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Chapter 5 Chapter 5 Building Momentum in Northern Henan

Second Field Army 王玉彬 8285Words 2018-03-18
June 1947 Nanjing Yubei This year's Nanjing Huangmei came early, and the whole month of May was cloudy and rainy, and the city was full of mud.In June, the fog clears and the sycamore trees in the streets and alleys are showing new green and sifting gold, which is pleasing to the eye.Under the clear sky, the Ministry of National Defense of the Kuomintang government also appeared dignified. Although the gray gate was not very tall, it was majestic and solemn. The "celebration banquet" hosted by Defense Minister Bai Chongxi is being held here.The military and political officials of the Kuomintang gathered together and were waiting to toast and drink.

However, some harsh lectures from Chiang Kai-shek, who was present at the end, brought the banquet to a hasty end, and everyone broke up unhappy. Gu Zhutong, commander-in-chief of the army, had just left the banquet hall when Chief of Staff Chen Cheng stopped him: "Mo San, go to the president—the president summons." The president's office is not spacious, and the furnishings are extremely clean and simple.A bulky desk takes up a third of the room, making the room look even more cramped. Gu Zhutong sat down on the hardwood chair with his back straight. Chiang Kai-shek asked: "Mo San, have you read the articles written by Liu Bocheng?"

Gu Zhutong understood that Chiang Kai-shek was referring to Liu Bocheng's "On the Achilles' heel of Jiang Jun" and "Re-discussing the Achilles' heel of Jiang's Army".Liu Bocheng's argument: No matter which military theory, the garrison force must be much smaller than the mobile force.Jiang's army now has too many troops for defense. It needs to attack new areas with existing troops, and also defend the occupied cities and towns to protect the long supply lines.You can't have both a bear's paw and a fish at the same time, so he must lose sight of the other.It was Chiang Kai-shek's wrong strategy that allowed our Shanxi-Hebei-Luyu Military Region to enter a new stage ahead of schedule and take the initiative.Now Chiang Kai-shek's troops are even weaker, and the garrison troops are all in a passive position, and no one can take care of others.If you want to draw troops from other battlefields for rescue, you can only gouge out the flesh and mend the sores.And our Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan military regions can cooperate with each other. In northern Henan, southeastern Shanxi, southwestern Shanxi, on both sides of the Yellow River, Hebei, Shandong and Henan, Jiang Jun will be overwhelmed and panicked.Now, they seem to be nailed to a cross (referring to the cross-shaped area formed by Pinghan Road, Jinpu Road and Longhai Road. —— Citation Note), unable to move.

Gu Zhutong pondered for a moment, then replied, "I've read them all, Principal." "What do you think he intends?" "The Communist Party usually uses the same method—one is to boost morale internally, and the other is to engage in psychological offensive against me. As for what is 'crucified' and what is 'cut off in the middle', it's just talk, he can't cut it. "Gu Zhutong's tone was full of confidence, without any cowardice.There are not many senior Kuomintang generals who can have such a demeanor in front of Chiang Kai-shek. Gu Zhutong, who graduated from Baoding Army Academy, got acquainted with Chiang Kai-shek when he defected to Sun Yat-sen in 1922.After the establishment of the Whampoa Military Academy in 1924, Chiang Kai-shek was the principal and Gu was the tactical instructor.Since then, whether it was the Jianggui War or the Xi'an Incident, Gu Zhutong has attracted Chiang Kai-shek's attention for his good fighting, loyalty and bravery.In 1940, Chiang Kai-shek personally granted Gu Zhutong a secret order, which created the Southern Anhui Incident that shocked China and the rest of the world.In May 1946, the Kuomintang government returned to Nanjing, and Chiang Kai-shek replaced He Yingqin with Gu Zhutong as the commander-in-chief of the army.After the civil war broke out, Chiang Kai-shek removed Liu Zhi, who had been defeated in a row, in a rage, and placed Gu Zhutong in Zhengzhou as the director of Zhengzhou's "Sui Department".At the beginning of the key attack on Shandong, Chiang Kai-shek appointed Gu as the commander-in-chief of the army, who was based in Xuzhou, and established the Xuzhou command post of the army general headquarters to uniformly command the troops of the two "appeasement" offices in Xuzhou and Zhengzhou.

