Home Categories Internet fantasy Spiritual pet language

Chapter 18 Section 17

Spiritual pet language 童亮 1076Words 2018-03-11
After turning off the lights and going to sleep, the people in the same dormitory heard Jiutuo start talking nonsense, muttering, as if he was talking to someone. A fellow villager got up, went to touch Jiutuo's bed, and found that he had a high fever, and his body was convulsing, like a shrimp caught ashore. The fellow hurriedly woke up the others, applied towels and poured soup, but still nothing happened.In desperation, a few people decided that if he was still not well tomorrow morning, everyone would take him to the town's health center for treatment by taking the mountain road.

The enthusiastic fellow didn't fall asleep anymore, and stayed by his bedside. Jiu Tuo kept talking nonsense, but when he listened carefully, it seemed that there was an extra person beside the bed.He seemed to be urging "the one who had too much" to go home with him. Hearing this, the fellow was terrified, and hurriedly woke up his companions who had just fallen asleep, asking them to accompany them to strengthen their courage. In the end, the few of them couldn't stand it any longer, and fell asleep beside the bed one after another. The next day, it was Jiu Tuo who woke them up.

When Jiu Tuo woke up, he was surprised to see so many people sleeping around him.He pushed the fellow to wake him up and asked, "Why aren't you in your own bed, and you all came to sleep with me?" After returning from the construction site, Jiutuo's temperament changed drastically, he got angry at every turn, and often had quarrels with others.He is also much lazy, he no longer travels far to work, he is tired of staying at home every day, he can stay for a whole day by himself with the door closed, and no one is allowed to come in at night.The person lost weight very quickly, within a month, the eye sockets were deeply sunken, and the fingers were as thin as bamboo sticks.

In the past, he was very clever at stealing. Although people knew that he stole it, they couldn't get any evidence, so they had to sit outside their house and curse in the direction of Jiutuo's house. But during that time, his actions of stealing chickens were far less clean than before. When the master came back, he hadn't caught a chicken, and he was often caught and beaten to death. In this way, his health was even worse, his lips were black, his limbs were weak, and his eyes were dim.There are also underage children who said that when they got up to pee in the middle of the night, they saw a woman they didn't know coming in and out of his house.Children who pee in the middle of the night are often reluctant to go to the toilet, but go to the nearest gate to pee with their legs apart.So those words are somewhat believable.

Those who had worked with him spread the word about Jiutuo worshiping the girl's temple.There was a lot of discussion in the village, thinking that Jiu Tuo had brought a female ghost from other places back home.This also happens to explain why Jiutuo has changed so much. At that time, Father Ai had just returned from his son's place, and after hearing what the villagers had said about it, he was secretly worried about Jiutuo. Father Ai secretly went to Huamei Village, found Grandpa, and asked Grandpa to help drive away the female ghost in Jiutuo's house. Dad Ai said that he knew that his grandfather had already started to refuse to participate in such things at that time, but he still begged his grandfather with the mentality of giving it a try.

It is estimated that because of Ai's age, Grandpa is afraid that if he directly refuses, he will lose face.So grandpa made an excuse and said: "How can there be so many ghosts in the world? Don't talk about people during the day, because talking about people will harm life; don't talk about ghosts at night, because talking about ghosts will cause strange things. The things about Jiu Tuo and female ghosts are all told by people." Yes, it doesn't exist." Dad Ai said: "Although I didn't see that female ghost with my own eyes, a child saw it. The child's eyes are relatively simple and can see those unclean things. Besides, Jiu Tuo's temperament has changed a lot. I also heard that he occasionally buys some women. At first glance, I thought it was a shroud. Well, no matter whether the female ghost really exists, please go and have a look. I watched that child Jiutuo grow up. Not bad, you can help me."

Father Ai said, my grandpa didn't talk to me any more, but just kept persuading him to drink tea.
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