Home Categories Internet fantasy Spiritual pet language

Chapter 23 Section 22

Spiritual pet language 童亮 1144Words 2018-03-11
The woman was silent for a long time, and smiled through tears: "I met you idiot today, so I won't hide it. I don't know how I feel with people. When I slept with the dog just now, I was suffering from madness. , confused, muddleheaded, not much feeling. After recovering from the illness, I feel that this is a shame, and I dare not see people. After a long time, I gradually feel happy, guessing that strong men may not be as good as it, so I gradually love it I fell in love with it, but I was reluctant to leave it. But this dog has a strong jealousy. If I see a cute child and hug it, it will bite me at night, and the wound will take several days to heal. But It never gets close to other bitches, and stays with me day and night. I have never told anyone this secret, so please don’t tell it, or I will be even more embarrassed to meet people.”

The old woman left with a smile on her face. The next day, the woman left the inn, not knowing where she was. The story of this horse shop has been passed down by word of mouth among the villagers, and I don't know how many generations it has been passed down. The villagers treated Jiutuo as a mad dog and were worried that he would be interested in the village wife. This made me think of the absurd story that once happened in Madian. It was weird to hear this story before.Looking back now, especially after seeing what happened to Jiutuo, I secretly feel that we have underestimated these creatures.

To everyone's surprise, Jiu Tuo, who broke free from the chain and came back by himself, did not show any aggressiveness.On the contrary, when he met people he knew in the village, he would take the initiative to say hello with a smile on his face. But the woman hiding in the house is still in fear. What everyone didn't expect was that the bumps on Jiutuo's body were obviously much smaller.But the color of the original concave has become darker. At first glance, Jiutuo looks like a porcelain doll that has gone through many years. The concave is like a crack on the surface of porcelain, which will shatter when touched.

Maybe it was because he was too defensive before, so that when Jiu Tuo greeted others, the other party's expression was very embarrassing, and he didn't know whether to run away or nod and force a smile.Maybe Jiutuo knew what had changed in him, and he didn't care about the abnormal reactions of others, so he still greeted them one by one. At this time, Father Ai came out, took the initiative to walk towards Jiu Tuo who was like a porcelain doll, and said happily: "Huh? You seem to be much better. Why didn't you tell me before you ran away?" "Run away?" Jiu Tuo was taken aback, "I didn't run away, I just went to Thrush."

Hearing what he said, I immediately wondered if he was looking for my grandpa, so I hurriedly asked, "Are you looking for my grandpa?" Jiu Tuo looked at me for a long time, slapped his hands for the last time, and said with a smile: "I remember, hehehe, so you are the grandson of Master Ma!" Dad Ai replied instead of me: "Yes. Have you gone to see Master Ma?" Jiu Tuo nodded. Father Ai asked: "What are you looking for him for?" Jiutuo raised his eyebrows and said, "Why are you looking for him? Ask him to thank you!" Jiutuo rolled up his sleeves, showed his arm that was also like porcelain, and said happily: "Look, the pustules on my body It all subsided! This is all thanks to the good method taught to me by his old man."

Father Ai was very surprised and asked, "How did he teach you?" "Yes. The old man told me to cut the skin with Yuan Yu's dog's teeth to let him vent his grievances. I tried it, and I didn't expect it to work." Jiutuo's excitement was beyond words, "The things that disturbed me before I can't see those unclean things now." I'm skeptical.What I believed was Jiutuo's performance. I had to believe his changes happened in front of me. What I doubted was whether it was true that Grandpa said that he would never be involved in such incidents again.

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