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Chapter 47 Section 3

loaded 刘猛 3903Words 2018-03-18
This is a construction site.A large crane stands outside the construction site.The police cars that arrived first surrounded the place, and the patrolmen pointed at the construction site with miniature submachine guns and pistols as if they were facing an enemy. Lao Pao was hidden in the building, with a bandage on his left hand and a sniper rifle in his right hand. He leaned on the scope to look at the situation below.The truck drove into his field of vision under the guidance of the police car, the back door opened, and the special police officers in black jumped out.Qiangzi was leading the team, and he directed the team members to approach in a concealed manner.

Lao Pao frowned, and the scope of the sniper rifle followed Qiang Zi.Qiangzi decisively commanded the team members to deploy the cordon and enter the scene with a low profile. Old Pao showed a bit of bitterness: "Good boy, you really have made progress." Qiangzimao held a 05 micro-charger at his waist, and led his special police team to the back of the police car.The patrol captain is waiting for him: "Strong team? Are you going out in person?" Qiangzi nodded with a complex expression: "He is a very strong opponent, are your people not injured?" "No, he didn't shoot. But this grandson ran for his life so fast that he disappeared if he didn't pay attention!"

Qiang Zi picked up the telescope to observe: "He doesn't want to conflict with you." "You know him?" Qiangzi put down the binoculars: "He is a comrade in arms of my special forces." The patrolman looked at him and said nothing.Qiangzi took the on-site map and looked at it carefully: "Sniper team, you all go to control point A to stand by, go now. Finish." "Received, over." The snipers and observers of the sniper team got up and ran to the nearby building. "Assault Group A, control point C is on standby; Assault Group B, control point D is on standby. Finished."

"Received, it's over." The eight special police officers behind got up, divided into two groups and quickly entered the position. Qiangzi looked at her: "Why are you here? There are no hostages here, and there is no negotiating team business!" "I've read Zheng Sanpao's information, he used to be a soldier!" "Yes, it's my old comrade-in-arms." "I know. He is a soldier, or a special soldier who has received many years of education and training. It may be helpful to talk to him!" "He won't talk to you at all."

"I'm an expert in negotiation, and I have studied the psychology of violent criminal suspects more thoroughly than you!" "He is not a suspect of violence, he is the old squad leader of the special forces! Do you understand?! You have no idea what is going on in the brains of the special forces. He has received the most brutal anti-psychological warfare training, and no one can persuade him to let go arms!" "Why are you yelling at me? I want to help you. Do you really want to go in and fight him? If you can fight without bloodshed, isn't that the best result?"

Qiangzi looked at Xiaolei, then turned to the building: "We can't catch him!" "Can't all of us catch him alone?" Qiangzi's expression was gloomy: "He has received the best training, unless he dies in battle, he will not be caught." Xiaolei looked at him sympathetically: "Then what are you going to do? Take someone in and tell him..." Qiangzi shook his head: "No, there will be casualties. I will go in alone." "you alone?" Qiangzi nodded: "I'll go talk to him." Xiao Lei grabbed his combat vest: "Are you crazy? You just told him that he received the best training!"

"He's not going to shoot me." "why?" "Because, we swear—to live and die together!" Xiao Lei was stunned. Inside the building, Lao Pao was hiding behind a pillar. He held out a small mirror, and the black head of the sniper team on the opposite building appeared in the mirror.He retracted the lens, and then removed the bandage on his left arm. He moved a little bit, and it hurt, but he didn't care so much. He clenched the pistol tightly in his right hand, thinking nervously. His gaze turned to the crane outside the building.Lao Pao was thinking about something, when he suddenly saw movement below.He picked up the scope and observed—Qiangzi left the gun behind him and walked in with bare hands, without helmet or mask.

He got on the work elevator, and the elevator was going up. Qiangzi looked down with a complicated expression, and there were many policemen.He smiled wryly. The elevator stopped and Qiangzi came out.The sniper was watching him: "Wolf, I saw you, and I will provide you with fire support. Over." Qiangzi walked: "No shooting without my order. It's over." The sniper asked wonderingly: "What if I lock the target? It's over." "Never repeat my words a second time, over." The sniper responded: "Got it, it's over." Qiangzi walked slowly to the middle of the building and stopped.Lao Pao took out the mirror and shook him twice.Qiangzi walked over slowly and stretched out his hands: "Mountain Wolf..."

