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Chapter 3 second quarter

Spiritual pet language 童亮 1358Words 2018-03-11
Including her mother, she also thinks that grandpa is beyond his capabilities. When my grandfather was away, my mother secretly told me: "Before you came back from Beijing, about seven or eight days ago, the second grandma passed away. During the funeral, the dog she had raised suddenly went berserk and bit several people in a row. Was bitten Those who were injured were those who had offended the Second Mistress before their death." The second grandmother is the goddess of Changshan Village. She doesn't do other things on weekdays, and she is in charge of the earth temple in the village.She is kind, kind and respectful.Not to mention the spirituality of the father-in-law and mother-in-law in the land temple, most of the aunts and aunts in the village still believe in it.During the two days when I took the college entrance examination, my mother found my second grandmother and insisted on kneeling at the Earth Temple for two full days and two nights.Later, when I was admitted to a key university, my mother went to the Earth Temple and set off two firecrackers to express my gratitude.

Although it is impossible to rely on the blessing of gods to enter the university, the significance of the existence of the Earth Temple is still revealed here.I guess, maybe this is why my aunt and aunt believe in it. My mother said: "Due to the large number of people bitten and the fear of contracting rabies virus, many people suggested killing the dog. The son of the second grandmother is very filial. So it would be cruel to kill the dog she had raised before she was alive. He asked everyone to let the dog go for now, and wait for the second grandma to pass her first seven years."

"Have you agreed?" I asked eagerly. My mother said: "Many people don't agree, especially those who have been bitten. Some people are afraid that their children will be bitten, so they agree to get rid of the dog immediately. After all, if you don't kill it, the potential danger will always exist. There are also a few people who offended the second grandma, but were not bitten because they were not there at the time, and they were more nervous, and their stand was more firm." "Could it be that the dog is driven by the soul of the second grandma?" I couldn't help thinking in my heart.

"Second Grandma's son can't stand up to everyone alone, so he asked your grandfather for help." "Ask Grandpa for help?" "Yes, he hopes that your grandpa will exorcise that dog so that it will stop biting people." I mumbled, "It's not biting people randomly!" My mother was noncommittal to my words, and continued: "If it was in the past, your grandpa would definitely help. You know your grandpa's character before, right? He will help out no matter how difficult it is. Besides, the second grandma is as good as us. to relatives."

Think about it too.Not only is the second grandma related to our family, but the daughter-in-law of the second grandma is also from Huamei Village, and her surname is also Ma.According to Grandpa's previous personality, he would never refuse, and would even come uninvited and offer to help. "But your grandpa turned it down straight away. He didn't show any mercy," said Mom.At this time, even the mother's eyes were somewhat apologetic.In the past, my mother tried her best to persuade my grandfather not to help others without reservation. I was silent for a moment, and asked, "Was that dog beaten to death later?"

"Everyone beat the dog to death when they learned that grandpa didn't help. The second grandma's son couldn't stop it. They threatened that if they didn't beat the dog to death, they wouldn't even help with the second grandma's funeral. Chuichuidada You need someone to carry the coffin and lift the lamp, so you can't delay the funeral because of that dog." Mom sighed softly. I pictured in my mind the scene of people rushing to kill a dog. Because of this incident, my mother thinks that grandpa's heart has hardened, and at the same time thinks that grandpa is really not as good as before.Mom said: "Maybe Grandpa wanted to help the dog, but his body couldn't bear it anymore."

"I don't understand what he's thinking." After a long time, my mother said again, "Uncle built a new building and asked him to move out of the old house, but he didn't listen. There was a heavy rain in the first half of the year. It fell for a week. The tiles of the old house were leaking, and the mud brick wall was washed by the rain, and a wall collapsed. It almost killed your grandfather." I was horrified when I heard it. In my memory, the mud brick walls of the old house were combined with the earth honeycomb.Every summer, many bees crawled out of the beehives in the mud brick wall, buzzing and flying around the main room, making people dizzy with noise.At that time, I was worried that the walls of the old house would be hollowed out by the bees.

At that time, the sun shone in through the gaps in the tiles, and the round beams of light hit the wall and the floor, making it difficult for me to tell which circle was the wasp hole and which circle was the sunlight that leaked down. As time went on, I got farther and farther away from home, and I missed those bumblebees and the round sun more and more. Perhaps, grandpa is also reluctant to part with Bumblebee and Sunshine.
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