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Chapter 4 Chapter 4 The Siege of Winter

dog day war 2 冰河 21352Words 2018-03-18
There was a tug-of-war with the communist army, and the national army, which had superior strength and equipment, took advantage.The communist army was defeated by the national army attacking from three directions on the front line of Nanpingji, running in a hurry, with guns, ammunition and carriages thrown everywhere.Taking advantage of the victory, the national army rushed forward without rest.Lao Dan led the whole battalion to set off overnight, and followed the large army across the Weihe River.The second son jumped over the shore and searched for things on the corpses of the communist army. After searching for a long time, he found nothing, only some strange papers. He asked someone who could read and read them, saying that they were their application for joining the party and the letter of determination. Still written in blood.The second son didn't throw it away, saying that he just ran out of toilet paper.

After crossing the river, something was wrong. The main force of the communist army, which ran faster than rabbits, was not really retreating, but was hiding on the other side of the river, and joined other communist troops. , Set up a three-sided ambush circle.As soon as the main force of the 18th Army of the National Army jumped ashore, before the heavy weapons were pulled up, the communist army's charge horn sounded.This is called a last stand!Lao Dan may have heard Mr. Yuan Bai say it.But this last stand is different from what Mr. Yuan Bai said, because the national army seems...unable to win?In a hasty confrontation, the large army quickly fell into chaos.Lao Dan and his brothers had just crossed the river when they saw the brothers in front rushing backwards, trampling a major who was blocking the way.Lao Dan hurriedly asked the brothers to change from the back team to the front team, and ran back first.He has experienced the charge of the communist army. Those guys will not pull you down until they kill you in the river.Lao Dan ran wildly, and the communist army's artillery blocked the pontoon bridge. As soon as Lao Dan and others ran over, the pontoon bridge was blown up by the Soviet-style cannons of the communist army.The brothers fell into the river with a clatter, wearing such thick padded jackets that many people disappeared like weights.Lao Dan looked anxiously, the regiment destroyed on the bridge was the Iron Army who had fought against Burma, and it just ended in such a mess.

The troops who couldn't come back numbered at least tens of thousands. They spent the night on the other side of the river.I heard that the communist army treated the captives well, and they might not be able to surrender.The cannon fire was on all night, and it kept bursting on both sides of the river. Lao Dan saw the communist army laying their lives on the bridge. They were all cheap goods made of wooden boats and planks, not like the American products of the national army.They had just finished laying half of the crooked one, when a howitzer hit it, and the people and the bridge were gone.There were many dead bodies and door panels in the big river, but the communist army didn't care. A pot of dumplings was boiled endlessly, and it didn't take long for them to carry the boat and door panels into the water.

The communist army's methods are crude, but they can cross the river everywhere.In order not to be broken by the Communist Army, the 14th Army was ordered to shrink southward along the Wei River early in the morning, seize the railway line and connect the villages into a fortress.Along the way, the communist army came from nowhere and fired bludgeoning guns, only the sound of gunfire was heard, but no one was seen.The national army planes are like people from other villages who can't find a hut at night. They go around for a long time without a target. When they are in a hurry, they just find a place to pull them.This large-scale bombing became a show, and several empty villages were flattened.What's more nonsense, a Shandong field force covering the flanks of the 14th Army was too nervous, and even regarded the avant-garde troops of the 10th Army, which was reinforced from the north, as the Communist Army. The cross-fire network hit and killed hundreds of soldiers who had defended Hengyang. veterans.The 10th ammunition came, and a counter charge came, killing the opponent again.The communist army was like coaxing Yangzi who stole the bride's buttocks, taking advantage of the fire and rushing up. They all thought it was a brother army, and they were all crushed at once. The defense line that the 14th Army had just mended was like open crotch pants, and the entire three kilometers became a no-man's land.So the order was changed, and the whole army fought and ran, and all rushed to Shuangduiji, south of Su County.

Running in embarrassment along the way, the 14th Army arrived at Shuangduiji at dawn and began to establish a new defensive position.Lao Dan's battalion was responsible for defending a 500-meter-long section, flanked by the armored units of the 39th and 45th regiments of the 107th Division. The charge provides conditions, waiting for an opportunity to make a roundabout encirclement.Lao Dan obeyed while scolding her mother, saying that this is to find a mouse to catch the cat, and when the cat is enjoying biting the mouse, then let two wolfhounds bite the cat... What's the point?We are that mouse.

The soldiers were cramped from exhaustion, and they were still shirtless, digging trenches, laying mines, pulling barbed wire, deploying machine guns and mortars, and they were too busy to eat.I did this all morning. While eating canned food, news came from the regiment headquarters, so I defended on the spot and waited for orders.The gossip said: The brothers of the Seventh Corps were surrounded by the Communist army. Although the news was scary, the brothers just barked. "Turtle grandson! Ball hair! The Communist army besieged the Seventh Corps? What kind of siege? A pack of dogs surrounded a pack of wild wolves? Back then when the devils surrounded us, there was no shortage of aircraft, artillery, tanks and cavalry. We have been fighting in Wuhan for five months! The Seventh Corps are all cattle soldiers who have eaten devil's meat alive in the south, who can eat it?" The second son ate a large piece of beef and said, licking his dagger.

"It's different, isn't it?" Lao Dan hesitated to speak, "If they want ball hair, what's going on in the Northeast?" Lao Dan looked at the front of the position worriedly, and it was getting dark again. Eat and drink enough, except for the sentry, most of them get together and smoke.Zhejiang Laosun took out the old wine hidden in his bosom for Lao Dan to drink, saying that it had been stored in the cellar for twenty years, and that if a bullet from the Communist Army leaked the jug, he would have no chance to drink it.Lao Dan smiled and took it and drank half of it. The wine is good wine, but it smells like gunpowder.

"Brother, we are guarding a tight hole. The Communist Army's ball can't go anywhere else. When we are destroyed by the sun, the 39th and 45th regiments will go up and pick up ready-made fruits to eat. Why is our regiment always so unlucky?" Old Sun He squatted on the ground and looked at Lao Dan.This is a veteran who is not afraid of death, and he has a big grudge against the devils.The day after Japan surrendered, he killed five members of a Japanese family, including a three-month-old child.His battalion commander tried his best to protect him, but a traitor was arrested and killed, and then he was transferred to Lao Dan's battalion, which was a prevarication.

