Home Categories Internet fantasy Spiritual pet language 2

Chapter 26 Section 26

Spiritual pet language 2 童亮 852Words 2018-03-11
Grandpa said, to untie the bell, one must tie it.Since it was picked by the pregnant woman, it must be brought back by the pregnant woman. The distant relative asked, can I still get it back? Grandpa said, since you know the pregnant woman, find her, tell her what happened, and then borrow her shoe soles.You pierce a hole in the sole of the shoe, make sure it is pierced through, and let a little water leak out of the hole, that's all. After the distant relatives went back, they did so. Not long after, a distant relative sent someone to thank my grandfather, saying that his wife's grandmother had indeed returned.

After Hu Miaoxian's father's soul was taken away, he never came back.His father was soon completely paralyzed, and finally passed away after suffering for a period of time.Hu Miaoxian rushed to his friend's house in a rage, and smashed the snake fairy tablet enshrined by his friend.For the immortal family, this is the most vicious way of humiliating. Since then, he and the snake fairy have been at odds. But how could he beat the Snake Immortal?The father's funeral had just been held, and the mother also returned to the west. Hu Miao thought to herself, I can't fight you or escape you?So, he led his wife and fled all the way, but the snake fairy chased after him.In the end, he fled to Huxian Ridge, where he hid for a while and lived a stable life.But I didn't expect to be discovered by the snake fairy.

He thought that his son was already this old, and there was no way to escape like this.I just heard that there is a white-haired mouse in an old house in Hongjiaduan.No matter how powerful the fox fairy is, he is also afraid of the gunshots of the hunters; no matter how powerful the snake fairy is, he is also afraid of the realgar.And he heard that this white-haired mouse is not afraid of cats. Grandpa also said that there was once a person who was bitten by a centipede who had practiced for many years. The wound had been in severe pain, and no treatment would work. He could only feel better when he heard the rooster crowing near dawn.It turns out that the natural enemy of the centipede is the rooster, and it is afraid of the cock pecking.Later, the man came up with a way to sit in the chicken coop every day and deliberately made the chicken cluck and cluck.

I once heard a strange thing from an old lady in the village, she said that as long as the hand is bitten by a small insect and injected with venom, you can catch a spider and put it on your hand, and the spider will naturally go to the injured place to suck. Suck the venom out and die by poisoning yourself. I don't know whether what they said is true or not, and I don't know whether Hu Miaoxian's story is true or not. Hu Miao first said that since this white-haired mouse is not even afraid of its natural enemies, it must have a higher level of cultivation than the snake fairy.Therefore, he pretended to go to Hong Liang's grandfather's house to sell the erhu, and deliberately attracted Hong Liang's grandfather's attention.He knew that Hong Liang's father was entangled by snakes, and Hong Liang's situation was not optimistic, so he might as well deliberately lure his grandfather to beg for a white-haired mouse.He himself never dared to take the initiative to approach the mouse after the bombing that killed the Gray Immortal.

Unexpectedly, his thoughts were discovered by the snake fairy, which put his son in danger.
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