Although Gu Zhutong was favored, he was not surprised.He is famous for being "loose" and "magnanimous" to his subordinates.When he was the commander of the Second Division, his troops couldn't help gambling, as long as they fought bravely; they used the name of a meeting every month to entertain officers above the battalion once a month; As long as you are not afraid of death in war, you will be punished lightly; dead and disabled officers can also receive extra pensions;Therefore, Gu Zhutong is admired by both warriors and villains. Chiang Kai-shek admired Gu Zhutong, and nodded after hearing what he said.

Gu Zhutong thought that the strategy of focusing on the offensive led to weak deployment of troops in the Central Plains, and the president was probably worried about this: "Principal, Liu Bocheng launched an offensive in northern Henan and suffered heavy casualties. Judging from the situation, it seems that the eastward advance cannot be achieved, and instead the westward advance was made." Chiang Kai-shek was pacing, he stamped his feet and asked, "Is it eastward or westward?" When asked by Chiang Kai-shek, Gu Zhutong felt nervous and did not dare to make rash conclusions.

Gu Zhutong knows well that Liu Bocheng, who is familiar with the art of war, is good at maneuvering, is good at waiting for opportunities, and is skillful in using troops.Liu Zhi, who had suffered so much from him, once sighed with emotion: "Liu Deng's troops can hide under the nine grounds and attack above the nine heavens. It's a clever plan!" Gu Zhutong naturally treated it cautiously. heart disease. After pondering for a moment, Gu Zhutong said, "Liu Bocheng may have gone west instead of east." "Go on." "Liu and Deng are good at wide-ranging and mobile mobile warfare. Since the Yellow River returned to the ancient road on March 9, the 300-mile section from Dongming to Acheng where they often haunt is steep and has formed an insurmountable line of defense. In this way, they marched eastward. There is no room for maneuver. According to Liu Deng's consistent way of using troops, the possibility of fleeing westward is the greatest."

"You are right. The Yellow River..." Chiang Kai-shek had complicated facial expressions when he mentioned the Yellow River.In order to ensure the key offensive, Chiang Kai-shek took great pains to let the Yellow River "join the war".He named this huge move the "Yellow River Strategy", which means that the Yellow River will be led into the ancient road to form a "Yellow River Defense Line" on the front of the 2,000-mile front from Fenglingdu in Shanxi to Jinan in Shandong.For this reason, Chiang Kai-shek was very excited, and everyone would say that "the Yellow River defense line can reach 400,000 troops."

However, at this time, he didn't seem excited when he mentioned the Yellow River. Gu Zhutong was a bold and thoughtful person. Although Chiang Kai-shek had the theory that "the Yellow River can reach 400,000 troops", he still went to the section of the river where Liu and Deng often communicated, and checked the upstream water conditions.Gu Zhutong's heart was relieved by the majestic and terrifying water. "Principal, it's the flood season and the Yellow River is rising. We took advantage of the time and place. Liu Bocheng can still survive for a while if he crosses the river, he will be submerged and his demise will be accelerated."

"Mo San, you first strictly order Liu Ruming to strengthen the defense of the Yellow River, and then put some pressure on Uncle Liu to urge him to rush westward, and if you squeeze him, you will squeeze him to the Taihang Mountains!" "Cut off the enemy's traffic and attack boldly!" Li Da, chief of staff of the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Field Army, gave orders to the troops of the Hebei-Shandong-Henan Military Region to create a feint attack over the phone. Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping came to the telephone.Liu Bocheng said: "Take out the posture of the main force, give the enemy the illusion of the main counterattack, and fight with great fanfare!"

