Home Categories Internet fantasy Gu Jian Qi Tan Qin Xin Jian Soul

Chapter 12 Chapter Twelve

Gu Jian Qi Tan Qin Xin Jian Soul 某树 8122Words 2018-03-11
"What's wrong with you? Do you still have a headache?" Seeing his gloomy expression, Feng Qingxue couldn't help asking worriedly. "Still implicating others." The boy with his eyes closed tightly closed his lips, and after a while, he said this sentence, his deep voice was full of self-blame. Feng Qingxue was completely puzzled: "What did you say...?" In the view of Tiezhu, Baili Tusu's words of accusation from Lingduan fell into Baili Tusu's heart. Although Baili Tusu despises him as a human being, he can't avoid those words-the dead clansman, mother, master and senior brother were all hurt by him, and they went down the mountain. Later, he and his companions repeatedly encountered danger...

Baili Tusu opened his eyes, and said sadly: "I thought that I would not be involved so much in the matter of the sect. But it turned out to put everyone in danger and endanger their lives... I was too conceited and didn't know how to advance or retreat. Or I have evil spirits, and I will only bring disaster to others..." "Susu! If you talk about yourself like that again, I'm going to be angry." Feng Qingxue said almost without thinking after hearing this, "What has happened can't be changed, but didn't you keep trying to restore it later? I think, the feeling of evil spirits churning in the body must be very painful... No one else can think of it, Susu even sacrificed her life to save everyone, so it's better than something happened but can't make up for it?"

Baili Tusu just shook his head: "So what? Everything happened because of me." Feng Qingxue couldn't help getting closer to her body, she seemed a little anxious, and sighed: "Hey, Susu, you are too brainy! Even if one person does things and one person is in charge, no matter how powerful a person is, he can't take everything on himself. Besides, I lit the fire, so I made a big mistake too?" When Baili Tusu heard this, he shook his head immediately, and said with frowned eyebrows: "How can we compare it?" But Feng Qingxue stopped him: "I haven't finished. I... I'm still biased, I can't be completely unbiased to my friends, so I'm only talking to you right now. If that day, someone is really The big wolf was killed, I don't know if I can say this with peace of mind..."

Baili Tusu looked at the girl in front of him, his surprised expression softened unconsciously.This seems to be a feeling that has never been felt in many years. A person, so childish and sincere, makes him, a sharp and remote person who wields a sword and becomes obsessed, feel that she is so completely kind, and even completely warm.Although the feeling of letting go of offense and defense at this moment is only softly hanging in my heart, even I haven't understood it yet. Feng Qingxue said again: "Fortunately... Fortunately, everyone is fine and alive. This is the most important thing and the best result, isn't it? Susu, you can't just see bad things. If there are good things You should be happy too."

Baili Tusu listened to her words carefully, not knowing whether he was thinking or thinking of something else, after a while, he nodded silently. Baili Tusu was persuaded, and Feng Qingxue couldn't help showing a simple and bright smile on her face, "Don't be sullen, Sister Hongyu said that you are the hero who killed Tie Zhuguan the big wolf. My brother said that a hero is very Amazing man!" she said happily. But Baili Tusu seemed to be paying attention, and was taken aback: "You like heroes?" "I just admire those very powerful people." Feng Qingxue said with a smile, "Hey, but—as long as they are my friends, no matter what they look like, I like them..."

like. The ending of these two words seemed to linger in the small quiet room for a while.When Baili Tusu heard it clearly, he couldn't help but nodded slightly again. The girl who said those two words suddenly showed a rare surprise on her face. "Huh? Susu, did you... just smile?" She stared at Baili Tusu's face and asked in surprise. The taciturn boy was sitting upright, not even answering. "Is it? I'm dazzled?" The girl asked lightly again. In the quiet small room, it was still so quiet that even the birdsong outside the window could be heard clearly.

Baili Tusu suddenly felt a rare drowsiness hit him, and he really wanted to sleep well, without nightmares and broken past, only this warm, faint fragrance. Baili Tusu rested in this quiet inn for a few days in a row with pain and fatigue all over his body, and gradually improved with the strength of his bones.I don't know if it's the quiet and dry air in Anlu County, or the power of the lingering warmth, the pain that almost tore apart the muscles and bones seems to gradually disappear, and even the power of the terrifying wolf demon's inner alchemy has calmed down. Be more peaceful.

