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Chapter 94 Section 1

loaded 刘猛 1242Words 2018-03-18
Everyone was busy changing into new Special Forces camouflage uniforms and black berets, all smiling.Xiao Zhuang was wearing an Army 87 camouflage uniform, sitting motionless on his bed.The camouflage uniform, black beret, and army boots lay on the bed beside him.As if it had nothing to do with it. Qiangzi wiped his new military boots, turned to look at Xiao Zhuang: "Why don't you change your clothes yet? The enlistment ceremony is about to start?" Xiao Zhuang still didn't move. Lao Pao came over and stroked Xiao Zhuang's forehead: "What's wrong with you? Have a fever?"

Xiao Zhuang looked up at him, hesitant to speak. Shi Dafan came over and stroked his forehead: "Are you okay? What's the matter?" Deng Zhenhua looked at Xiao Zhuang: "It seems that he planned it for a long time." Shi Dafan looked at him: "What has been planned for a long time?" Deng Zhenhua looked at him in shock: "You have a brain smaller than an ostrich! Look at his eyes, are you planning to join the special forces? I dare say that his current idea is to dismantle this army!" Geng Jihui heard it, came over and knelt down and looked into Xiaozhuang's eyes: "What's wrong with you?"

Xiao Zhuang didn't speak, but lowered his head. "You can tell me if you have something to say, we are brothers!" Xiaozhuang slowly pushed his hand away: "You won't be brothers with me anymore...I know, you love special forces." Geng Jihui looked at him strangely: "What do you mean? Don't you love me?" "do not love." Ma Da came in with a smile: "Why aren't you ready yet?" Everyone stood up, Xiaozhuang did not stand up. Ma Da looked at Xiao Zhuang wonderingly: "What are you doing?" Xiaozhuang looked at Ma Da, hesitant to speak.

"I want you to stand up! Answer the questions!" Xiao Zhuang was heartbroken and couldn't stand up. Ma Ma looked at him in shock: "Are you out of your mind? Do you know who you are facing? Do you know the discipline of the army?!" Xiao Zhuang muttered: "Grey Wolf, I know you are very kind to us...I don't want to tell you, you should find him." "Who?" "Wild wolf." Ma Da looked at him: "You better know what you're doing." He turned and walked out. The brothers all looked at Xiaozhuang and looked at each other in blank dismay.Xiaozhuang was unmoved, without squinting, and made up his mind.

The high school team came in and stood beside Xiaozhuang: "What are you doing?" Xiaozhuang stood up, looked at the high school team and said word by word: "I quit." Everyone was taken aback. Lao Pao pulled him anxiously: "Alright, what nonsense are you talking about?" Xiao Zhuang broke away from him: "It's not nonsense, I thought about it when I came here, I want to go back to the old army." Qiangzi looked at him: "Then what are you doing here? What kind of evil have you got?" "I'm here to quit today." "Tell me your reason." The high school team was expressionless.

"I don't care about your Spike Special Forces at all. I'm here to tell you - I can do it but I don't care! I want to go back to our regiment!" The high school team was really hit, his face twitched, and it took him a long time to say slowly: "What did you say?" Xiao Zhuang continued to say: "I don't care about it! I'm here to tell you that you are nothing special!" "I don't care! I don't care! I don't care!" The high school team gritted their teeth, and he breathed heavily.Xiao Zhuang did not back down, staring into his eyes.The high school team picked up the special forces uniform on Xiaozhuang's bed: "Take your things and get out!"

He turned around, got into the car and left. Xiao Zhuang is still so cold. Ma Da looked at him, and thought about turning to the others: "You go out and get in the car to participate in the team entry ceremony." Everyone looked at Xiaozhuang anxiously, and went out one after another.Xiaozhuang was unmoved. The car outside drove away. Xiao Zhuang sat down silently in the empty tent and began to organize his things. After a while, the off-road vehicle of the high school team drove fast and stopped at the door of the tent.He got out of the car and rushed in. Xiao Zhuang stood up.

The high school team looked at him for a long time: "Follow me!" Xiao Zhuang went to get his rucksack. "You don't need to bring anything, someone wants to see you." The high school team turned around and went out.Xiao Zhuang was stunned for a moment, his heart sank, and he went out. The high school team was starting the off-road vehicle. As soon as Xiao Zhuang jumped into the co-pilot position, the off-road vehicle rushed out immediately.
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