Home Categories Internet fantasy Spiritual pet language

Chapter 12 Section Eleven

Spiritual pet language 童亮 1004Words 2018-03-11
"It's strange to say, since the jujube tree was planted, the child has gradually grown stronger. But there is one thing wrong. His hair grows desperately in spring, and it is black and shiny. It takes five or six days to cut Once, otherwise it will be dragged to the ground to make a broom. In summer, the growth rate will slow down, and the black will be like a normal person. In autumn, the hair will start to fall, and the color will become yellow. In winter, he will become A bald head! Ordinary jujube trees can live for more than a hundred years without any problems, but one year it stopped sprouting and suddenly withered. In that year, he, who was in his fifties and was usually healthy, suddenly fell ill and died. Yes. The jujube tree in your grandfather’s house was transplanted from the jujube tree that bears fruit, and the seedlings that fell on the ground grew again.”

At this time, my mother brought over a cup of sugar water tea and handed it to her. "I really don't know anything about it," said my mother. Aunt Wei smiled and said, "If you ask your father, he won't tell. Our family members know better." She turned her head around and said to me, "So, now the jujube tree is dying. , you want a little bit of that..." She blinked. I smiled at her reluctantly, but my heart was heavy like lead, and my chest hurt. "By the way, I encountered a strange thing today." Aunt Wei put down the sugar tea and said. "What's weird?" Mom asked.

"Jiutuo came to my house today and asked if I could still find the dog bones he ate a few days ago. I saw that he was covered in pustules, so I really didn't want to say a word to him." Aunt Wei curled her lips. That's when I found out that that person was originally called Jiutuo.Such an odd name. Mom asked, "He came to see you?" "Yeah. I'm wondering, why did he come to find the dog bones? He patted his butt after eating the dog meat and left, leaving a lot of offal on the floor, so I had a good meal to clean it up. I said I threw the dog bones on fire There was a fire in the stove. I think he should go now. I didn’t expect him to go to the stove in my house to turn ashes. He was a bit of a rascal, so I was afraid that he would pester him, so I let him go to the stove by himself. Dog bones. Once the bones were burned, they would be like charcoal, and they would turn into powder when touched. He couldn’t take them away even if he found them. Later, he actually grabbed a handful of canine teeth and came out, very happy. He asked me if I knew Which ones are the dog’s upper teeth and which ones are the lower teeth. How would I know? He was as happy as picking up a handful of gold, saying that it’s okay if he doesn’t know, and then walked away happily. I think the poison gas in his pustules has invaded his head , a bit insane."

I was about to explain why, but when I saw my mother winking at me, I held back my words.Aunt Wei is the second grandma's daughter-in-law, so it's really inappropriate to tell her these things. Aunt Wei left after drinking tea. I asked my mother: "Jiutuo really wants to cut the wound like what grandpa said?" While tidying up the teacup, my mother said casually, "Who knows?" Some things, whether you want to know it or not, will flood the crowd like a bursting tide.It's often surprising how quickly people spread word of mouth, good or bad. In the evening, people spread the word - Jiu Tuo is crazy!

Someone swears and swears that he saw Jiu Tuo running around drooling like a dog with red eyes and biting anyone he saw.Its condition is similar to that of the dog that suddenly went berserk at the funeral of the second grandmother.
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