"Forcing someone to make a hole is for people to fuck. You will be happy in the future. Don't be afraid, it's not like you haven't been raped." Lao Dan kicked him and walked away with his hands behind his back.Although his heart was heavy, Lao Dan didn't complain, don't worry about any battles, whether the bullets find you or not is up to you, it has nothing to do with where you are.Haven't you seen the confused 10th Army Vanguard Battalion?How safe is that place?He just ate his own gun, which was struck by lightning while walking at night. Regardless of whether they are from the Northeast or Hubei, whether they are from Shanxi or Jiangxi, the communist army with different accents can kill them.They have strict discipline and unified thinking. When the trumpet is blown, they dare to rush into the palace of the king of hell in front of them.And they have experience, not a bunch of...farmers.Their use of mobile warfare and guerrilla warfare is not inferior to the national army, and their frontal large corps operations are not inferior.It is their signature dish to quickly concentrate superior forces, catch a single national army unit and fight to death.They ran fast, and they broke up before the national army came for reinforcements, and they broke up if they didn't want anything.If you dare to chase, it will be a lot of trouble, not to mention the landmines, there will be guerrillas and squads harassing you all the way, stabbing your waist, legs, and buttocks constantly, and in the end you probably won't be able to catch up with anything Was knocked down by cold guns and landmine traps.The mechanized corps of the Seventh Corps first chased people, and then was chased. They turned around in a circle of 200 square kilometers, but they couldn't escape the legs and feet of several columns of the Communist Army.The Seventh Corps always couldn't figure out where the main force of the communist army was, and watched helplessly as regiments, brigades and divisions were cut off.After a few days of tossing like this, people are running belly fat, and the tank is about to cramp.The communist army had played hide-and-seek enough, wailing and charging forward, the 100,000 national army was smashed to pieces on the spot, and the awesome party-state elite Commander Huang seemed to be martyred for the country.

The weather is so good and the positions are well prepared, the communist army thinks that they will not come today.Lao Dan ordered to rest.The soldiers shook off the dirt, twisted their cigarette butts, and found places to lie down one after another, snoring like pigs.Lao Dan took off his sweat-soaked hat, called the second son who had just finished shitting, and the two sat down in a dirt nest. Lao Dan took out two bottles of beer from his bag, and handed one to the second son with a smile. "You have all this good stuff, where did you get it?" Er Zi asked in surprise.The two of them were used to drinking it in Chongqing, but they hadn't drunk it since they came to the Xubeng battlefield.

Lao Dan took a bite of a bottle, raised his neck and took a few sips, then wiped his mouth contentedly: "It's really not easy to keep it, I don't want to throw it away after running so far, Erzi, how far do you think this is from our village?" "I can't read the map. I don't know where it is, but the weather, the soil, and the trees are like ours." "You can see that some villages in the flooded areas we passed by have recovered. If our village is washed away, 80% of them will recover." "That depends on good fortune. As long as I don't get killed by the devils, I think there will be a show." The second son hiccupped and said firmly, "After this battle is over, I will go back to be the village head." "You are the village chief? What am I doing?" Lao Dan stretched out the bottle and hit him on the head.The second son evaded with a smile and said, "You will be your official? After defeating the communist army, maybe you will go to the Northeast to suppress the bandits." "I won't do this, and I won't do it for any money. We have lived to this day, and we have spent several lives in it. It's still comfortable to go home." Lao Dan stared at his second son and said, "I am the village head, You are the security guard!" "Ask me to guard you? Don't dream, I have been guarding you for eight years. I have been serving you on the saddle, but this time I have to reverse it." The second son finished his beer and threw it out of the trench. "Battalion Commander, the regiment headquarters has sent recruits, let's take them in." Xia Qian walked over and said. "How many people? Where did they come from?" "More than thirty, just like the two of you, they were all captured." Xia Qian chuckled and glanced at the second son. "You bastard, kill us, do you want to beat you?" The second son rushed over to pinch Xia Qian's neck, Xia Qian dodged hehe.A group of soldiers came from behind him and stopped in front of Lao Dan. "Stand at attention! Listen to the battalion commander!" Xia Qian's voice was scary, and the recruits straightened up trembling.Lao Dan sat where he was, drank the last bit of wine, stuffed the wine bottle to Er Zi, and slowly stood up.Looking at these pale-faced recruits, he thought of himself ten years ago, but they were younger, some of them were only fifteen or sixteen years old, and they were as thin as firewood sticks, and they couldn't even lift a knife. What can they do?He walked slowly in front of the team, looking at them pretending to be serious.This is necessary, a serious officer who scares the soldiers can give them a sense of security, this is what Yang Tiejun told him back then.The recruits were frightened and uneasy, some with their heads down and tears streaming down their faces.Sure enough, they were all captured. If you don’t come, your home will