Home Categories Internet fantasy Spiritual pet language 2

Chapter 53 Section 53

Spiritual pet language 2 童亮 1013Words 2018-03-11
I remember Grandpa once said a similar thing.But that was the period of the Republic of China. Grandpa said, we have a distant relative in Hubei, and a businessman lives next door to the distant relative's house.The businessman's wife's belly had never moved, and it didn't get bigger unexpectedly until she was middle-aged.The businessman and his wife were naturally overjoyed. On the day his wife gave birth, the midwife waited in the house for a whole day, but she did not see her give birth.But the businessman's wife kept saying, "I'm about to give birth, I'm about to give birth," and she was in terribly painful pain.

In the evening, the merchant's wife cried out in pain and said, "Hurry up, catch it, it's born!" The midwife hurried to catch up, but she didn't see the baby, only a ball of white flesh.The midwife took a closer look, was startled, and hastily stabbed the businessman's wife with the scissors used to cut the umbilical cord.The businessman's wife screamed in pain, calling for help. The businessman who was waiting outside rushed into the house and saw the situation in the house, both terrified and sad.He grabbed the midwife and asked: "I asked you to deliver the baby, why did you kill my wife!"

The midwife was unexpectedly calm at this time.She glanced at the dead woman, and explained: "Your wife has provoked evil spirits. In fact, she has been dead for many days. Look at the fleshy ball she gave birth to, it is Tai Sui in the flesh. If I cut the umbilical cord, This physical Tai Sui will survive. At that time, there will be a plague in hundreds of miles, and many people will die. I will stab your wife's body and not cut the umbilical cord, so that the physical Tai Sui can be suffocated to death." The businessman was dumbfounded. Before that, he actually had a premonition that something was wrong.About a month before the delivery, his wife seemed to have changed her temperament. At night, she rolled up her bed and slept in another room instead of sleeping with him.He once folded the quilt for his wife, but found that the quilt was cold without any heat.And his wife just woke up.

When my wife eats, try to choose leftovers from cold dishes.When she looked at him, he felt that her eyes were scattered, and she seemed unable to focus on him. Not only did she not sleep with him, but she suddenly seldom talked to him.He couldn't speak a word or two a day, and every time she opened her mouth, he could smell something like bad breath but not bad breath.That's the smell of rot. He once wanted to invite a doctor to see a doctor for his wife.The wife was very unhappy.He gave up. So after hearing what the midwife said, he hesitated. But what happened next forced him to believe what the midwife said.

Soon, the mass of flesh turned from white to purple, quickly rotting and deflated.The body of the merchant's wife was rotting and denting at the same rate, emitting a more rotten smell than he had ever smelled.There is a saying that goes, "The smell of feces is three-point fragrant, and the smell of human beings is irresistible."The rotten smell was terrible.The merchant almost spat out the water in his stomach. The midwife covered her mouth and nose with her clothes, and pulled the lost businessman out. The midwife said: "You can't keep this house, burn it down. Otherwise, the stench will overwhelm the entire village."

He finally believed what the midwife said, and called several people to help burn the house down. In the sky-high fire, there was a burst of meaty smell.Maybe it's the smell of the Tai Sui's body being roasted in the house.The smell at this time is different from before, this time its fragrance is incomparable.The people present couldn't help drooling and looked at each other, very embarrassed.
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