Deng Xiaoping said: "Don't worry about being attacked by the enemy, don't be indecisive! Clear the periphery, boldly intersperse, go straight to the enemy's heart, and ensure that the main force rests." Li Da conveyed Liu Deng's instructions and ordered: "Use the second-line troops and the reserve team! If the artillery fire is insufficient, use bombs!" Deng Xiaoping smiled and said to Liu Bocheng: "In the next play, it's time for Gu Zhu to sing together." Li Da said: "The first and third columns called and asked for combat missions. I ordered them to take a good rest and recharge their batteries. Xiao Yongyin from the Sixth Column and Eighteenth Brigade couldn't hold back anymore and asked how long he would rest." Liu Deng smiled.Li Da also laughed, and beads of sweat fell from his nose. Deng Xiaoping joked: "You can tell whether the chief of staff is hot or not just by looking at his nose." Liu Bocheng had poor eyesight, so he took a closer look and said, "Chief of Staff, you can do fortifications on your nose!" "When I was a child, my mother asked someone to show me the clothes in sackcloth, and said that all the blessings were on this nose." Deng Xiaoping: "Hey, it turns out that it is Fushui!" Liu Bocheng said slowly: "Comrade Li Da, take the time to close your eyes, you are busy below." Deng Xiaoping smiled: "Chen Yi praised our chief of staff, 'When there is a war, Li Da sleeps with his phone in his arms'." Li Da, who looks like an "arhat", smiled honestly. Liu Deng walked out of the village.As soon as he came out of the village, with a breeze blowing in his face, Deng Xiaoping looked up to the sky and chanted: "The general wants to use cleverness to win people, but he won't do it with his horse and bow!" The staff around Liu Deng found that Deng's political commissar, who was usually unsmiling, smiled a lot these days, especially after contacting the Central Committee of Northern Shaanxi, he joked with them from time to time. "Shen Ronggui," Deng Xiaoping called Liu Bocheng's guard, "I heard that you want to learn how to play poker?" Shen Ronggui replied cautiously: "Report to the political commissar, no, it's nothing like that." Liu Bocheng smiled and said, "Little devil, Political Commissar Deng wants to take you in as an apprentice..." Through the wheat fields and cotton fields, Liu Deng talked and laughed, and walked at a leisurely pace. The head of the guard and the combat staff were puzzled. The enemy was focusing on the attack. Northern Shaanxi was tight, and Shandong was fighting fiercely, but our troops stood still. The 120,000 people lay dormant in this area for more than half a month. I don't know what the chiefs are waiting for. Liu Deng walked to the river and stopped. "Head of the Guard," Liu Bocheng turned around and asked, "What kind of river is this? Where is the source? How deep is the water and how fast is it? Where is the crossing point?" "I don't know." The head guard was embarrassed, and said frankly, "I don't know." "What about you?" Liu Bocheng asked the combat staff officer. "It can be found on the map. Now, I... can't say it accurately." "We have lived in this village for five days. A military personnel is not familiar with the terrain and features around the camp, so how can he do it? The enemy suddenly attacked, and you ordered the troops to break through; there is a river blocking, and the troops are ordered to cross the river, but they don't know the water. How deep is it, and where is the crossing point, why don’t you be caught with your arms tied?” Liu Bocheng turned around, pointed to the river and said, “This is called Fu River, a tributary of Wei River, and its source is in Taihang Mountain. Fu River is a seasonal river. The three seasons of autumn, winter and spring are stable and peaceful, and the flow is gentle; during the summer flood season, the water rises rapidly, and the water depth can reach seven to nine meters. The crossing point is in the east of the village. It is a seven-hole bridge with a width of five meters. can pass." Deng Xiaoping said: "About war, you can't ask Yuyu if you don't know, or ask woodcutters if they don't know!" The head of the guard and the combat staff were silent. "Know yourself and the enemy, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you know the sky and the earth, you can win." Liu Bocheng said, leaving the embankment and walking towards a small road.After walking a few steps, he sighed again, "Thousands of vicissitudes of life, this thousand hectares of fertile land was once an ancient battlefield!" "Yes, this area was very lively during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period." Deng Xiaoping took a few steps and said, "The famous 'Chengpu War' is near here, right?" Liu Bocheng sighed, and said leisurely: "Three thousand years! The Chu general Ziyu led his troops to attack the Jin army. The Jin army avoided his sharp edge and retreated. The Chu army pursued