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Spiritual pet language

Spiritual pet language


  • Internet fantasy

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 44237

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Chapter 1 foreword

Spiritual pet language 童亮 427Words 2018-03-11
Sakyamuni Buddha saw the stars at night under the bodhi tree and became a Buddha. The first sentence he said was: "It's amazing, it's amazing, it's amazing, all sentient beings have the wisdom and virtue of the Tathagata. , can’t be proved, if you stay away from delusions, there will be no teacher’s wisdom, natural wisdom, everything will appear.” What he meant was that all sentient beings have the same wisdom and abilities as Buddha. This is also what we often say "all beings are equal, and all things have animism". Everything has animism, but it is a pity that we humans, who think we are superior to other creatures, are hurting other creatures all the time.

Because of our delusions, because of our persistence. It is said that water can perceive the world and distinguish good from evil.Some scientists have discovered that the saying that "everything will fluctuate" does exist, and that different fluctuations produce different frequencies.Water responds differently by receiving fluctuations from different human emotions - people who are pessimistic about life will emit a pessimistic fluctuation frequency; people who are friendly and tolerant will emit a joyful fluctuation frequency; For those who have love in their hearts, they will send out waves of love; for people with ulterior motives, the frequency of waves sent out is often destructive.

I thought, when we human beings do good or evil actions to other animals, will they also send out different vibration frequencies to us? This is also a kind of "animism". Kindness is a kind of salvation.This is my original intention of writing this book.
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