be burned and your land will be destroyed. This has become a routine method of the frontline national army.In the intersection area where the two armies clash, the method is even more cruel. If you don’t serve as a soldier here, you may be shot, or half of your hand will be chopped off if you don’t shoot. Military discipline is not as good as before. Although the soldiers are strong and fat, they are not as strict as when they were fighting the devils. I don't know if they are slack, or they are ruined by Americans' tobacco and alcohol.After the devils surrendered, more than half of the national army marched eastward to accept the devils and hand them over to the city defense. There were rules, and there were also those who committed all kinds of crimes. Lao Sun's battalion threw dozens of Japanese into the cesspit to drown, and the women stripped naked and threw them in.That old grandson went into other people's homes without humming, and killed every one he called out, even babies.He still looked aggrieved when he asked the teacher to blame him. Shouldn't he be like this to the Japanese?What's wrong with this?If they rape my woman and kill my parents, then I am not allowed to return it? Lao Dan almost fucked up too, the bare-bottomed Japanese woman was pulled in front of him, and Lao Dan took out his hard dick, but this woman spoke Chinese with her legs between her legs, begging for mercy, begging He spared the two children in the house.Lao Dan's conscience swelled, and the thing shrank. He gritted his teeth and put away the scary thing, but he was not reconciled, so he slapped the Japanese woman's ass.Lao Dan, who put on her trousers, asked her second son to protect her whole family, and no one was allowed to move.Her Japanese man has been trampled to pieces by his brothers, they are all poor people.The second son pouted and said that I hadn't done it yet, and Lao Dan said that he would do it with another person next time, anyway, this would not work, but the second son had no chance since that time, until today. But the common people didn't think so. As soon as Lao Dan left with his men, the red-eyed hooligans rushed forward, and the Japanese woman was probably killed by the sun.The people of Wuhan hate devils so much, they are not stingy about cruel revenge, chopping with axes, chopping with kitchen knives, strangling with ropes, burning with gasoline, that is the nightmare of devils.If it weren't for the gendarmerie to clear the city of martial law and surround the Japanese in cages for protection, none of them would have thought of leaving alive.Lao Dan also heard that many Chinese women were killed for a long time because they mixed with the Japanese.Zheng Jun, a soldier from Shandong, killed two Japanese civilians and killed a devil's wife, who was also staunch and drowned in the river.Lao Dan gritted his teeth and handed him over to the brigade headquarters, where he was executed as a model.Zheng Jun didn't blink when he was shot, and only said to the brothers in the firing squad: "I have been dead for many years..." The regiment also shot a few soldiers, all of them 250 new recruits who had no regrets. They hadn't learned how to fight, but they had learned to commit adultery first.The battalions and companies held meetings every day to teach and listen to the instructions of Generalissimo Jiang, and it was considered that this evil spirit was stopped.But the crazy people can't control it, they don't take the words of "repaying grievances with virtue" seriously.The barracks of the devils who surrendered were set on fire at every turn, or a grenade was thrown in, causing the devils to sharpen their bamboo sticks and commit suicide by cutting open their stomachs.The soldiers also ganged up and ran amok, they didn't pay for food and drink, they didn't give money for playing with women, and the shopkeeper slapped him if he dared to speak.The second son, this bastard, has done a lot of bad things like this, but he has never touched a woman, and he is still a baby today. He has had many chances, and some of them can't get in. Finally, he can get in the gendarme. , making them all heartbroken, and the dick won't be hard anymore. "Sooner or later, I'm going to fuck a Japanese girl, rape first and then kill!" The second son said this countless times, but when his brothers asked him to do it, he would either say that the woman is too fat, or that the woman is too thin, fat or thin is suitable He also said that the taste was not good and the mood was not right, and the eyes of the woman lying below looked like the donkey in Lao Dan's house.Lao Dan knew that he was sick, so he didn't force it.The second son is also a battle hero, and when he returned to Banzi Village, some women cared about him, so he was cured anyway. "How old is it?" Lao Dan asked a soldier.The child's face was as white as a girl's, and it would have been blown apart by any strong wind.I have seen many recruits like this, and most of them won't live for more than a few months.Lao Dan no longer felt sorry for these delicate cannon fodder, he couldn't describe this feeling until an educated staff officer told him that it was called numbness. "Sixteen..." Xiao Bing spoke with a southern accent. "When did you come?" Lao Dan tilted his head. "Seventy-five days." The soldier dared not raise his head. "How do you remember this clearly?" Lao Dan laughed. "Since the call came, I will remember it every day." The recruit gave him a timid look. "Where is home?" Xia Qian asked with her hands on her hips. "Huaiyin!" "Where is Huaiyin? How big is the boundary?" asked the second son. "My family is in northern Jiangsu, do you know Han Xin? Marquis of Huaiyin." Xiaobing raised his childish face, his eyes were like sheep's. "Huaiyin monkey? Male monkey or female monkey?" The second son