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Chapter 14 Fourteenth duel after dinner

alcatraz 流浪的蛤蟆 1879Words 2018-03-12
The bald instructor Wei Ruier said lightly: "This is just a small lesson. If you are still not satisfied, I can kill you and throw it out to become a zombie!" The wolf king seemed to be very concerned about becoming a zombie, so he didn't get angry.Jack easily passed the wolf king's side, bowed very respectfully to the bald instructor Werrell, and then stood in front of the bald instructor properly. "Recruit Jack, report to Instructor Verrell!" "Recruit Wang Lin, report!" I dragged the Eight Wells Mantra and stood with Jack. He who knows the current affairs is a hero, and I don't want to be "not a hero" at all.

"Okay, I'll give you one day to adjust your mind and body, and start training tomorrow morning. Two people in one barracks, that kid, you can stay with the one you carried until the 29th!" When I realized that the kid was referring to me, I saw Instructor Verrell pointing to the barracks.With no other choice, I dragged the Eight Wells True Talisman and went straight to the barracks.The barracks is just a simple military tent, which is far worse than the guest rooms in the Alcatraz Hotel.I casually threw the Eight Wells True Talisman on the camp bed, and seized the time to perform an unknown mental method.In this place where strength is everything, if I don't seize all the time to strengthen myself, I am afraid that my life will not be lost in a long time.

When I woke up, it was already afternoon, and the Eight Wells True Talisman was no longer in the barracks.Taking advantage of this opportunity, I summoned my Book of Demons, sighed at the two newly mastered abilities, and said in a low voice, "When will I become stronger?" nameless martial arts The first level of mentality of extremely strong internal strength Eight Vessels of Extraordinary Meridians Practice progress 2 Extremely fierce internal force 48/316 Basic Knife Technique Practice progress 0 Although there are only eighteen simple movements, it covers all the tricks of using a knife.

It is the basis of all knife techniques and can only be mastered by repeated practice. Gently stroking these two cards, I thought to myself: "Thanks to Fang Lingxue's gift of the internal force card, now I have enough tough internal force. Next, I should start practicing basic knife skills and practice flying sand and stones earlier. Then I will think about it." Find a way to find more powerful tricks." I took out the silver long knife that I took from Yai Zhenfu, and I was immediately refreshed.As soon as I got the long knife, I felt a change in my body.Cards can only be effective if they are placed in the Book of Demons, while treasures are just the opposite, they must be worn on the body to be effective.That's why Tianhong, the beautiful girl from the iceberg, never leaves her sword 24 hours a day.

Long Sword Gu Yue Tier 3 treasure Has the power to slay demons The user's speed is increased by three times, the jumping ability is increased by five times, and the basic knife skills are increased by 80 points. Extremely sharp, strong and difficult to break "No way, Yajing Zhenfu's knife is too easy, this basic knife bonus is just tailor-made for me!" I caressed this silver long knife excitedly, I will not return it to Yajing Zhenfu no matter what I say now.I played with a knife casually, and I practiced basic knife skills several times in the barracks. Although there are only 18 simple movements in basic knife skills, it covers all the tricks of using a knife.When I practiced for the first few times, I would increase my practice almost every time, but when I became familiar with these eighteen movements, my progress began to slow down, and the growth of basic sword skills also began to stagnate.

When the basic knife skills reached 94 points, I practiced more than ten times before I improved a bit, and then I practiced 20 or 30 times, but I didn't feel the slightest improvement, and my knife skills stayed at 95 Points no longer increase. At this moment, I felt someone approaching from outside the camp, so I hurriedly put away the long knife Gu Yue, and practiced the knife technique for several hours, my whole body was sweating profusely from exhaustion, and my muscles were also throbbing. Signs of excess. "Wang Lin, the training camp is about to open dinner, do you want to come to eat together?"

The gentle voice of the Eight Wells True Talisman sounded outside the tent, I hurriedly responded and walked out of the tent. "During lunch, I saw you were practicing, so I didn't bother you, but if you don't eat dinner, you won't have the strength to train tomorrow." He didn't ask about Chang Dao Gu Yue, and of course I wouldn't bring it up myself . Although I was a little guilty, I acted calmly and said to him: "Thank you!" and walked side by side to the cafeteria of the training camp.Fang Lingxue said that there are one hundred and eighty-five people in the novice training camp, counting the four of us, that's about two hundred.When I saw that the cafeteria was full of burly men, my heart was still a little broken.

"Isn't there anyone around my age or build here? Why are they all the size of a wolf king?" I saw Jack. This man with a height of more than 170 centimeters was originally considered tall and straight, but here he became After leaving the dwarf, the wolf king sat beside him, and the two occupied a table. When Yai Makoto led me to rush over, some unfriendly guys deliberately provoked me.However, the bald-headed instructor, Wei Ruier's management methods are good, these people are just teasing, and no one really intends to do anything. Rich food has long been placed on the dining table. From the content point of view, there is a combination of Chinese and Western connotations. The staple food includes rice rolls and bread, and the side dishes are roasted oily turkey and fried lentils.

I haven't eaten all day, and I have practiced the sword technique for so long, and my physical strength has been exhausted. I am so hungry that I am almost flat.Grabbing the food in front of him casually, he devoured it. The wolf king saw how I was eating, he laughed a lot, and then said: "King! I have some good news for you. I just made a duel with another small team. The winning side can get all the cards and treasures of the opponent. , the loser..." He stretched out his hand and made a scratching gesture on his neck, the ferocious smile on his face remained unchanged. I nearly choked myself to death on the dinner table with one bite of roast turkey.It's only been a few hours, and this bastard actually even managed to fight a duel. Doesn't he know that I don't like others to book a copy for me?

When Jack's somewhat lukewarm eyes fixed on me, the cold chill appeared again.I was afraid that he would see that I was just a paper tiger, so I could only stiffen my neck and nodded slowly.
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