Home Categories Internet fantasy alcatraz



  • Internet fantasy

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 1253114

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Chapter 1 Witnessing a murder scene for the first time

alcatraz 流浪的蛤蟆 1958Words 2018-03-12
"Ye Ying won't like you, why do you have to keep an eye on her?" I said to myself dozens of times in my heart, but I couldn't help but wait for her on this road, this is my ninetieth Waited for Ye Ying on the way home eight times.As a first-timer in love, the only way I know how to chase girls is this stupid way. In my first year of high school this year, I fell in love with this girl almost the first time I saw Ye Ying from Class 6. I spent more than a semester chasing her but made little progress, and even caused a lot of negative effects.For example, Ye Ying would often change the route home, leaving me waiting for hours.

"Oh, it's almost nine o'clock, let's just go home." I rubbed my thighs that were about to become sore and numb, and was about to get up from the corner when suddenly several men with hurried steps broke into the alley where I was hiding. "Fang Baichuan, if you don't hand over this thing, you will die here today!" Hearing this sentence, I trembled all over, not daring to move. "I've met a murderous gangster!" As if to confirm my idea, those men started fighting soon after the quarrel, and they all seemed to know how to fight, which was more intense than in the movies Wonderful, I secretly enjoyed watching it very much.

It wasn't until a man in a black suit fell beside me, his eyes were staring at the sky like a dead fish, his throat was cut open, and a cloud of blood spurted out beside me, did I start to feel terrified. "These people really killed people!" The first time I saw a dead person, I was so scared that I couldn't move my hands and feet.All eyes were fixed on the dagger held in the dead man's hand. "Will they kill people to silence me? I hope they don't find me! Damn, I said I would stop chasing Ye Ying. If I were at home now, I wouldn't have encountered such a thing!"

"Fang Baichuan, you are good at martial arts. You are worthy of being a special police officer. Before, my brothers didn't know that you were an undercover agent, so they admired you. But today you will not survive. Where is the thing? Tell me!" That unlucky guy who was hunted down killed four people, but his body was covered in blood. I can't see that he is actually a policeman, but I guess I can't count on this uncle policeman to save me. He I need someone to save me. "Axe, you have always been a man in the organization. Give me a good time, there is no way I will give this to you!"

"Hmph, Fang Baichuan, without that, Lord Guan would definitely kill us. Do you think I'll let you go?" The man called the ax had a ferocious expression on his face. The two killers, one at a time, slashed at the legs of the man named Fang Baichuan, and then started a body search. Fang Baichuan thought it was in severe pain, he couldn't help screaming in a low voice, and rolled around in the alley.The two men in black couldn't hold Fang Baichuan for a while, they took a few steps forward, and immediately saw my presence. "Brother Axe, there is a child!" Seeing the panic in my eyes, Fang Baichuan was about to shout and let me run away, but when he saw the ax blocking the exit of the alley, he immediately showed helplessness.Knowing that I can't escape from the axe.

"Kill them together!" Hearing that cold order, my hairs stood on end in fright, and I was about to scream loudly when I heard Fang Baichuan yell in a low voice: "Swallow this up, and remember those who see us, tell them that Lord Guan is ..." Before I could react, something was stuffed into my mouth by Fang Baichuan, and when the two men in black, and the guy named Axe, rushed towards me with horror on their faces, there was already a wave of pain on my body. The white light then just disappeared into the night air. Axe's eyes immediately turned red and bloodshot, and he roared loudly, "Fang Baichuan, I'll kill you!"

The two men in black were also at a loss, looked at the axe and asked in a low voice: "Brother Axe, what should we do, Lord Guan will not spare us!" The ax snatched the knife from his hand without saying a word, and stabbed it hard into Fang Baichuan's chest.He cursed angrily in a low voice: "Do you know, because of you, I can't go back to the business. Lord Guan will issue an order to kill us!" Fang Baichuan seemed to want to say something, but his face darkened, and he could only squeeze out a smile before tilting his head and dying. "You're fucking dead!" Ax got up and took a step back, suddenly swayed from side to side, and his two men immediately showed disbelief, and slowly fell to the ground.

"You two idiots, rather than die under Guan Ye's hands, I'd rather I help you out. If you lose that thing, Guan Ye will definitely not let anyone know the inside story!" Reaching out and throwing down the dagger, the ax ignored the two men whose chests were puffing out blood, took off their suits, wiped the blood on their hands, turned around and left with great strides. "Am I dead? Or..." "Welcome to Alcatraz, this is your book of demons, please take it well. You are our 16,821st visitor, according to the rules of Alcatraz, you have a reward!" Did not wait for me After thinking about it, a pleasant voice came to mind.Then a huge heavy book as big as a quarto and as thick as an Oxford dictionary fell on my forehead and knocked me to the ground.

When I got up and sat up, I gritted my teeth and pushed away this thick book that could be used as a weapon. This book is covered with high-quality sheepskin, with a pentagram drawn, and inside the pentagram is a small gossip Tai Chi book. The thick and quirky print of .I slowly opened the cover backwards, and a petite, lively and pretty girl emerged from the first page of the book, talking to me with a bright smile. Super hot costumes kids dare to wear. The extremely short miniskirt couldn't even cover up the panties, revealing the faint lace.The small vest can only cover the most important part of the chest, and a large piece of snow-white skin is exposed to the line of sight.In addition, only the boots are relatively orthodox, but they are hollowed out with many patterns, and the delicate calves and cute little toes are looming.

The most astonishing thing is not these, but a pair of cute little wings fluttering behind the girl's head, making her float more than ten centimeters above the page. I was stunned for a moment, and after my brain regained its ability to think, I stupidly asked an irrelevant question: "Why is there a reward for the number 16,821? It's nothing special?"
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