it, and the Jin army retreated again. The Chu army misunderstood that the Jin army did not dare to attack the Jin army. After fighting, they chased all the way to Pu, the city of Weiguo, which is now Fan County. "The Chu army has been fighting outside for a long time, and they marched several times in a row, but failed to confront the Jin army, so they were exhausted, their morale was low, and their fighting spirit was slack. "The Jin army is different. They retreated three times in a row. They held back a burst of energy, like a fully inflated ball. They jumped at one shot, and then they shot higher. They asked the commander Xian Zhen to fight and asked when to send troops. Xian Zhen said: "The three armies You can seize the spirit, and the general can seize the mind. In ancient times, those who used soldiers well avoided their sharpness and attacked their idleness. This is the way to control the heart. Treat the near to the far, use the leisure to work, and the full to eat, this is the way to control the strength. Now our army is energetic, determined, powerful and reasonable, and the Chu army is wiped out, just around the corner.' Sure enough, in the battle of Chengpu, The Jin army won a complete victory, which became a famous battle example in history where the few defeated the many and the weak defeated the strong." Deng Xiaoping nodded and said: "Strategically, the longest detour route is often the shortest way to achieve the goal. This 'Chengpu War' coincides with our current situation!" The gunshots and cannons of the counterattack in northern Henan rang all night.The night wind carried waves of roars, rising and falling on the great plain, making this place far away from the battlefield seem more and more silent. This silence is a kind of suffocation for soldiers.Xiao Yongyin, commander of the 18th Brigade of the Sixth Column, sat by the telephone from the moment he heard the first roar until dawn. In March, the Sixth Column participated in the Battle of Northern Henan, and cooperated with friendly and neighboring troops to destroy the enemy's third fast column in Ji County.In May, the ancient city of Tangyin was conquered in one fell swoop, and the third column of Sun Dianying's troops was wiped out.With successive victories, the battle is in full swing.At the end of May, the Liu Deng General Command ordered the main force of the entire army to withdraw to the second line for rest.Just like a sprinting person stops abruptly, the effect of inertia makes it difficult to control the mind and body, and it is difficult for the troops to adapt. During the rest, I study documents, listen to current affairs reports, hold performance appraisal meetings and complaint meetings, and wait up and down for combat orders, all of them are like trapped animals.Letters of determination and invitations to fight were handed in dozens by dozen, and the battalions kept calling to join the battle, but the superiors did not have a combat order.Yesterday Xiao Yongyin couldn't bear it any longer. He called the general headquarters to ask for a fight, but was blocked again.All the strength in his body could only be held in his stomach, which made him feel angry for no reason and went straight to his forehead. Xiao Yongyin didn't understand why there was no main force in the new campaign deployment?What are the columns doing here?What is the intention of Chief Liu Deng? Sitting on the phone all night, but still no instructions.After Xiao Yongyin washed up in twos and twos, he walked towards the column headquarters without moving the breakfast that the guards called. The sun rose a pole high, quite red, but not yet hot. Xiao Yongyin's figure is not burly, and what can best reflect his spirit is his hair like steel wire and a vigorous beard.He is thirty years old.He joined the Red Army at the age of thirteen, and traveled to most of China in seventeen years, doing only one thing over and over again—fighting wars.He couldn't remember his own birthday, but he could tell the date of every battle and battle.The flames of war cast him from a doll into a man. Life and death haunted this man too often, and it became the most forgettable issue in his life. Xiao Yongyin frowned, and walked furiously with the wind, and when he reached the station of the engineering company, he couldn't help but stop. The cadres and soldiers of the engineering company all stood on the threshing ground, all took off their hats, and mourned silently. What faced the soldiers was a pack of explosives.The company commander saw Xiao Yongyin and ran over. "What happened?" "Report to the brigade commander, the father of Su Yusheng, a soldier of the second squad, was killed by the Kuomintang..." Xiao Yongyin will never forget Su Yusheng's father, Su Dafa.When the troops left Longhai to fight Dingtao for the second time, the engineering company was stationed in Sujiatun.This village is famous for its production of fireworks