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Chapter 67 Section sixty-seven

Spiritual pet language 2 童亮 1081Words 2018-03-11
In other words, when I was more than ten years old, my mother told me that my grandma (actually grandma) had a similar experience to Dong Jing's daughter-in-law, and she also gave birth to a tub of frogs. Many people will come to grandpa for help when naming newborn girls, asking what radical to use, what sound to make, and how many strokes are better.But grandpa named his children simple and simple.His mother's name is Guimao, and his uncle's name is Guichou.Judging from the age, it is known that there is a ten-year age difference between the two of them.There is such a big difference between siblings, but there are no other siblings in between.

Why is this? Mom's explanation is that there was an accident in the middle.It wasn't that grandma hadn't been pregnant in those ten years, but she was pregnant with a strange pregnancy.Seeing that it was fine, the belly gradually became bigger and rounder.But when it came time to give birth, a large tub of frogs was born. Both grandpa and grandma panicked. Fortunately, my grandfather was still there at that time. He spent a day looking through ancient books in the study, and finally found the source and solution of the strange pregnancy.Grandpa said that this is a rare technique of "Yin Yin".I don't know who I offended, maybe my grandfather helped too many people, or maybe he helped people punish people who knew this kind of harm during the period.

Grandpa said that this was just a warning from others.The real "Yin Yin" technique is much crueler than this.According to the records in ancient books, most of the people who know this technique are from powerful and wealthy families.They would secretly feed the worm eggs to maidservants or neglected concubines, and planted "flies" in their wombs.When they thought they were pregnant and were about to give birth, they would cruelly break off the limbs of their maidservants or concubines, and hug the "eggs" that had just been born but hadn't completely separated from the mother's body, and then used a method similar to burnt Things like hot turpentine or boiling sap were poured alive on the body of the maid or concubine.Together with the "eggs" on her body, they are made into transparent "living amber".

After the "living amber" cooled down, they engraved "soul charms" on its surface.This is equivalent to sealing the fear, sorrow, hatred, and curse of the maidservant or concubine's death in "amber".As for why she took such a weird posture, her limbs must be broken.This is difficult to guess out of thin air, it may be to increase the suffering of the deceased, making her fear and hatred even greater when she dies.Of course, this may have something to do with faith worship. However, the newly-produced "eggs" have strong vitality and will not be easily scalded to death by the boiling wood.Then, they will make densely packed fine holes in the "eggs" of the "living amber", and finally throw the "living amber" into remote wells or deep pools in the mountains.

The "eggs" attract the mayflies in the water through those densely packed pores, and feed on the mayflies, living in the endless resentment.Rather than saying that they are some kind of insects, perhaps it would be more appropriate to describe them as plants with nerve reflexes, they don't have any consciousness at all.These big fleshy chrysalis can only act by nerve reflex.In order to keep the resentment of the deceased undiminished, all feeding, reproduction and other behaviors are completed in cocoon-like eggs, which never break out.The excrement they excrete from the body is a special substance, like fish eggs, or fleshy fungus plants. After being excreted from the hive, they are all attached to the shell of "living amber", and gradually grow into an image. The appearance of transparent maggots.And the "poisonous poison" in the female corpse was also stored in these maggot-shaped objects, waiting for those who had hurt her to extract it and harm others.

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