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Chapter 106 Section 6

loaded 刘猛 1740Words 2018-03-18
The ambulance team traveled through the urban area at high speed under the guidance of police cars. inside the car. Team B waited calmly, their masks rolled up over their heads so they could breathe comfortably.Xiao Zhuang held a 56-1 automatic rifle and looked calm. People were sending photos of the hostages, a beautiful little girl playing on a slide with a smile on her face.Xiaozhuang took the photo and looked at it carefully.Then hand it to Geng Duanhui. Geng Jihui held up the photo of the little girl and faced everyone: "The sky is big, the hostage is the biggest! Remember! Don't have any emotions! We are professional special forces, this is our job!"

The team members silently looked at the photos and clenched their weapons. At the hostage-taking scene, the situation is still deadlocked. The police separated the crowd and put up a cordon.The ambulance team made its way through the crowd and stopped in the circle of police cars. The car door opened, and the captain of the criminal police stood below: "We are here." The high school team frowned and looked at the media reporters among the crowd: "What's going on? Shall we come down for an exhibition?" The captain of the criminal police smiled wryly: "Reporter, the uncrowned king."

"The reporter is a Transformer, isn't he afraid of bullets? You clear the scene, and all irrelevant people, including the ambulance team, rush to a place where they can't see it!" The captain of the criminal police nodded: "Okay, I'll do it right away!" "This is not the time to talk about freedom of the press. Capa is really not afraid of death if he dares to shoot on the front line. What about them? It's bullshit, I don't know!" The captain of the criminal police smiled wryly: "Don't worry, two minutes." He closed the car door and picked up the walkie-talkie: "Attention, this is 202. All units immediately organize personnel to clear the scene, no matter who it is, all rush to a place where you can't see here! Are you sure? "

There was a "clear" answer on the radio. After the chaos, the scene was quiet, and the police and armed police ran over to occupy all the points.On the roof, the SWAT snipers were also in place quickly. The captain of the criminal police turned and opened the car door: "The special forces can come down." The team members clattered out of the car with their weapons and equipment, and ran over with the high school team and the motor. The on-site temporary headquarters is an open space surrounded by several Iveco police cars, with long tables and monitors placed on the tables to transmit on-site images.Several police officers are watching.

The criminal police captain ran in with the special forces. The picture of the little girl is hung next to the monitor. The three monitors transmit the images of the street at the entrance of the fast-food restaurant and the front and rear doors of the fast-food restaurant. You can see the crying little girl sitting on the counter inside, but the robber cannot be seen. . The high school team took a step forward: "To make a long story short, I want to know the distribution of the gangsters, the condition of the weapons, and the power of the explosives. The criminal police captain brought the map: "This is the map of the fast food restaurant. We numbered the robbers No. 1, 2 and 3. This is their location. The front of the fast food restaurant is full of large glass, which is convenient for us to observe, but also convenient for them Defense. No matter what we do, we can't hide it from their eyes."

The high school team, Motor and Group B carefully looked at the map and listened to the introduction.The high school team shouted: "Timberwolves!" "Take your people to survey the scene. I want you to formulate an action plan yourself, and Gray Wolf and I will serve as advisors and backup." "Yes! Team B, survey the site." Geng Jihui picked up the whole map and led everyone away. Between several police cars. Group B lay down in a line with the help of police cars. Xiaozhuang's telescope searched the entire block, and reported from time to time: "Their vision is very good. There is no possibility of approaching the ground... The assault team can only slide down from above if they want to go in, and break through the glass to force their way in."

Qiangzi thought: "Let's get down from above, and I'll be in charge of throwing the flash bomb." Lao Pao looked at the map: "Timberwolves, I want to go to the back door to scout." Geng Jihui nodded: "Go, pay attention to the smoothness of the radio." Lao Pao picked up his weapons and equipment, got up and ran away. Deng Zhenhua looked at the map, picked up his binoculars to observe the scene, and the truck at the entrance of the restaurant and the pile of cardboard boxes appeared in the camera.He put down the binoculars, pointed to the pile of cardboard boxes and said, "What is that unlucky truck doing there?"

Shi Dafan chuckled: "It is obvious that the cargo is being unloaded. The incident happened suddenly, and it was just half unloaded." "What's in the box? Is it a flammable and explosive object?" Shi Dafan looked carefully at the trademark: "No, it's a banana." Deng Zhenhua smiled: "Hygienist, do you know? Bananas are my favorite." Shi Dafan smiled and picked up the binoculars: "The ostrich has found a place." Geng Jihui looked at him: "You want to use that as a sniper position?" Deng Zhenhua picked up the binoculars: "The pile of bananas is only ten meters away from the No. 1 robber. It can be used as a cover for close-up shooting. It is a good concealed position. The bald-tailed wolf and I tried to move forward to that position, and I shot. He saves lives - I hope the hygienist is a real doctor and not a fake!"

Geng Jihui picked up the binoculars to take a closer look, then put it down, he smiled: "You have a long way to go - you have to crawl over like a snail." Shi Dafan laughed: "I love to eat snails, they have high nutritional value." Deng Zhenhua looked at him in shock: "Is there anything else you don't like?" Shi Dafan chuckled: "Ostrich." Geng Jihui glared at them, and the two immediately shut up. The back door is also where the police gather. Lao Pao rushed over with a weapon in his hand. The policemen looked at his attire and stepped aside.

Old Pao cautiously approached the back door, observed carefully, and reported into the headset: "Timberwolves, Mountain Wolf report, no booby traps were found at the back door. The back door is made of iron, and it needs directional blasting. It's over." "Mountain Wolf, return to the team. It's over." "Mountain Wolf received it, it's over." He turned and ran away with his weapon in hand, before leaving, he said: "You must control this place!" "Don't worry!" said the policeman.They watched the old cannon with a 56-1 submachine gun move steadily away.

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