and firecrackers in southern Shandong. The firecrackers in Sujiatun are also the old man Su Dafa.The engineer company lived in Sujiatun for half a month. Under the guidance of Su Dafa, they modified seven kinds of explosives and invented a highly lethal incendiary bomb.This kind of incendiary bomb played a big role in beating Tao.While developing this incendiary bomb, Su Dafa lost three fingers on his left hand.Xiao Yongyin visited Su Dafa with condolences. The old man said: "I am old and my hands are disabled now. Let my son go with the team. He has been playing with explosives with me since he was a child, maybe he can come in handy." Who would have thought that after only a few days of parting from Su Dafa... Xiao Yongyin pursed his lips tightly. The company commander said: "Madam Su sent someone to send a message——Last month, Liu Ruming's troops arrived in Dingtao, tied up Uncle Su with gunpowder bags, and blew up..." Xiao Yongyin took off his hat and stood in front of the silent queue. The troops stood quietly, and the sound of heavy breathing gathered together. "Brigade Commander!" Su Yusheng's eyes were scarlet, "I want to avenge my father!" "Brigade Commander! I am illiterate and can't write a letter of invitation. This is all my savings," the second platoon leader took out a few Jinan tickets from his pocket, "I request to join the war and pay the party dues in advance." The second platoon leader put the banknotes on the explosive pack in front of the queue. The soldier Ding Shuan walked over, bit his finger, and pressed a bright red blood mark on the explosive bag: "Uncle Su, I was liberated when the army settled Tao. You don't know me. I'm using your invention now." Explosives. If I don’t avenge your old man, I, Ding Shuan, won’t live to see anyone!” The items on the explosive packs are increasing, including banknotes, new shoes, new sock pads, handkerchiefs embroidered with women's names... nothing expensive, but they all carry their body temperature, which is the most precious part of their lives. "Comrades!" Xiao Yongyin felt his blood rushing upwards, "We are the soldiers of the people. Our bowls are the food grown by the people, and our bodies are the cotton grown by the people. There are thousands and thousands of Uncle Sus that have us. Victory one after another! You took out your most beloved things, and what I saw was your decisive battle spirit that put your life and death at risk! This is the spirit of our 18th Brigade! I am proud of you! A man, a beard should be Bang bang tough! He is a good soldier, and he is not afraid of losing his life on the battlefield! He is—” A green off-road jeep came from the main road, and stopped at the side of the threshing field with a brake.The car door opened, and Liu Bocheng got out of the car. Shocked, Xiao Yongyin ordered the team to stand at attention and ran to report to the commander. Liu Bocheng walked up to the threshing floor, approached the explosive pack, and bent down to pick up one thing after another. The company commander of the engineering company walked out of the queue and reported the sad news of Su Dafa's death to Liu Bocheng, and then called for a fight: "We want to avenge Uncle Su, and none of our companies are afraid of death!" Liu Bocheng lowered his head, feeling very sad. After a while, he raised his face and looked at the company commander: "Comrade company commander, 'there is no one in the whole company who is afraid of death', how about you?" "Me? I have been prepared to die since the day I joined the army. My mother is alone at home. On the day I left home, I gave the shroud and longevity tree for my mother to the village chief. I am not prepared to go back alive!" Liu Bocheng shook his head: "No, war is ruthless. It's not about dying, but letting the enemy die first! You want to live, and live well! You can lead the whole company to avenge Uncle Su and kill the enemy for all the suffering people; And can preserve comrades of the whole company so that they can live and reunite with their families after the liberation of the whole country. This is a competent company commander. Remember, you lead them to fight, not to die, but to live. Death It’s for the enemy.” Liu Bocheng glanced at Xiao Yongyin and continued, “This is the responsibility of every commander! When a soldier grows up to be seventeen or eighteen years old, his parents have to pay a lot, and being a soldier away from home is even more important. Concern. A commander should not only think about fighting and charging, but more importantly, how to fight and how to charge. He must be good at trading small sacrifices for big victories, and trading his own life for the death of the enemy!" Battles flashed through Xiao Yongyin's mind, such as the Battle of Dingtao, the Battle of Juye, the Battle of Juancheng, the Battle of Huaxian... Each battle was aimed at finding or creating the enemy's weaknesses, and then seized their