said seriously. "What male monkey and female monkey, why don't you know about this! I haven't heard of the play——Xiao Heyue chasing Han Xin? That's a great general!" Xia Qian pushed the second son away. "Who else is there in your family? How many brothers and sisters?" Lao Dan asked the usual questions, it didn't matter how Xiao Bing answered them, they asked them to relax. "Oh, report sir, there is still a mother and a younger brother in the family. There are five brothers in my family, four of whom are in our team." "They are all in our 14th Army?" "Well, it should be in Division 110." "That's okay, we're not far away, the brothers can take care of each other, maybe someday we can go home together!" Xia Qian said enviously.Lao Dan glanced at Xia Qian, knowing that he was talking nonsense, let alone a group army, even between two regiments, that was life and death. "What's your name?" Lao Dan asked the last question. "Report sir, my name is Yang Beiwan!" Xiao Bing replied excitedly. "Yo? Your name is very impressive, so what are your brothers' names?" The second son crossed his arms and raised his chin at him. "Big brother Yang Dongwan, second brother Yang Xiwan, third brother Yang Nanwan, I am Yang Beiwan." "Then what's your brother's name?" Lao Dan also laughed. "His name is Yang Zhongwan!" There was a lot of laughter in the trenches.Xiaobing Yang Beiwan's family is a treasure, and his parents really gave birth to five.After laughing, everyone was more envious.The family is complete, how many people are there in this trench?Lao Dan patted Yang Beiwan's head and straightened his hat for him. "Have you ever fired a gun?" Lao Dan asked again. "Not yet, there was a fight on the road... Everyone fought, I didn't dare..." Yang Beiwan blushed and touched his gun.This is a penis baby who is the same as Wugenzi. Although his body is not thin, he is also fragile. A lock of broken bangs on his forehead hangs down from his military cap, which is dirty and messy, almost covering a pair of frightened eyes. Now The pupils were shy and flustered, and the weak lips were flaring. "That's not unusual, I didn't dare..." Lao Dan said to Xia Qian again, "Teach everyone. Let them not be afraid." Xia Qian responded and let the recruits go forward. Yang Beiwan looked at Lao Dan gratefully, and Lao Dan nodded to him.He grabbed Xia Qian who was about to leave and said, "Give this Yang Beiwan to me and be my orderly." In the evening, the moon rises from the earth.Two kilometers away, there were dense figures of the Communist Army, and red flags fluttered in the moonlight.They did not attack, but hurriedly dug trenches. The raised sand was like a low evening mist, and bright shovels were flying inside.Lao Dan reckoned that they would have to spend the night digging. This is the special dish of the communist army. Throw a few strings down? The two battalion commanders from the nearby trenches came.Lao Liu fought against Savage Mountain, and Lao Bai fought against Nanjing City.Since arriving here, the three of them haven't seen each other for more than a month, Lao Dan thought they were dead. "The communist army is so fucking fucked up. A unit slipped over in our clothes, and a brigade headquarters of the 18th army was abolished. Several divisions came here in the middle of the night." Scars from devil bites.The devil who bit him was retaliated by him, and his head was almost bitten off by him. Later, he remembered that the devil swallowed one of his ears, and he vomited for three days and still didn't want to eat. "What's this? I've done this kind of thing before. Back then, I pretended to be devils and sneaked in to ruin their airport." Lao Dan didn't think so. "Where do they get their guns? Even old slides used to be treasures, but now they are all submachine guns, and the cannons are no less than ours. And what about fucking tanks?" I found an amber, which was blown up by a devil's grenade.He was captured in Nanjing, dragged to the riverside by the devils and shot with thousands of brothers. The bullet blew away his eye, and the devils thought he was dead.After the devils surrendered, Lao Bai captured several devil soldiers, and gouged out one eye of each devil with a dagger.When he accepted the punishment, he didn't care about it, and he spared their lives, which is already a great kindness to me. "Haven't you heard of the Russians? Their leader is Stalin, the godfather of the communist army. The Russians wiped out the Kwantung Army in the northeast, and all the devil's weapons and ammunition were given to the communist army, as well as the tanks that the Russians could not bring back. Cannons, they think are cumbersome, but given to the communist army, they are all treasures." Old Liu Ping stretched out a hand, as if holding a piece of ingot. "Never mind anything else. The Communist Army is good at fighting. I was ordered to kill some of them the day before yesterday. There are veterans like us among them. They are not vegetarians." Lao Dan took out the smoking pot again. "If it wasn't for the fact that the communist army has launched an anti-revolutionary campaign, and their veterans are all there, we would have lost this battle," Lao Liu said. "Do you think we will definitely win now?" Lao Bai asked. "What if we don't win? Then why should we go home?" Lao Dan stood up after speaking.Lao Liu and Lao Bai also stood up, the position was important, they should all go. The communist army dug until midnight, and the moon was in the sky, turning into a small porcelain plate.They threw down their shovels, picked up their broken guns, and started attacking without blowing their horns.The second son blew the whistle, and the soldiers crawled into the shooting position. The sleeping Lao Dan got out of the hole, put on his helmet, spit, looked at the telescope on the