Home Categories Internet fantasy Spiritual pet language

Chapter 39 Section thirty-eight

Spiritual pet language 童亮 1132Words 2018-03-11
"The boss said, but I have never heard a cat meowing. The woman said, boss, since this place used to be a deserted cemetery, there may be bones under here. Instead of closing this room every day, it is better to dig down along the wooden wedge , If you dig up the bones, you will show kindness and help collect them. This is a matter of doing good deeds and accumulating blessings. If you don’t do this, I can’t control my mouth outside, and I will spread this matter to the outside world, making people feel ashamed Everyone knows, it depends on how your inn does business! The boss had no choice but to agree to her."

"Did the boss dig it?" he asked. The old man nodded and said: "They dug down from the position of the wooden wedge, and they dug out a coffin. They thought it would be enough to move the coffin to a remote place. But when they were carrying the coffin to find a place to bury it, there was a sudden There was a noise! ​​The helper thought it was a fake corpse, so he lost his tools and ran away in fright. He only hated his parents for not giving birth to an extra leg. It was the woman who had her own opinion, and she promised to share the bundles with her when things were done. Everyone. Those who carried the coffin finally returned to the original place and worked up their courage to pry open the coffin lid. The corpse in the coffin was not resurrected, but there was a cat curled up next to the corpse. It was in the coffin It made a noise. It jumped out of the coffin and hit a man's foot. Only then did people realize that it was a blind cat. Maybe it was too long in the dark coffin-no one Know how long it stayed - it blinded its eyes."

"Blind cat?" He wanted to wait for the old man to finish speaking before asking, but he couldn't restrain himself anymore after hearing this. The old man frowned and said, "Well. It ran staggeringly, with no direction at all. People thought it couldn't see, so it wouldn't run too far. So no one stopped it. They will look for the cat after they re-bury the coffin. By then, it had disappeared.” "Where did it go?" "Who knows? Decades later, that woman... oh, I should say 'that old woman' at this time, she saw the blind cat again, and that was at her fifty-first birthday party."

"The woman you mentioned is..." He stared at the old man, but didn't finish his sentence. The old man didn't say much, he nodded and said, "Exactly." He already knew the answer without the old man saying it, but when the old man said it, he still couldn't help being startled and didn't speak for a long time. The old man stopped talking. The two listened silently to the hoarse sound of the wind being cut by the branches. After a long time, the old man suddenly couldn't stand upright and fell forward.Tong Shoucheng came back to his senses and hurriedly supported him.

The old man smiled weakly, and his smile was torn apart by intersecting wrinkles.Tong Shoucheng said that the situation was like the smiles of several people crowded onto one face. "Your body is failing." The old man shook his head. He helped the old man down the mountain. On the way down the mountain, he asked, "The last time my uncle and I came to ask you, why didn't you mention this matter?" The old man sighed and said, "I thought you were asking casually, so I didn't say much. When I saw you coming to my house this time, I knew that you must have not explained it thoroughly last time. You must be in trouble, so I told you about it. "

"Yes." Then, he recounted the strange events he had encountered. After listening to the old man, he stood still and asked him seriously: "Why don't you ask me, why do I know about the mahogany wedge?" He asked: "Did you hear what the grandma here said?" The old man nodded and asked again: "But why did your grandma mention this to me, do you know?" He shook his head. "Do you know why I raise carp?" He shook his head. The old man smiled wryly, "Because I once abused that blind cat just like you."
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