Home Categories war military The Dignity of a Great Power Retelling the Past and Present of the Korean War

Chapter 5 You hit your atom bomb, I throw my grenade

As you all know, Truman is the only president in the world who ordered the atomic bomb to be dropped. According to the memoirs written by an American official, in order to end the war with Japan as soon as possible, President Truman ordered the atomic bombing of two cities in Japan. After the order was issued, President Truman went back to his room to rest. In an instant, the snoring sounded like thunder. The next day, hundreds of thousands of souls returned to the west. A few days later, the desperately resisting Japanese, known for not fearing death, raised the white flag and surrendered.

He dared to drop an atomic bomb on Japan, and China would be no exception. After the Chinese army fought against the American army, President Truman declared that he owed him nothing but teach China a lesson, but he kept hearing the news of being taught a lesson by China, so he threatened to release an atomic bomb. At a press conference on November 30, 1950, Truman announced with a serious face that the United States "has been actively considering the use of the atomic bomb." As soon as this remark came out, the world was in an uproar. European countries such as Britain, France, and Germany panicked immediately, and parliamentarians from some countries signed and appealed, asking not to let it go.As soon as you release it, as soon as the Soviet Union releases it, our European game will be over!

The Dutch ambassador to the United Nations even had tears in his eyes, begging Mr. Truman not to let him go! That's right, dropping an atomic bomb is different from farting, and you can't just fart casually! In fact, Mao Zedong had long been mentally prepared for the threat of the United States dropping the atomic bomb.As early as at the Ninth Meeting of the Central People's Government before the war began, Mao Zedong boldly said in response to the threat of the United States dropping an atomic bomb: "You hit your atomic bomb, and I will throw my grenade." This time, in the face of Du Dakan's clamor that he wanted to drop the atomic bomb, Mao Zedong didn't pay attention to it at all. The central government didn't hold a meeting to discuss it.

Lu Xun said that speechlessness is the greatest contempt, and Mao Zedong almost despised Truman to the fullest. When it was useless to frighten, bluff, or fool, President Truman, who had announced that he would drop an atomic bomb, politely took it back. It can be seen that Mao Zedong's strength is different from Truman's strength.Truman's strength is strong only when he has strength, which manifests itself as bullying the weak and showing off his strength; while Mao Zedong's strength is really strong, this kind of strength is based on the pursuit of fairness and justice. , The one who dares to fight is strong.

People often say that if you fall behind, you will be beaten; Mao Zedong's logic is: if you are backward, you dare to beat people!
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