bracket, and turned around and said, "It's called the heavy artillery." Behind him was Yang Beiwan, whose face was as white as a sheet of paper. Lao Dan slapped him on the face and said, "Go to that hole and look for the man with the phone on his back. Give me my order, heavy artillery! The communist army is coming up." The artillery and armored units of the 14th Army are famous all over the world, and the Itagaki Division of the Devils suffered a lot from it at Kunlun Pass.What Lao Dan liked most was the sound of the cannon. The shells that neither of them could move flew over the trenches with howling noises, like rolling thunder, and every explosion was a fire that soared into the sky.The communist soldiers turned on their backs, as light as grasshoppers blown away by firecrackers.Cotton wool flutters on the ground, and the moon sky is clear and cloudless.The aircraft formations of the national army arrived lazily, some slowly helped the artillery to correct the firepower, and some dispersed to bomb and straf at low altitude.Lao Dan and his brothers stood by the trench, watching the tragic scene.Most of the rushing communist army was knocked out, and the rest were still shouting and rushing forward.Lao Dan shook his head, these communist troops were just cannon fodder, they came to test the firepower.The second son slammed the machine gun, and dozens of machine guns on the ground were ready.The terrible sound of the bolt made Lao Dan worry. Under such a net of firepower, no one can survive. When the last communist army fell, the moon got into the clouds, and the dark clouds rolled and covered the battlefield.Lao Dan shouted to the trenches: "Brothers, get ready, the real thing is coming!" As soon as the words fell, the artillery fire of the communist army arrived, blowing away the minefield and the barbed wire and extending forward, everyone went into the tunnel to hide.The Communist Army's guns landed precisely, and a round of salvos hit an area.Lao Dan could tell that the machine gun position was almost finished.When they came out, the trenches turned into big ditches, and the bunkers were rotten.A few soldiers who hadn't had time to enter the tunnel were torn apart, their bodies were at Lao Dan's feet, but their heads were at the other end of the trench.Yang Beiwan was frightened by a stink bomb. It was inserted obliquely into the trench, emitting smoke and hissing noise.Lao Dan stared at this thing, seeing Yang Bei's soul was gone, he kicked him firmly.Lao Dan pulled out this thing with both hands, there is no bullet, it is a waste product left by the little devil.Damn you bitching grandson, you guys are also going to call me out, scaring people to death doesn't pay for their lives, right? Even after being kicked, Yang Beiwan was still lying there shaking like chaff, Lao Dan directed the soldiers into the position, and only picked him up after giving orders. "Don't be afraid, follow me." After saying that, Lao Dan walked towards the edge of the trench, and Yang Beiwan followed hesitantly, following him to show his head on the edge of the trench.Lao Dan raised the binoculars to have a look, and handed it to Yang Beiwan: "Take a look, all the people coming over are people, and you can kill one with one shot." Yang Beiwan tremblingly raised the binoculars and watched with trembling lips.The soldiers started shooting, and the fast-running communist troops fell one by one.The charge of the communist army is quite different from that of the devils.The devil's voice seemed to be suffocated from the stomach, passed through the hoarse throat of the Japanese, and turned into a beast-like scream, like a wild cat screaming at the entrance of a village late at night.The communist army yelled in unison more like a line in a play, with a unified tone, which was quite nice, resounding throughout the field, making you wonder how many of them there are.They're so fast that if you're not paying attention, their bayonet will touch your nose. Flares drive away the darkness, the night sky is as bright as day, and the loess is flying on the ground.The flames soared into the sky, and the bright smoke clouds were changing under the illumination of the flares.Bullets and cannonballs trailed the streamer, forming terrifying patterns in the smoke.Between light and shadow, thousands of chubby black shadows tied hemp ropes around their waists, stepped on the loess all over the sky and rushed forward, rolling over like mountains and seas.The dense artillery fire of the national army set off black smoke and dust, destroying this group of running people.The rain of bullets passed through these bodies, making a splashing sound.Lao Dan was quite surprised by the fierce firepower. He had never seen such a powerful strike force of the national army. The planes swaggered around like visiting a kiln to bully the charging communist army. They flew so low that their wheels would touch the communist army. head off. The light and heavy machine guns in the position were firing furiously, and the submachine guns were not idle, and some snipers taught by the Americans were firing one by one in a leisurely manner.Xia Qian commanded the heavy machine guns on the two armored vehicles, making "tong tong" small cannon sounds.However, under such dense firepower, a large number of communist troops still rushed to the minefield. They used grenades to blow up the minefield and the barbed wire fence, and squeezed through.Machine guns immediately sealed the openings from several directions, and they also fell.Lao Dan shook his head looking at the corpses of the Communist army piled up layer by layer. He hadn't fired a single shot yet.But just as he was about to catch his breath, another round of artillery fire from the communist army came. The third wave of charge began amidst the