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Chapter 36 Section thirty-fifth

Spiritual pet language 童亮 1068Words 2018-03-11
After a few days, his father got better and advised him to go to his grandmother's house again.His father said that his body has been weak for the past few days, and when his body is weak, unclean things dare to invade him. Every night he dreams of the tragedy of the blind cat just dying.His father persuaded him to go to his grandma's family a few times anyway, maybe he would be lucky enough to know the secret of the blind cat. He thought about it and felt that it would be better to go a few more times.He decided to pay homage to his grandma's grandma's grave, which might work.

This time he didn't ask his uncle to accompany him, but went alone. When he arrived at his grandma's natal house, his cousin still received him.Uncle happily told him that his granddaughter's operation was very successful, thanks to listening to other people's words, the old ditch was unblocked. Although he was still skeptical that his cousin would link the old ditch with the operation, he still congratulated him sincerely. He asked about grandma's grandma's grave by the way. Cousin said he didn't remember. He asked his cousin to think carefully. My cousin scratched the back of his brain and couldn't remember.

He thought to himself, he didn't know where his grandfather's father's grave was, how many others remembered it?There is a saying that being rich does not last for three generations, and it seems that family memories are also sad for three generations. He suddenly remembered the old man before, so he asked his cousin for the address of the old man.After his cousin told him, he went to the old man alone again. The old man lives in a remote place, a lonely family compound.The fence of the yard is more than one person high, and few people fence the yard in this area. He yelled a few times at the gate of the fence in the yard, but no one answered.

The fence gate was not locked, and it creaked open with a light push. The old man is not here, are other relatives also?he thought.Or, he has no relatives? He walked into the yard and saw a large copper water tank in the middle of the yard.This kind of copper water tank is obviously old. Although it is generally wiped clean, there is green rust in the lines of the animal rings on both sides.What's more, there is no manufacturer of copper water tanks now, and people use earth water tanks. Why is such a big water tank placed in the middle of the yard? He walked closer to the water tank and saw two carp swimming in it, both as long as his arms.The water was clear and bright, except for a layer of cotton-like dross on the bottom of the tank.Due to refraction, the tank bottom looks much shallower than it actually is, as if you can touch it with your hand.Judging from the appearance of the tank and the water inside, the owner has taken good care of the two carp.

But when he took a closer look, one of the carp had many wounds on its head, and the white flesh was exposed from under the black skin. He seemed to be able to feel the carp's pain. Since carp is taken care of so carefully, how can it cause so many wounds? While he was staring blankly at the carp, the old man came in from the outside.When the old man saw him, he was not surprised at all, and greeted him warmly: "Hey, you are here!" He said awkwardly, "I called the door, but..." The old man waved his hand and said, "It's okay, you can sit down. What can I do for you?"

He asked: "Let me ask you. Where is my great-grandmother's grave. It's the great-grandmother who raised a blind cat." "Your cousin doesn't know?" "he……" Without waiting for his answer, the old man said again, "That's right. It's been two or three generations, how can he remember?" "Well, do you remember?" The old man said straightforwardly: "Of course. Of course I remember. Although I don't remember the exact location, I remember which mountain she was buried on. As long as I go up the mountain, I can see where her grave is at a glance."

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