weaknesses to attack suddenly , implement various tactics-leading from the east to the west, drawing salary from the bottom of the pot; avoiding the strong and attacking the weak, the tiger digs out its heart; near and far.Xiao Yongyin looked at Liu Bocheng's majestic body and huge head, his eyes were intertwined with deep admiration and faint self-blame for his impulsiveness. "Comrades," Liu Bocheng said to the soldiers, "the eagerness to fight and the joy of seeing the battle are the good qualities of a soldier; daring to sacrifice and seeing death as home are the basic factors for winning a battle. You are all excellent soldiers of the people. It's like playing chess It requires the same tricks, and war requires deployment. Where to fight, who will fight; whoever rests, and when to rest, this is deployment. Don’t worry, Chiang Kai-shek will send us one by one regiments. There is something to eat! I’m afraid of yours. You don't have enough appetite, you can't eat the banquet you want!" The soldiers' spirits lifted. Liu Bocheng said to Xiao Yongyin: "Let's go to Wang Keqin's platoon to have a look." Wang Keqin was a soldier liberated from the Kuomintang army in the Battle of Ping-Han, and he became a hero known throughout the army in just half a year.His "combat mutual assistance" military tactics had a major impact in the People's Liberation Army and attracted the attention of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.Yan'an "Liberation Daily" published an editorial "Wang Keqin Movement Widespread", calling on the whole army to learn from Wang Keqin. The jeep drove to a river beach, and Wang Keqin was shooting targets with the whole platoon. Liu Bocheng held Wang Keqin's hand: "We two people from the old army are shaking hands again! This year your progress is greater than mine." Wang Keqin's ears were flushed, and he was too excited to speak. Last June, Wang Keqin met Liu Bocheng at the swearing-in meeting in Matou Town. At that time, he did not expect that the commander would go to the ranks to shake hands with the soldiers after his speech, let alone that the commander would extend his hand to him.He had just been liberated from the Battle of Ping-Han at that time, his forehead was covered with sweat from nervousness, and his hands were trembling and he dared not stretch out.Liu Bocheng asked his name with a smile, and said: "Comrade Wang Keqin, I served in the old army just like you. My family background is humble, and my grandfather is a blacksmith. There are weddings and funerals in the village. Because of this, I even Even a former scholar can't pass the exam!" Wang Keqin couldn't believe his ears.In the Kuomintang army, he heard the name of Liu Bocheng often mentioned by the chiefs, and he knew that there was a general in the Communist Party who could turn stones into soldiers like a god.Now, the general held his hand and said so many sweet words.Wang Keqin burst into tears.From that day on, Wang Keqin vowed to become a newcomer, a qualified soldier of Liu Deng's army. "Wang Keqin, why are your hands so hot? Are you sick?" "Report Commander, I am not sick." A soldier said: "Report to the commander, our platoon leader has been playing tricks for five days." "It's not good. How can I not rest when I'm sick?" Liu Bocheng's eyes became a little harsh. "Yes! Commander." Liu Bocheng pointed to the fortification shovels piled up on the ground, and said to Wang Keqin: "Don't lose these small shovels. When fighting in Yimapingchuan, the enemy's firepower is fierce, so you have to rely on these small steel shovels to quickly dig a bunker. It can't hurt everyone. Remind soldiers to wear steel helmets when charging. In World War I, 82% of the casualties were caused by fragments of low-velocity bullets and medium-velocity bullets and shrapnel. Now calculate, use This kind of helmet made of commercial manganese steel can reduce the number of casualties in the war by about 25%. You are a soldier, remember that the struggle between the enemy and ourselves is not only a contest of military strength, but also a struggle of full domination; Not only fighting strength, but more importantly, fighting wits.” Wang Keqin kept looking into Liu Bocheng's eyes.The injured right eye is sunken and has no light. When looking at people, the bridge of the nose has some deep wrinkles, which makes the eye look more sunken, like a dry well.Wang Keqin felt that the depletion of the well seemed to be related to himself, and he was one of the thousands of people who were nourished.The commander even ordered the shovel in the soldier's hand and the helmet on his head. Their relationship is not only that of a general and a soldier, but more like a father and a son.The thoughts on the face, the attention in the eyes, and the deep wrinkles on the forehead caused by excessive thinking make people feel the warmth of life, a reliable emotion, and a kind of broad love embracing you... It