"What do you want to say? Say it." Lao Pao hid in the blind spot where the sniper shot, without showing his face. Qiangzi walked slowly: "Put down your weapon, you are surrounded." "It's impossible, you know me." Qiangzi didn't stop: "You also know the Chinese police." "The police who can catch me haven't been born yet!" Qiangzi walked to the pillar: "The police can shoot you dead." Old Pao laughed: "Then let the special police you trained come and try!" Lao Pao looked up at Qiang Zi.Qiangzi smiled wryly and pressed the talk button on the walkie-talkie: "My equipment belongs to you, I can't help you otherwise."

Old Pao nodded: "Understood." Qiangzi released the call button on his right hand: "Shanlang, you surrender..." Lao Pao's pistol was on his forehead: "Never! Tell your people to evacuate, or I will kill you!" He immediately pulled off Qiangzi's headset and smashed it. roof.There was a sharp radio noise in the sniper's headset. He was shocked and quickly switched to the alternate channel: "The wolf has been hijacked! Repeat, the wolf has been hijacked! It's over." On the ground, the deputy team leader also switched to the backup channel: "Can you kill the target? It's over."

"I can't see the target, the wolf is blocking it! Over." Xiaolei asked anxiously, "What's going on?" The deputy team leader gritted his teeth and said, "Assault on group A, group B is ready—follow me in! It's over." Assault Group A and Group B both stood up, holding bulletproof shields on their waists, and marched closely in the battle column. Xiaolei shouted anxiously: "Accidents will happen to the strong team!" The deputy team leader asked her back: "Then what do you say?!" Xiaolei said sternly: "There is a hostage-taking incident at the scene. According to the procedure, the negotiating team should intervene first!" The deputy team leader smiled bitterly: "Are you going to talk to him?" Xiaolei stared at him: "Are you going to revise the emergency response plan?" The deputy team leader said helplessly: "Send me an order—stand by, stand by!" Assault Teams A and B stopped, took cover and hid.Xiaolei picked up the tweeter and shouted, "Old Pao? Are you really going to take your comrade-in-arms hostage?" The veteran in the building froze for a moment: "Your negotiator?" Qiangzi smiled wryly: "Yes." He handed over the micro punch and the bulletproof vest to Lao Pao, and helped the injured Lao Pao put them on. "Sounds like a beautiful woman, does she seem to really care about you?" Qiangzi gave him the walkie-talkie: "Switch to channel 02, which is our spare channel. Take it with you, it's useful." Lao Pao picked up the walkie-talkie, took off the wireless headset cable on it, and pressed the call button: "Mountain Wolf calls the police, it's over." The deputy team leader was startled, and then shouted: "I am the deputy team leader of the Black Hawk SWAT team, is the wolf in your hands? It's over." "Correct, over." "Listen, if he loses a hair, I swear it will make your life worse than death! Over." "I only talk to negotiators, over." The deputy team leader looked at Xiaolei, who anxiously took off his headset and put it on: "I'm from the negotiation team, what do you want?" "I want a car. Your people evacuate 200 meters from the scene. Over." "You know that's impossible! Can you offer some constructive advice? Over!" "I won't repeat the request, over." Xiaolei said anxiously: "I don't have this authority! It's over." "Then let the sniper team withdraw first, over." Xiaolei pressed the headset to stop the call, and looked at the deputy team leader: "He asked the sniper team to evacuate." The deputy team leader shook his head: "That's impossible! We can't compromise with criminals!" "That's an old special soldier who came out of the same unit as the strong team. The strong team will die!" The deputy team leader gritted his teeth: "But I can't compromise! If it's a strong team, he will definitely do the same!" "Can't catch, he's very cunning." Xiaolei said decisively: "Let him get down and get in the car." She looked at the deputy team leader and said sternly, "Snipe him on the road! Your snipers are at a high place, no matter how much he uses a strong team as cover , will still be sniped! As long as they pass the training, this is not a problem." The deputy team leader looked at her: "I didn't expect you to have such a mind?" "I've been partnering with him in the Scouts for half a year." The deputy team leader nodded: "Okay - go and arrange a car, remember to destroy the fuel tank indicator! The fuel in it can run up to five kilometers, and the development zone is five