Home Categories Internet fantasy Spiritual pet language

Chapter 37 Section thirty-six

Spiritual pet language 童亮 920Words 2018-03-11
After going up the mountain, he immediately understood what the old man meant by that sentence. There is also a small tomb next to the grave of the great grandmother, and a wooden wedge that he has seen is also nailed to the tombstone of the small tomb.This is the biggest difference from other tombs, so it can be recognized at a glance. The old man said: "These two tombs were relocated later." "There's also a wooden wedge on this tombstone." He looked intently at the cat's grave. "Naturally. The wooden wedges cannot be nailed, otherwise the carp in my house would not be able to survive." The old man laughed.

He was taken aback and asked, "Do you know what this wooden wedge does?" The old man nodded. "Then what the hell is it for?" he asked. The old man didn't answer his question, but pointed to a place more than ten meters away and said, "Look over there first." He looked in the direction the old man pointed.There is also a tomb there. Although it has collapsed a lot, it still looks like an overturned cauldron in the countryside.Around the tomb are evenly spaced peach trees.Although there is no peach blossom in this season, at first glance, it still feels very weird.

He was surprised: "I only heard that willows and cypresses were planted in front of the grave, but I have never seen peach trees." The old man said with a smile: "If the people in the grave can protest, she will not agree to plant peach trees around her home." As he talked, the old man said "grave" as "home". He had heard from his elders before that peach is the essence of five trees, also known as fairy wood, which has the effect of warding off evil spirits and town houses. Residents in this area always use peach branches to nail the four corners of the house when they build new houses, so as to ensure the peace of the house and good luck; The side is used to town house to receive blessings, and the festival is peaceful.

Is it because of this that peach trees are planted around this tomb?If this is the case, then why does the old man say that the people in the grave will protest?He couldn't figure it out. "Why not agree?" he asked. The old man chuckled and said: "There is a woman who misses her son buried in this grave. She died shortly after giving birth. After she died, the family has been restless. The child cried desperately every midnight, and often listened to I heard her sigh. Some people said that she was the one who came back, and she couldn’t let go of her newborn child. In order not to be harassed by her, her husband cut a peach wood wedge and nailed it in a circle around her tomb. Since then After that, the family returned to calm, and the child stopped crying in the middle of the night. In the spring of the second year, a circle of small peach trees grew here."

"The mahogany wedge was used to confine her soul?" He looked at the tomb, and suddenly felt sorry for the owner of the tomb. "That's right. The peach wood is nailed to the four corners of the house to prevent evil things from entering from all directions. The peach wood is nailed around the tomb to block the evil things from all directions and prevent it from going out." "So it's like this..." He sighed with emotion. Pointing to the peach wood wedge on the small tombstone, the old man said, "This wooden wedge also has a similar function."

"Confine the soul of that blind cat?" He was secretly surprised.
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