piercing sound of trumpets. After the artillery fire, a mixed team of infantry and cavalry roared in. He stood up, cheered up like a corpse, and joined a new charge. The chief of the training group has repeatedly emphasized that the best way to fight positional warfare with the communist army is to keep a distance to prevent them from wedged into the defense line.That's not how the devils fought back then. The communist army didn't have an air force, and the number of artillery pieces wasn't enough, so they could only use their lives to shorten the distance with you, run into your stomach, and you can still shoot yourself?Keep a good distance so that the national army's advantages can be fully utilized.Therefore, the defense positions of the national army are mostly ring-shaped multiple ladders to highlight the defense, the firepower points are evenly distributed, the machine gun positions are highly mobile, and the heavy artillery, mortars, and rifle grenades can form echelon firepower coverage.The communist army hit a snag this time, apparently underestimating the combat effectiveness of the 14th army, thinking that everything would be fine if they passed through artillery fire and machine guns.Farmers have many means. Yang Beiwan has been lying on the edge of the trench watching, at first there was no movement, then the kid laughed, then jumped up, seeing the communist soldiers lying down one by one, he even yelled hi, Lao Dan beat him up Slap, he didn't even feel it. Seeing that the communist army was weakened and dying, the armored regiments of the national army behind the two wings of the position began to countercharge—as expected they went to pick peaches.The communist army panicked and retreated with spread legs.Their artillery fire began to bombard the assault troops of the National Army.Yang Beiwan saw that he was rushing forward, and wanted to jump out of the trench, but was kicked down by Lao Dan. "What are you doing? If you miss, go!" "Brother Dan, are you going to rush? Maybe you will go out." The second son stood beside the trench with a machine gun in his hand, and asked with a happy face.This kid must have killed a lot, his eyes are red. "Fight your mother! Come down!" Lao Dan instructed those who were ready to move, "Don't move around without orders!" "Brother Dan, we have to go back every day! The communist army forced us to open the door, so it's going to be day and night!" Lao Sun's eyes were also red, and his body was full of ammunition. Lao Dan ignored them, lifted the cloth and got into the hole. The communist army retreated, and the counterattack of the two armored battalions did not take advantage of it, and was ambushed by the communist army.The anti-tank trenches of the communist army were simple and effective. From a long distance, they did not know what kind of launcher they used to throw heavy explosive packages. A deputy commander who wanted to do meritorious service became a barbecue, and half of the battalion's tanks and armored vehicles were thrown away.Lao Dan knew well that even if the national army broke through, it would never attack in the direction of the 14th army. It must attack the river. For the communist army, it would be a last stand. Start all over again, building trenches, digging foxholes, laying out emplacements, repairing barbed wire, laying mines, camouflaging fortifications, tending to the wounded.Lao Dan has been familiar with it for a long time.There was no hand-to-hand combat this time, goddamn luck.Warriors sacrifice nothing.If the battle is fought like this, the communist army will have no chance. Surrounding the 14th army is like a pack of wolves surrounding a herd of wild boars. It is not certain who will bite who. You have transport teams, the national army and airborne troops.The besieged National Army troops are still fighting high, and it is only a matter of time before they rush out. As soon as it got dark, the artillery sounded again from the north, and more than 30 planes flew overhead in a beautiful formation—as expected, they were breaking out of the siege there.There was also a call from the higher ups, stay alert, don't sleep, the 110th Division is breaking through, and we must guard this flank. The artillery fire in the north was raging, and the brothers watched nervously.Lao Dan suddenly thought of a question. After being in the Central Plains for so long, why did the national army always break through the siege, and then break out again after breaking through, but they were always under siege by the communist army?There are not as many Communist soldiers as the national army, so why do they always like to besieged?It can't be surrounded, making it difficult for everyone to live. Why don't you face-to-face and fight for a while, or just talk, he and the Devil Hattori can still talk, it's so hard to talk when they are all Chinese?Do millions of people have to be killed here to bleed like rivers? The gunfire continued through the night until dawn.The troops on Lao Dan's side have never received the order to follow up. Instead, the news is: strengthen the fortifications, stick to the position, and wait for reinforcements. The second son inquired and came back with news: Of the several divisions, only the 110th division rushed over, and the other divisions were all blocked.The resistance of the communist army was very tenacious. The 110th division was blocked by the communist army when it rushed over. It disappeared on the battlefield without knowing where it was going.The Air Force did not find them either, and the military estimated that the entire 110th Division was wiped out. Hearing the bad news, soldier Yang Beiwan burst into tears, saying that his two older brothers were in the 110th Division.Everyone was expressionless, and Lao Dan thought he was annoying, so