Home Categories Internet fantasy Spiritual pet language 2

Chapter 16 Section 16

Spiritual pet language 2 童亮 834Words 2018-03-11
The girl who recited the mantra asked, "What's your last name?" Normally, an immortal only asks about himself or others, but she asked about "immortals".None of the other girls thought she would ask such a question, and everyone turned their attention to the tea tray. Unexpectedly, the chopsticks in the tea tray did not move this time.The previously raised end slowly fell down, and the chopsticks lay flat in the rice grains. One person timidly said: "Is the Xianjia angry and left?" They waited quietly for a while, but the chopsticks still did not move. "It must be gone." Another girl complained, "Didn't we agree in advance? Ask more about Hong Lian and see if you can help him. Don't ask other miscellaneous questions."

The girl holding the bamboo sieve suddenly changed her voice: "I didn't leave. My surname is Hu. You can call me Mr. Hu San." Her voice changed into a male voice, deep and hoarse.Looking at her face again, the corners of her mouth were still twitching non-stop, but her brows and eyes were smiling, a bit seductive. Everyone turned pale, only the girl who recited the mantra was more calm and serious. She cleared her throat and continued to ask: "Oh, I called you Mr. Hu San? Why? How old are you?" The girl laughed dryly. She was usually cowardly and timid, and she had never behaved like this before.Her eyes bent even more, and she said, "Eighteen hundred years old."

"Eighteen hundred years old?" She nodded, not joking at all.If it was herself, she would have been unable to hold back her laughter.Standing in front of them now was another person they had never known before. "Well, where did you come from?" the girl who read the mantra asked. "I'm from Changchun." The answer was very quick, without thinking. "how did it get here?" "I escaped all the way." The corners of her mouth stopped twitching, her expression became a little lonely, and her body was still trembling.The rice grains in the tea tray were all piled up to the girl opposite, and the chopsticks slipped out of the tea tray and fell on the bamboo sieve, making people worry that it would leak through the huge sieve.

"It turned out to be a down and out fairy family. Who is chasing you?" She trembled violently, shook her head, and said, "This can't be said." "Are you so afraid of it? Aren't you eighteen hundred years old?" "It's three thousand years old. I can't beat it." "Is there anything you can't fight? Then why did you escape here?" The girl who recited the mantra has long forgotten the previous agreement with everyone, and is determined to break the casserole and ask the end. "Look for help." "Who can help you?" she asked.

"You white-haired mice here." "White-haired mouse? Where is it?" "In the oldest house in your village." "Oh," she knew the old house, "that house is only a hundred years old. Aren't the mice in it even less old?" "It is more intelligent than us, younger and more powerful."
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