was midnight, and the drafting room of the rear headquarters of the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Field Army was brightly lit.There was no wind, and the burning chandeliers made the room even hotter. Yu Qiao's short hair was tied up with a handkerchief.The table next to her was Riemann on one side and Chen Xiaojing on the other.Riemann's stomach disease had another attack, her face was sallow, and she rubbed her stomach with her left hand from time to time.The thin Chen Xiaojing pressed her thin and red lips tightly, and leaned over the drawing board with her whole body. The gay men couldn't stand the heat anymore, and some simply took off their vests and went into battle shirtless. They are rushing to make a batch of maps. The task is very urgent, the requirements are very high, and the confidentiality is extremely strong. Even the contact with various departments of the government has also been stipulated.Yu Qiao and the others just felt that they didn't get enough sleep. Some male comrades in the office seemed to have been "flashed" for a while, and they couldn't help feeling a little melancholy. They asked each other in private: "Why doesn't that 'foreign student' from Peking come to play basketball?" "That Lin Daiyu seldom shows up!" "Lin Daiyu" refers to Chen Xiaojing.This Hubei woman is thin and frail, fair and slender, with charming and charming eyebrows, so she got such a nickname.Yu Qiao is a college student of Peking University Law School. He has elegant temperament, extraordinary conversation, lively and cheerful personality.The two of them became the "285th Regiment" (28 years old, five-year Party membership, regiment-level cadre) and the "355th Battalion" (35-year-old, five-year Party membership, battalion-level cadre. Both were At that time, the commanders of the People's Liberation Army could marry under the prescribed conditions), the "chasing" target.But this "foreign student" from Peiping was lively and cheerful with "arrogance" and declared that he would pursue "celibacy" for life.These "285th Regiment" and "355th Battalion" wanted to stop but couldn't bear it, and secretly made up their minds to conquer this "fortress". Riemann was also in his twenties, but married.Maybe it was because of the overwork recently, her stomach was churning, but she still vomited a mouthful of sour water. Yu Qiao advised Riemann: "Go back first, you are not in good health, and there are people waiting at home." Riemann smiled and said, "You have to go back first." "Why?" "There are more people waiting for you than for me!" Chen Xiaojing became anxious: "Stop talking nonsense, I almost drew it wrong!" Yu Qiao took a look at Chen Xiaojing and said, "Let's rest your eyes, it's easy to make mistakes if you're too tired, and it's even more troublesome to rework." Chen Xiaojing put down her pen, closed her eyes for a while, walked to Yu Qiao's desk, and said in a low voice, "Don't you feel a little strange?" "What's up?" "This batch of maps are all from the south, Anhui, Hubei, Jiangsu..." "Yes. This one of mine is from Huoshan in the Dabie Mountains area. The previous one is also from the Dabie Mountains, and it was approved." Riemann came over: "My one is from Huang'an, Hubei." "What do you think this means?" "Are our troops going to fight out?" "Yes. I think it's about the same." Yu Qiao said confidently, "Probably going into the Dabie Mountains!" The section chief came over and said sternly: "What is the discipline of a draftsman? Forget it!" "Let's talk about it ourselves," Riemann argued, "and we won't go out and talk nonsense." "Don't even talk about it yourself! You don't understand what you're talking about!" The three stick out their tongues and return to their original positions.Calm has returned to the drawing room... Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping visited the soldiers in the third column.As soon as he entered the door, Chai Chengwen, the director of the intelligence department, chased him with a telegram he had just intercepted. The Communist Liu and Deng troops are launching an offensive in northern Henan.The Frontline Command of the National Army issued a commentary on current affairs, judging that Liu and Deng's bandits could not advance eastward, and instead moved westward.The offensive they launched in northern Henan was nothing more than clearing the way for them to retreat to the Taihang Mountains. "Soldiers never tire of cheating! The enemy has given in," Liu Bocheng threw down the hat in his hand, "Even the enemy's frontline command is convinced! It's time for me to make trouble!" Deng Xiaoping: "Okay! Let Chiang Kai-shek see how Liu Deng 'scattered westward'!" Liu Bocheng issued an order to Li Da: "According to the combat order of Du No. 1, order all troops to gather at the place to be crossed. Set off immediately!" Deng Xiaoping wrote at his desk.
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