and then, I also distributed some small pieces of tofu in a small corner of the newspaper.In my growing up experience, I was a sentimental little boy. When I was in elementary school, I could even be said to be delicate, belonging to the Baoyu type of little cream that is very popular with little girls.In addition to writing poems and novels, his personality is also very introverted.

My physique was not very good when I was young, but my father was the basketball coach in our small city, so I was thrown into his own basketball team by him when I was in elementary school, together with the big boys who were 17 or 8 train.It should be said that I am still very resilient. At the beginning, I could run 1000 meters when I couldn’t run 5 kilometers. After half a year, I could run 5 kilometers. My basketball skills have always been mediocre because I am not interested. My high school is a key middle school in our city.I am very good in liberal arts, history, politics, eagle language, etc., basically belong to the kind that can score above 95 without listening to lectures, but I am very poor in science, basically I have not passed, especially in mathematics, which is kept at 30 to 40.My composition is often a model essay for the whole school, and I have even participated in many national composition competitions and won many awards.Based on my situation, my teachers are very troublesome. If I can't do it, just leave it alone. The key is that they always think that I am a talented person.

My head teacher is a Chinese teacher, who takes me very seriously.He even wrote to his teacher at the university at the time and now the vice president of a well-known normal university, strongly recommending that I enter without examination.My father also contacted the sports college in the province and the sports departments of several universities, and wanted to use his relationship to send me to study sports management or something, that is, to manage the gymnasium. But my dream is to be a writer, or an artist. In my third year of high school, I took the professional examination of the Directing Department of the Academy of Drama, and passed with what can be called honors.This means that I don't have to take the math test, as long as it is not 0, it is a certainty that I will go to college.

I took the national college entrance examination and entered university. But I am not satisfied in college. I want to be famous, I want to write, but I don't have a life. So I offered to drop out. My class teacher at the university, I will remember him for the rest of my life. At that time, it was popular for students to start a business. Although it was impossible for me to start a business, he still won a place for me.That is to say, I can temporarily suspend my studies to experience the life I want to experience.This was very hard to come by back then, because I was just a freshman, and I went to school for half a month.

When I returned to my hometown, I started a small business of pirated discs, and lost a lot of money. I talked to a few girlfriends, and I didn’t do anything else. I felt empty and bored, looking for a freaking joy in between constantly changing girlfriends.I have to admit that I was precocious because I was only 17 years old at the time.It was a terrible thing and my father was very worried for me. In the blink of an eye, it was the end of the year, and after a few months of wandering, the winter conscription began. I didn't want to be a soldier, it was so far away from my life, I never thought about being a soldier.Although I also like to watch old American war movies, but movies are movies, and only fools become soldiers.

It was an impulse to join the army, because my first love girlfriend, Xiaoying, who was at the same table in junior high school, joined the army.She called me to say goodbye, and I went to see her. She was wearing a bulky winter training suit, and her small face was still pretty.Her hair is cut short. She is my first girlfriend, but I have never touched her, because she is the embodiment of a pure angel in my heart.We held hands at most in class, and we never even kissed me.I went to school early, and she is two years older than me, and has always taken care of me. In my heart, she is the ideal embodiment of a sister and a lover.Later, I was admitted to university, but she didn't, so she was waiting for a job at home.The purpose of being a soldier is to work in a bank when she comes back. Her parents are both bankers, so they have the ability.I have never realized her importance, and I only saw her a few times at classmates' reunions after I got home.

I asked her where she was going, and she said the name of a military region. I looked at her, held her hand, and impulsively said where are you going and where will I go.I really can't imagine a life without Xiaoying in my life. At that time, I read too many poems, so it was easy to relate to wars and disasters.And there were indeed some tense situations at that time, such as rumors that they would be liberated within a few years... I can't let her go alone.Only then did I realize the importance of Xiaoying to me, my first love, the incarnation of my angel. So I signed up for the military.

People from the Armed Forces were shocked when they saw my resume, but my school also supported it.My class teacher was very happy that I went through some hardships, he said it would be good for me.For the reform of the military service system, two years is acceptable.So the Ministry of Armed Forces approved it. My father was very happy, because he was transferred from the army. I received winter training uniforms, rubber shoes, quilts, backpack straps, etc., and then followed a group of recruits who had their heads shaved and boarded the train. Xiaoying is in the third car, and I am in the tenth car.

We are a military region. Knowing she was in the car gave me peace of mind. The train took my pure angel and me to a distant place. I was a little boy who liked to write poetry. I believe in love. So I joined the army. For love, join the army.
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