Home Categories Internet fantasy Spiritual pet language

Chapter 35 Section thirty-four

Spiritual pet language 童亮 809Words 2018-03-11
When Tong Shoucheng told me about this incident, I just felt a chill rise from the ground, from the soles of my feet to the top of my head, and my whole body became cold in an instant. I have long heard of the reluctance of the dead to leave the world.That's what a friend who works as a journalist told me.That friend works for a newspaper office in Xiamen.She is not a native of Xiamen. For the convenience of her work, she bought a somewhat remote house in Xiamen, and the whole family lived in it.But after moving in, the family fell ill one by one, without interruption.A friend invited a person who knows Feng Shui to see the house.After the man entered the room, he sighed again and again: "You are considered blessed if you can do this." The friend didn't understand, and said, "We are all unlucky enough, how can we be blessed?" There are two undead, probably the original owners.” My friend’s mother sighed and said that she once saw a person in the house, mistakenly thought it was a relative, and called out his name without thinking.The man was startled, and suddenly disappeared.The friend's mother was afraid that her family would be shocked, so she kept hiding it.Later, my friend asked someone to do a deed to save lives, and finally no one got sick anymore.

When that friend mentioned this to me, he also asked me if there was any other way to prevent it.My friend is worried that similar things will happen again in the future. Actually, I don't know much about such things.But I once heard the old man say that hanging a mirror in front of the door can bring the dead relatives back.The dead are often attached to their relatives, lingering in the place where their relatives live, and cannot bear to leave.When the deceased sees his own image in the mirror when he enters the door, he can remind him that life and death are strangers. Don't scare the younger generation, and the deceased will turn around and leave.

When I was young, a square mirror was often seen on the door lintel in the country, and it played this role.It's becoming less and less common now. I comforted Tong Shoucheng and said, "It's okay, it's okay. Fortunately, it wasn't that cat who caused the trouble." He said: "Yeah. Fortunately, it's not the cat. If it wants to come down the mountain to find me, I have nowhere to escape. But now I can't do anything. Although it is not nowhere to escape, it is also like sitting and waiting to die." almost." I said, "The wooden wedge nailed to the tombstone must have had some purpose. If you figure out its origin, you may be able to solve the mystery about the blind cat."

He agrees.But he was not optimistic about the future. "At that time, I abused it so much that I often beat it and ran away. Even if I knew its secret, it would not let me go. I heard from the old man in my grandmother's natal family that the spiritual power of that blind cat is very strong, and I want to take revenge. Definitely unscrupulous." I think of a saying: good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil.It's not that I didn't report, the time has not yet come.
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