kilometers away. There are few cars and people, and we can start our business there. Action. Is it clear?" "Clear." A special police officer got up and ran quickly to prepare the vehicle.Xiaolei let go of the headset: "Shanlang, did you get an answer. It's over." Old Pao's voice came: "Mountain Wolf received it, it's over." "The sniper team is evacuating immediately, and vehicles are also being prepared for you. Don't hurt the hostages, over." "Got it, it's over." He turned off the call button, "The language is quite professional." Qiangzi smiled wryly: "It's my partner." Old Pao nodded: "It's okay, I haven't forgotten where I came from." Qiangzi said seriously: "You have to be careful next time, the Black Hawk team was trained by me." Old Pao smiled: "Then I'm really relieved." "What time is it, are you still joking? Is anyone picking you up?" Old Pao nodded: "They are outside." "How are you going to get out? Really drive out? The car will play tricks." Lao Pao looked at the crane: "I know this. Gasoline is definitely not enough to drive for five kilometers—it can't go to the ground, I have to go to the sky." Qiangzi looked at his left arm: "You are injured, can you do it?" Old Pao smiled: "Don't forget, pain is a common occurrence for us." He said, taking off the climbing equipment and climbing ropes on Qiangzi's body to check: "It's really good, you are quite knowledgeable, you are worthy of being a lone wolf." of." "Be careful yourself, I can't help you anymore. Take care!" Lao Pao smiled faintly, took the climbing rope with his right hand and wrapped it around his right arm, and grabbed the flying tiger claw at the end of the climbing rope. He suddenly got up, rushed to the side of the building, jumped up, and flew out in the air.At the same time, the flying tiger claw of his right hand was thrown out, hooking the long arm of the crane.Lao Pao used his inertia to shake off and slide down, swinging his body far away. downstairs.Xiaolei and the special police were also dumbfounded.The deputy team leader of the special police came to realize: "Group A, group B, follow me!" The two groups got up and rushed out after him quickly. Xiaolei looked upstairs.Qiangzi appeared beside the building, he watched Lao Pao's figure swinging to the outside, then he lowered his head and saw Xiaolei.Xiaolei looked at Qiangzi with a puzzled expression.Qiangzi showed no expression, turned around and went down. on the street.A van was waiting with the doors open and the engine off. Lao Pao slid down the rope and landed firmly. He untied the D-ring around his waist and ran to the van. The special police chased them out, raising their weapons. Lao Pao flew into the car, and the van drove away at high speed. The SWAT officers shot in the back, and the car's rear window was shattered, but the car turned and ran. "Stop shooting! Stop shooting!" the deputy team leader of the special police shouted, "This is an urban area, prevent stray bullets from accidentally injuring the masses! Headquarters, headquarters, the target has escaped, start a search immediately! The suspect vehicle is a white gold cup..." On the construction site, Qiangzi stepped out of the elevator, and his weapons and equipment were gone.Xiaolei ran over: "Strong team!" "I missed it." Qiangzi's face was ugly. Xiaolei stared at Qiangzi's face and said in a low voice, "Tell me, what's going on?" "I missed and underestimated him." "I do not believe!" "I did miss it." Xiaolei grabbed his arm and looked into his eyes: "I know you, you will never compromise with the criminal, you will only blow his head off!" "Tigers also doze off sometimes. Well, there is no need to argue, I will report to Mr. Fang, and I will bear the responsibility." The deputy team leader came over with the special police officers and stood opposite Qiangzi with incomprehensible eyes.The deputy team leader asked him: "Bad wolf, why did you hand in your gun?" Qiangzi smiled wryly: "Because I am afraid of death, I understand him." SWAT A spat and looked at him contemptuously.Qiangzi pretended he didn't see it: "Take the team back, I'll do an inspection when I go back, and receive all punishments." He walked around the wall of the SWAT team silently and walked outside. "Strong team!" Xiaolei looked at Qiangzi's back, anxious. Qiangzi didn't turn his head back: "I'm afraid of death, I accept all punishments!" Captain Li has been watching Qiangzi in the peripheral police car.Qiangzi also saw him, but still didn't show any expression.He drove away at a high speed in front of everyone's eyes.
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