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Chapter 11 Section ten

Spiritual pet language 童亮 1116Words 2018-03-11
"Huh? Not an ordinary tree?" I was surprised.I have been with my grandpa for so many years, and I have never found anything unusual about it. "When it comes to this matter, I'm afraid your mother doesn't know as much as I do. Your grandfather's jujube tree has a history." Aunt Wei said. "What history can a jujube tree have?" "I still listened to what my father said. About 120 years ago, a rich family in Huamei Village gave birth to a child. The child was dying at birth. The midwife thought the child was dead. Seeing the child like this, the parents thought they would not be able to keep them for long, so they wanted to abandon them. Later, they met a fortune-teller, who stopped the child’s parents and said that the child was born of wood, and the five elements coincided with each other. The lack of water, the bad season of birth, the withering trees, and the bad time of day put this child in danger. It’s not that the child has congenital deficiencies. The fortune teller advised them to keep the child.”

"Did they listen to the fortune teller?" "Of course they don't listen. They think that even if a child can be raised, it is very difficult. It is better to give up this one and have the next one. At that time, almost every household had ten or eight children, and the survival rate was far lower than it is now. Usually only four or five are left in the end. So they don't care about this one." It is not difficult to understand, first, there was no family planning at that time, and second, the medical conditions were not good at that time. "But what does this have to do with jujube trees?" I was at a loss.

"Listen to me. But then they kept this weak child." "why?" "Because the fortune teller told them that such a child is rare, but once they meet, if they don't take good care of them, they will never have a second child. That is to say, if the family abandons the child, they will The incense should be cut off. The fortune teller also tried to find a way for them to transplant a jujube tree from somewhere and tell the family to take good care of the jujube tree. As long as the jujube tree does not die, their children will be fine. If Poor care made the jujube tree die, and their children would die too. The fortune teller also said that it was all because he owed this child too much in his previous life, so he found it in this life and asked them to repay what they owed in their previous life. .Since he was found here, you must take good care of this jujube tree. If you take good care of the jujube tree stand-in, he will not make trouble."

"Is this the jujube tree in front of grandpa's door?" I asked impatiently. Aunt Wei smiled and said, "Wait for me to finish. The master of the rich family told the fortune teller that the 'find' you mentioned is different from the 'jujube' in the 'jujube tree'. The fortune teller explained to them It is said that during the Mid-Autumn Festival in the Yanhuang period, the Yellow Emperor led his ministers and guards to hunt in the wild. When they reached a valley, they were thirsty, hungry and tired. Suddenly, they saw a few big trees in the middle of the mountain with lures on them. The fruit of man. Everyone rushes over to pick it. It tastes sour and sweet. It quenches thirst and forgets fatigue. Everyone keeps saying yes, but they don’t know the name, so they ask the Yellow Emperor to give it a name. The Yellow Emperor said: "This fruit relieved our hardships of hunger and labor. It was not easy to find it all the way, so let's call it "find"!" , created the word 'jujube'. So, in terms of origin, they are the same word."

"This is how the word 'jujube' of jujube tree comes from? Is it true or not?" I asked. "It's a legend, who knows if it's true or not? Anyway, the family believed the fortune teller's words and took care of the jujube tree very carefully."
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