Home Categories Internet fantasy Spiritual pet language

Chapter 20 Section 19

Spiritual pet language 童亮 951Words 2018-03-11
But after talking for a long time, it doesn't seem to have any effect.Even Father Ai, who was hiding behind the window, couldn't help stamping his feet anxiously. Suddenly, Ma Yueyun's face changed drastically, and he pointed at the woman's nose and yelled something, with a sharp voice.A dramatic scene appeared, the woman immediately bowed her brows, turned and left. Father Ai watched the woman reluctantly walk towards Jiutuo's house in the opposite direction until "her" figure completely melted into the night. I asked Father Ai how my grandfather scolded that woman.I have never seen grandpa swearing.

Father Ai said that he didn't hear the swearing words clearly, let alone the swearing words, and they didn't hear a word of the two of them arguing under the street lamp.Father Ai completely guessed what they were talking about by looking at their expressions. Later, Jiutuo gradually returned to its previous appearance.The chickens and ducks of the neighbors around began to be lost again, no one could get evidence, and the usual accusations began again, and the eighteen generations of Jiutuo's ancestors were scolded all over. Seeing that Jiu Tuo got better, Father Ai secretly went to thank Grandpa again.

Unexpectedly, Grandpa was surprised and said: "Thank you for what?" Father Ai told what he saw on the night of March 3rd. Grandpa shook his head and said, "You must be mistaken. I didn't go out that night. I had dinner early and went to bed. I didn't go anywhere." Father Ai originally wanted to ask Grandpa, what method did he use to drive that female ghost away, and what did he say in the last sentence.But grandpa answered him like this, so he had no choice but to swallow the rest of the words back to his stomach. In the end, Father Ai concluded: "So no matter who says how unreasonable your grandfather is, you don't listen to it. Especially when it comes to Jiutuo."

"Did you really see clearly? Are you sure it was my grandpa that night?" I asked. "Of course. Maybe your grandfather doesn't admit that there are his difficulties. So I didn't force him to admit it." Dad Ai said. "Does Jiu Tuo know?" "I'm not sure whether he knows or not. If you want to talk about him, the last time he was pitiful. He has not married a wife at such an age. Men will have ideas when they reach their biological age. Speaking of this time, he is completely his own." It's obviously a very smart dog, otherwise why would it choose those people to bite? He just wants to provoke it. This time is even more pitiful than last time, but I didn't look for your grandpa again." He spread his hands and said .

"You also think Second Grandma's dog is very smart?" I was slightly surprised. "I'm not talking nonsense. A long time ago, there was a man in Suzhou who bought a big house. How could he know that the Feng Shui here is particularly dangerous. Everything in the house is full of mischief. For example, the well water gushed out blood, and the doors and windows opened and closed by themselves. The man was very scared. A Taoist priest was invited to practice exorcism. The Taoist priest came to the house and asked, what is strange about the house? The man said that there are strange things everywhere in the house, except for an old cat in front of the hall, which is the least strange, and stays lazily basking in the sun every day. .And guess what happened?"

"What's wrong?" I asked. Father Ai smiled strangely, and said, "The cat stood up on the spot, clasped its fists at the man and said, 'Congratulations! My boss really compliments me!'" I am amazed. "You said, can these pets be underestimated?"
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