he asked Er Zi to take him out for a walk.Lao Dan looked at the map and thought to himself, these divisions are all well-known and hard-core units in the army. Tanks and armored vehicles and aircraft cover can't break through. Is this Communist army made by a grinder? "Siege to death, siege to death!" Lao Dan drew a circle on the map, knowing it was the case.He threw away the pen in frustration, and sat on the ammunition box in a daze.I don't know how many battles I have fought in the past ten years, and how many times I have been surrounded by devils.But the current national army has thick waists and strong legs, and has everything it should have. How can it not be frustrating to be surrounded by the Communist army with few cars and "holding the ground and waiting for reinforcements" like a tortoise? A month later, the situation had not improved, and Lao Dan began to feel disheartened.After several efforts to break through, the group army was like a fly trapped in a balloon, unable to fly out no matter what, and could only wait for reinforcements.The south was fighting non-stop all day long, and the artillery bombardment was terrible, but there was no friendly army that could come over.What the hell, the communist army still has so many troops to help?How could they actually block the main force of General Li Yannian who sent them to bomb the airport in this short distance of forty miles? The stalemate of the battle made him homesick. For ten years, there was no news from his family. How did Tweety come here?I don’t know how many people died of starvation in the famine four years ago. Last year, there was a plague of locusts in the Central Plains. It is said that millions of people died of starvation. Will Banzi Village be spared?Will this civil war burn to Banzi Village?It will definitely happen, half of China is fighting, how can Henan escape?Lao Dan was in great pain, wishing he could grow his wings and fly back, even if he only saw his home in ruins, he felt relieved.The white light flashed outside the cave, the sound of guns shook the world, and the moon flickered behind the clouds.Lao Dan saw the wind and clouds moving, the loess hovering in the night sky, and the terrible winter was approaching. If there is no quick fix, it depends on who can bear the cold.Thinking of this, Lao Dan suddenly felt cold, grabbed a fur coat and put it on. When he looked up again, the moon sneaked out again, round like a fifteenth Lantern Festival, and white like a woman's buttocks. The trench at night was cold to the marrow. I haven’t experienced such cold in a long time. I only vaguely remember the cold year when I was a child. There was two feet of snow in the yard. As soon as his father opened the door, the snow poured into the house and almost fell on him What about Kang?Lao Dan shrank his neck and shivered, his legs were numb and aching. He wanted to light another pot of cigarettes, but when he thought of the coldness of the cigarette holder, he gave up. .He drank the water in the glass, stared straight at the miserable moon, and thought that instead of being so cold, it would be better to fight on both sides every day, at least the artillery fire would keep everyone warmer. The chilling battlefield was brightly illuminated by the stars and the moon. When Lao Dan heard the sound of the wind blowing the wheat field, it must be that the communist army was digging holes again. In such a cold day, thanks to their ability to dig, they shouted loudly at night. , making it look like Tu Xingsun.They didn't pay attention to the national army who was close at hand.He doesn't care if you shoot, if you charge, they throw down the shovel and pick up the gun and fight you, anyway, they won't retreat.This ditch digging is stronger than the bridegroom's, and the plane bombing can't stop it. The huge plain has been dug into a spider's web by them. Maybe one day when you wake up, the communist army will be able to pass you cigarettes through the trenches. . Lao Dan gritted his teeth and stood up, and he could see a little bit of light reflected from the small shovel of the communist army flying up and down.During the days of being besieged, the communist army has never stopped attacking, even if they don't charge, they will shoot you a few shots in the middle of the night.In short, if you are not allowed to live in peace, you have to prick up one ear when you sleep.In the contact zone on the edge, for a bigger village, they would take turns to attack endlessly. Although the casualties were heavy, they squeezed the defense line of the national army back step by step, just like this one foot by one meter. The front arch and the straight arch made the national army shrink to the palm-sized area of ​​the double pile, and they surrounded it with trenches, singing there day and night. Yesterday, a strange communist army attacked from the west. They were tall and big, and they didn't take their lives seriously at all.Rao even Lao Liu and his brothers had fought against Savage Mountain, and they were also beaten by these real wild men and ran away.Most of the brothers in the bunker are ruthless characters, and they can grit their teeth and work in boredom when they are surrounded, but the style of the communist army makes this indestructible thing a living coffin.里面的弟兄们眼睁睁看着几个炸药包在外面冒起青烟,只能互相拍拍,嘴里的烟轮着抽一口,就一起上路了。老旦想到这儿心疼起来,老刘和老白都阵亡了,好兄弟夏千为了救杨北万也受了重伤,一会要再去看看他。 一阵臭气搅乱了老旦的思绪,二子正蹲在上风头拉屎,他蒙着军大衣,只露出白花花半个屁股。老旦忙点上一支烟,背过脸去喘气。因缺乏蔬菜和水,二子嘿呦半天也没整出什么货。壕里有弟兄开骂,可离开战壕万万不敢。前天左边那道壕的一个弟兄半夜内急,爬到外边刚脱下裤子,共军的狙击手就敲掉了他半个脑袋,人和屎已经冻在一起了。 “嘿……国民党……反动派……灰个疱们……听得见俄么?”一个大破锣嗓子从共军那边喊过来,这奇怪的口音在夜空里异常清晰,紧接着天上打起一颗照明弹。老旦惊得一个激灵,忙看着二子。这小子系着裤腰带在那儿骂人:“哪个兔崽子诈尸?把老子的屎吓回去了。” “国民党的灰个疱们,你们别困觉啊,要敢闭眼俄们就过来!过来往你们裤裆里鸡巴上放个手榴弹。”他扯着喉咙喊,还有一帮人在哄笑。 “喊你娘了个逼呀!有种你过来!俄专打你裤裆里的鸡巴货!”这边有战士回应了,居然也是个山那边的,口音差不多! “俄白天又不是没过来,俄过来的时候你个疱在哪哩?