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Chapter 41 Section 40

Spiritual pet language 童亮 954Words 2018-03-11
"Like finding the coffin with the blind cat in it?" he asked. "yes." "My grandma's cat also had a mahogany wedge, why do I still have these weird phenomena?" He was worried. "Maybe someone else, or a naughty child moved the wooden wedge." The old man guessed. This, he thought, had never been considered before. The old man said again: "I just raised those two carp because I was afraid that the mahogany wedge would not be safe enough."
Tong Shoucheng asked me if there was such a possibility as the old man said. This reminds me of something about myself.

My dad told me that when I was just born, my dad went to my grandpa's house to announce the good news with candies and firecrackers.Grandpa knew a little bit about birth date, so he asked me when I was born after receiving the wedding candy.After Dad reported the time, Grandpa pondered for a moment, and then urged my Dad to go home and have a look, saying that I had "emergency check". Dad asked what "first aid level" was. Grandpa said that the little grandson's left hand didn't grow well, but he was not completely sure that his prediction was correct, so he told Dad to go back and have a look first.It's fine if the forecast is wrong.If the prediction is correct, then find some way to deal with it.

Dad couldn't believe that grandpa could make such an inference without seeing me.Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.Dad still went home anxiously to see me who was just born.When I opened the swaddling clothes, I found that it was exactly as my grandfather said!My left palm was turned outwards, unable to turn inwards, as if twisted by a force. Later, grandpa personally found a peach tree that had grown for seven years, and took its trunk to make a peach wood charm.The mahogany talisman is inserted next to my rice jar.When washing rice in the morning and evening, my mother poured the rice washing water under the mahogany amulet according to Grandpa's instructions, just like irrigating saplings.It seems that it is going to take root and sprout next to my rice tank.

My hands are getting better. When I was in the fifth and sixth grades of elementary school, I once drew it as a sword to play with, and fought with my playmates in the village.When I was doing my homework at night, my left hand started to hurt sharply, as if there was an unusually powerful force twisting my hand, twisting my hand into twists, and I couldn't finish my homework at all.My mother thought that I was hit by a child while playing around, so I wiped some hot wine to settle the matter. It wasn't until cooking that my mother realized that the mahogany talisman was missing, and she was in a hurry.

I told her that I had thrown the "sword" out. My mother scolded me severely and followed my father to search around all night. Fortunately, I found it after two or three hours. The mahogany talisman was inserted back in place, and mother respectfully apologized to it, and continued to "irrigate" the rice washing water sooner or later. My left hand is recovering after a week of pain. On the day I turned twelve, the zodiac happened to be a reincarnation, and my mother pulled out the mahogany talisman and put it upstairs.Grandpa said earlier that there is no need to enshrine it after the age of twelve.

More than ten years later, I accidentally found it was still placed upstairs, so I half-jokingly and half-seriously said to my mother: "Put it here to get in the way, why not split it and use it as firewood." My mother glared at me and said loudly: "It is you, you are it. Can you say this is okay?!" I was dumbfounded.
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