跑得影儿都没有……明天别让俄撞见你,让你死得翘翘的,不过看在老乡分上,俄就留你个全尸!”共军战士牙尖嘴利,隔这么老远老旦都能感到他那张轻蔑的嘴。听这话,白天冲锋的时候有他的份呢。 “你个灰个疱长了几根儿球?你今天再过来试试?就你妈知道挖沟!有种你把你个猪头给爷探出来!让爷看看你长个球相?”这边的战士有点急了。 “老乡你个疱哪里的?”共军战士的口气变了。 “你管球爷哪儿的呢?反正离你个灰个疱肯定不远!”这边的战士有点不屑。 “过俄们这边来吧!这边咱们老乡多,好多就是你们那边过来的。爷们家那边已经解放了,给国民党扛枪卖命,你还图个球啊?你们的一个师都到爷们这边来了,你个愣球还不知道哩!”共军战士得意地说。 这真让老旦心惊肉跳,110师莫非整个儿投降改姓了“共”?龟孙儿的,还要害得后面两个师的弟兄送命!黄司令也真是个愣球,怎么派了这么个师打头阵?难怪整一个满员的110师连个鬼影都不见,原来都换成了共军的服装。莫非打援的部队就是他们?真是乱了套,这是他娘的咋回事?老旦站起身来找着掷弹手,不能让这个共军再嚷嚷了。三个掷弹手听得愣神,领了老旦的命令,刚往枪上放了枪榴弹,却听到那共军唱了起来。 这土味十足的嗓子沙哑低沉,却横盖着这片原野。掷弹手们看着老旦,就等他一声令下。可这家伙只唱不说了,那声音飘飘忽忽,像在走着唱似的。这边的弟兄闭了嘴。死般寂静的战场被这歌声带来些遥远的生气,尽管这把声子那么难听。 老旦摆了摆手。他深一脚浅一脚地巡视壕里,看着战士们的脸。战士们大多缩成团围抱在一起,很多张脸上冻出千奇百怪的疮。弟兄们望着他,有人对他微笑,而也有很多笑都笑不出,只能点一下头。杨北万裹着一块破毯子,抱着夏千的胳膊。那颗手榴弹本来会要了杨北万的命,他被掉在裤裆里冒烟的铁疙瘩吓得屎尿迸流,夏千一个箭步掏出来,烫手般扔了出去,可它在半空里炸了,夏千当时就不省人事,弹片伤了肺部,一只眼也被削没了,他一咳嗽就吐血,老旦看见他的时候他已经吐了一地的血。两个医务官都被打死了,战士们胡乱帮他止了血,再没更好的法子了,人也运不出去,那弹片定还在体内,随着咳嗽一下下扎着他。 杨北万熟睡着,双手仍抱着夏千。夏千直直地靠在壕边儿,大嘴微张,双手交叉在肮脏的袖管中。他仰望着天空,一只眼瞪得溜圆,满是伤痕和冻疮的脸上挂着两道冰,一行是泪,一行是血。老旦摸了下他的额头,他死去多时了。酸楚涌上心尖,冰凉从手掌传入心里。老旦难过地背过脸去。稍顷又回头,伸手去合夏千那只圆睁的眼,却合不上,泪水已经把它冻成冰块了。 老旦摇醒了杨北万,指了指死去的夏千,这孩子立刻大哭起来,死命摇着他的救命恩人,抱着他的脑袋大声喊着。战士们纷纷围了过来。杨北万的哭喊声和共军战士的歌声混在一起,让老旦愤怒起来。 “掷弹手,给爷敲了他!”老旦对那三个战士喊道。 三支枪榴弹发射了,它们准确地落在歌声的源头,那共军尖叫了一嗓子,定是炸得不轻。然后是一串咒骂,一串迫击炮轰过来,在不远处先后炸开,不知打中了哪个倒霉鬼。 几个战士拉开了哭得死去活来的杨北万,抱起夏千向存尸处走去。死去的人,不管是战士还是军官,老兵还是新兵,都剥得赤条条,带鱼一样码堆在一起。刀子一样的寒风将他们很快冻成了冰棍子,到明年春天才会腐烂。老旦真不忍心他们衣不蔽体,但有啥法子呢?很多活人还挨着冻。 回到原位坐下,老旦抽出烟锅,在火上烤了烤才放进嘴里,不一会儿,酸楚随着浓烟在身体里弥漫,他默默流泪,这一哭不可收拾,低低的哽咽呛着寒风和烟草,让他涕泪横流,双肩乱颤。因怕战士们看到,他索性把头藏到大衣领子里,让眼泪肆意流下面颊。 日军投降后,老旦和夏千看着一支坐在地上的鬼子部队,夏千时不时还踢上两脚。一个鬼子猛地从后面抱住了老旦,老旦分明闻到手榴弹冒出的烟,吓出一身冷汗,可怎么也挣不脱这鬼子的双臂。夏千抡开强壮的胳膊,喀嚓一下拧断了鬼子的脖子,再将绑着手榴弹的死鬼子推进了鬼子堆里。七八个鬼子当场炸死。夏千拎着枪,在哀号的鬼子头上一人一枪。他吓坏了鬼子,也吓坏了老旦。 夏千那天说,离家最近的时候只有百十里地了。从陪都东进受降,从重庆到长沙,从长沙到南昌,从南昌到武汉,他的家越来越近,近到已经听见了鄂北的家乡话。可是部队突然受令,受降工作就地移交,暂让鬼子维持当地治安,大部队即刻向安徽进发,随军夺取中原要害之地。命令下来,夏千愁容惨淡,再没提过回家的事。 炮弹从头顶呼啸而过,国军的炮来了,地又掀动起来,共军真不知如何生受。战士们早厌了欣赏炮兵的杰作,只一个个蹲在壕里,和老旦一样想着各自的心事…… 半个时辰的炮把天炸亮了。老旦揉了揉膝盖,直起身子望去。共军费了大半宿工夫挖出来的战壕成了大坑,铁锹和尸体到处都是。可共军收拾着尸体又开始挖了,连这边的冷枪都不在意。冻得坚实如铁的平原被炮火犁过,反而好挖多了。几袋烟的工夫,共军的脑瓜顶子又消失在地平线下,巨大的红旗在招摇。共军高挑起几个大喇叭,有个细嫩的女娃声音在高叫着,七八天了也不换换样,总是那么几句。 “你们就挖吧,把地鬼挖出来拉倒!”老旦愤愤地填上烟袋锅子,火柴却划不着,正恼火时,二子伸过一支美国打火机,啪嗒就给他点上了。 “不守着地儿,过来溜舔啥?”老旦故作恼怒道。 “你还看不出共军的意思?他们不把咱饿个半死冻个半死,才不会冲了呢,这叫以逸待劳,依我看啊,共军怎么也还要个七八天才会再进攻。”二子揉着发胀的肚子,像洞悉了共军的作战计划。 “连屎都拉不出来,你还能想出什么看法。”老旦不屑地看着他。 “哎旦哥,你听共军这播音的小娘们怎么样?这金嗓子和毛毛虫似的,真是松到骨头里去了。要是有这么个媳妇儿在炕头上揉着,就冲这声音,那这辈子也值了。” “屁,这婆娘没准长得和老鸹似的,光听声儿就想娶回家,那你娶个家雀算了。” “那不会,指定不会,咱要是反攻,俺就把她捉了先奸后杀,嗯……杀了怪可惜的。”二子歪着头听那声音,突然弯下腰向远处跑去,“不行了,被她把屎喊出来了,来了,来了。” 老旦哭笑不得,这小子就是能说,胆小不说,真给他个天仙似的女子干,看一眼八成就泄了。 后面一阵骚乱,蹲在壕里的战士们纷纷爬起来,给快步而来的几个人让路敬礼。打头的是个少校,獐头鼠目,瘦骨嶙峋,军帽下的头发有半尺长,活像鸡棚里被捉的黄鼠狼。此人个子不大,却穿着一件拖地的军大衣,肩章出溜到胳膊上。滑稽的墨镜下冷酷的歪嘴喷着白汽。这嘴咧得有些过分,说明来者不善。他身后的宪兵押着两个人。二人被反剪捆绑了个结实,佝偻着腰杆。老旦一眼认出,一个是河南新兵周虎子,一个是四川老兵马贵,都是3连的。二人神色慌张,脸上有拳打的青痕。 少校蹩到老旦身前,揉了揉冻得发麻的脸颊,端起架子仰头问老旦。 “你负责?” “是!长官,俺是营长老旦。”老旦敬了一个礼。 少校听到这名字扑哧笑了。这不太严肃,他低头搪过一串咳嗽。 "Are these two your soldiers?" “是俺们3连的兵!” “你看怎么办?他们扮成民夫想混出去,还大包小包的。原本该就地正法,但是现在这种情况越来越多,我认为有必要到前线来给诸位提个醒!”此人语气阴险,像极了豫剧里面的白脸,眼睛躲在墨镜后面,不知是黑是黄。老旦不明白他要干什么,却知这两个兵死定了。看着马贵和周虎子两张死人般的脸,老旦束手无策。 "Sir, it's all my fault for not being strict in discipline! Just now the cannons were fired too hard, and I didn't pay attention to anything..." “今天跑两个,明天跑两个,后天连你也跑啦!这仗还怎么打?你们这儿压力本来就大,阵地守不住,集团军就完蛋了,咱们完蛋了,整个徐蚌战场也就完蛋了……就算不说那么大,后面那几千个伤兵弟兄怎么办?共军在这儿捅开了口子,丢脑袋的是你不是我!你自己想清楚!”少校义正辞严地说着,冷冷地看着老旦。 “营长,是俺想家了,俺对不住你和连长!俺拉着马贵儿哥走的,处分俺一个就行了!”周虎子哭得语无伦次。 “旦哥,是我不懂事,是我没管住自个儿!虎子还是娃子,让我戴罪立功吧,死了我都没个意见,娃子他就别处分了!”老兵马贵儿倒是满不在乎。 “戴罪立功?你说得好轻巧!抛开军纪不说,这阵地上都是你的弟兄,你跑了,他们呢?国军不需要你这种人立功!”少校脸色陡变,每个字都像咬出来的。 “长官,现在战壕里缺人,这娃子又是新兵,看在弟兄们坚守这么长时间的分上,饶了吧!俺一定严加管教,让团部处分俺吧!”尽管于事无补,老旦还是苦苦相求。 “说的是啊,人都跑了你还怎么守?军法是什么?你是老兵,打鬼子的时候啥样你不是不知道吧?”少校终于摊牌了。 “去你妈了个逼!别跟老子在这里装蒜,你要把老子怎么样?”马贵脾气火爆,不顾一切地发作了。 少校看他半晌,说:“好,我再让你装一次硬!把枪拿过来!”少校指着宪兵。 “日你妈的,你给俺闭嘴!”老旦冲上去,冲马贵抡了两个耳光。马贵的脸抽得抖索起来,低下了头。 “长官,能不能看俺的面子,这次先记上?下次再有这事,俺亲手料理了他!”老旦躬下身对少校说。 “下次?要是还有下次,就不是你料理他,而是团部料理你了!” 少校拿过宪兵递来的冲锋枪挂在二人的脖子上。二人松了绑,宪兵给他们戴上了钢盔。少校站定了,掏出手枪,拉开枪栓指着他们,冷冷地说:“上去,往共军那面走……” “长官……”老旦站在他的枪口前,口气更软了,“算了吧……” “军法无情,闪开吧。”少校用枪拨开了他,“弹夹里没有子弹,你们要是敢跑敢扔枪,这边就开火……不是成天想着过去么?算是个机会。” 这办法如此恶毒,战士们怒起来,拉完屎的二子忽地抄起枪,骂骂咧咧地就要动粗,连杨北万都站出来,噌地抽出刺刀。老旦压着怒火一摆手,又挡住少校的枪,摘下帽子,咬着牙慢慢说:“长官,俺和这帮弟兄们出生入死,大家守在这里,人死了一小半,阵地可一寸都没丢。这帮弟兄们没有功劳也有苦劳,马贵儿和虎子只是冻迷糊了,犯点子错误就要枪毙,团部就不怕寒了战士们的心?大伙儿没吃没喝没子弹,出去拉泡屎都会挨枪子,偶尔有些个想家熬不住的,就不能看在这帮弟兄的情分上饶他们一回?”老旦语气虽平,额头却青筋暴起,涨红的脸使他的伤疤显得格外狰狞。 “俺知道每条沟里都有这事,这不是啥稀奇事!团部要就是想宰他们,就先宰了俺再说!”老旦终于忍不住,梗着脖子发了狠。 战士们听了他这话,再不含糊,凶巴巴地围住那几个宪兵,有人手里拎着枪,只等连长一声令下。 少校吃了一惊,却不慌。那几个宪兵腿肚子都软了。少校掏出烟来自己抽,看着四周的士兵们。 “干什么?造反?来吧,冲我来。”这声音阴阴的,“看得出你也是老兵,这不是咱打鬼子那时候了,老弟,这个战场决定你我的命,打赢了咱就是人,打不赢咱连狗都不是,你怜惜这两个逃兵,到最后咱们败了,可没人怜惜你。”少校吐着烟圈说,“207团的团长和两个营长昨天被枪毙了,知道为什么吗?” 老旦摇了摇头。 “他们手下几个兵跑过去,又跑回来给共军捎话。上面知道了这事。虽然他们没有投降,但一样要枪毙。你这两个要是跑回来,你的脑袋能保住?”少校抽完了烟,见二子瞪他,就将烟头拧在二子的钢盔上。二子一鼻子灰,却不敢言。 “营长,别为我们背黑锅,我的命贱得像土坷垃,死了没个啥!弟兄们别这样啊,不划算,不划算啊!长官,我们去就是了!”虎子见双方剑拔弩张,禁不住哭着跪下了。老旦明白少校说的,却挪不开脚步。少校见他如此,从上衣口袋里拿出一张纸,一抖打开,举到老旦面前。 “俺不认字,写的啥?”老旦心虚起来,脸红成了柿子。 “你不认得字,也不认得团部的红章?看清楚了,就地处决,立即执行!明白了么?” 少校哗地收起纸,歪着嘴对老旦说:“你让我拿哪只眼瞧你呀?谁没干过鬼子,谁没见过血?我在马来半岛吃过鬼子的肉,喝过猴子的血,挨过毒蛇和蚂蟥,要不是眼神不好,你以为我会来跟你干这个?” 少校猛地摘下了墨镜,那张冷酷的脸上,一只眼已经没了黑色,竟是惨白的一团,而另一只带着暴怒,恶狠狠地瞪着老旦。 “咱们这一仗不能输,输不起了呀!”少校猛然大叫起来,“不整肃军纪,终归一败涂地。咱们不缺枪不缺炮,也不缺吃喝和弹药,咱们就是缺当年打鬼子的那股劲儿!我们拼命从日本人手里夺回来的江山,死了几百万弟兄保住的中华民国,你就忍心给共产党夺了去?”独眼少校猛地抬枪,硬硬顶住老旦的脑门。战士们被他吓着了,没人敢举起枪来。 “执行命令,让他们往前走……”少校阴阴地说。 老旦看着那只独眼,心里叹了一声,看了看马贵和周虎子。他们哆哆嗦嗦地走上战壕,周虎子哭成了一团烂泥,被马贵搀着才能前行。马贵对着几个宪兵啐了一口,说道: “营长,弟兄们,爷们儿上路了!虎子,别给咱弟兄们丢脸!哭你妈了个逼啊!” 二人挂着枪缓缓向前走去。几个宪兵举起了枪。老旦心如刀绞,也只能强压悲愤看他们远去,急出满身的大汗。 空旷的两军阵地之间,两个孤零零的国军士兵走向共军的阵地。两边的士兵都瞪大眼睛看着他们,死寂的战场上只听见两人沉重的脚步声。两人走过一片片冻僵的死尸,饶是马贵身经百战,那腿也在打哆嗦了。老旦听到了共军噼里啪啦的枪栓声。 共军那边打来一枪,又脆又长的声儿。马贵应声晃了两晃,却没有倒,他猛地一推虎子,回过身来,面朝国军阵地大喊: “虎子往前跑,快跑!王八羔子们,往你大爷身上招呼!” 虎子扔下枪和头盔,举起双手撒脚向共军阵地跑去。 宪兵们开枪了。一串子弹蛇一样在地上爬着,又猛地跳起,咬在马贵宽阔的身体上,崩出片片血雾。马贵挣扎着,口中喷着黏糊糊的血,他伸开双臂,接着更多的子弹。几支冲锋枪将他打得跳起来,老兵马贵发出长长的号叫,明明要仰倒,却发狠地扑向前,沉沉地倒在地上。 虎子眼看就跑到共军阵地了。老旦旁边砰的一声响起,飞奔的虎子一个激灵,飞出了几米扑倒在地上,就再不动弹了。老旦看到少校的枪口冒着白烟,登时血往上涌,他一把夺过枪,照着那颗头一拳打去。少校摔倒在沟里,碎镜片划破了脸颊。他却没恼,抹了把血站了起来。宪兵们慌张地对老旦举枪。战士们大骂着围过来,二子一手压下宪兵的枪口,锋利的刺刀横亘在他的脖子上。一个弟兄站在壕
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