On this day, Baili Tusu got up early, thinking about many things in his heart, and was going to invite a few partners to come and talk.But he didn't expect that before the people left, a few people would arrive first, the small room was very lively and bright at the moment. "It's sunny today, why are we all stuck in the house instead of going outside?" Fang Lansheng asked, looking around as soon as he entered the door. "Hou'er really knows how to talk about him. I don't know who said that he wanted to visit Mr. Baili before, but he pretended to be irrelevant when he got here." Hongyu's jokes followed, and as expected, he forced Fang The young master blushed: "How can I pretend to be irrelevant! No, I mean, who is that person?! It's no fun to make such a fuss. If you want to see a wooden face, it's not me anyway!"

Hongyu couldn't help laughing again and again, Fang Lansheng had no choice but to stare at herself twice, and kept silent for the time being. Xiangling leaned forward and asked in a low voice, "Brother Tu Su... are you feeling better?" Baili Tusu nodded. "Since that's the case, let's take a rest today and leave for Hengshan tomorrow morning." Hongyu said the next action plan. "Hengshan seems to be quite far from here. After so many days, I don't know how Shaogong is doing!" Fang Lansheng seemed to have forgotten that he hadn't questioned Hongyu clearly, and had habitually accepted her as his companion, listening to her every word. once suggested.

Especially when it came to Hengshan, he couldn't help feeling worried, and said anxiously and annoyed: "Oh! Aunt Tong...why did she help those people? There must be something wrong...then what If the bastard Lei Yan dares to harm Shao Gong, I will definitely not spare him!" Feng Qingxue comforted him: "Shao Gong will be fine, don't those people still want to ask him for help?" Fang Lansheng said angrily: "What help? It's just refining some shabby pills that are harmful to nature and reason. Shao Gong is not willing to join forces with them!" "You can go to Mount Heng today." Baili Tusu's words came and went suddenly.Fang Lansheng, Feng Qingxue and Xiangling could not help looking at him when they heard this, a little surprised.Obviously, he was worried about Ouyang Shaogong's words just now, which aroused Baili Tusu's anxiety again-this person, when thinking about his partner, always has an attitude of recklessness, although he may not say it clearly.

It was Hongyu who shook her head and vetoed, "I don't think it's necessary to make too much of a fuss. Mr. Baili's fierce aura is really scary when he erupts. He was unconscious for three days earlier, but he just woke up yesterday. If we go on the road now, we won't be relieved. " Fang Lansheng hurriedly continued, and as soon as he said something, he went astray: "Yes, I have always wanted to ask, what is the origin of the wolf monster in Tiezhu Temple? Could it be that you are too weak with a wooden face? Get beaten." "Monkey don't understand, so don't talk nonsense." Hongyu couldn't help but straighten her expression, "Although Tiezhu Guan is not well-known among the sects of cultivating immortals, it is not unknown, especially Daoyuan Daoyuan, the seventeenth generation head of the sect. Knowing the Taoism genius, since he was imprisoned at the bottom of the water by himself, he must not be an idle monster. It is an unimaginable and amazing move for Mr. Baili to get rid of it by himself." Fang Lansheng made an "oh" mouth and nodded: "Wooden face is so strong because of the so-called 'bad air'? Listen to what you keep saying, what the hell is that?" Fang Lansheng had never seen the so-called evil spirit in Baili Tusu's body.At this moment when he asked this question, the room fell silent for a moment. Feng Qingxue and Hongyu, who had personally experienced Baili Tusu's coma treatment process, were in deep thought, and Xiangling, who was almost frightened by the evil spirit, shrugged Shrunk, looked up at Baili Tusu, not daring to speak.As for Baili Tusu, he was even more quiet at this time. He was thinking about something solemnly, sitting upright, and did not speak for a long, long time. "Young master, if you have concerns, it's fine not to say it." After a while, Hongyu spoke and made a point. Baili Tusu shook his head, and finally said: "The matter between me and the teacher has already involved you... I should explain it clearly." "Ha, wooden face, you should have realized it a long time ago. We are now grasshoppers on the same rope. Uh, what do I mean, we are in the same boat." Fang Lansheng clapped his hands, "Where is there any reason to hide it?!" Baili Tusu raised his head slightly, looked out the window, feeling infinitely bewildered for a moment.I don't know where to start to talk about those broken past events, and what haunts me, even my whole life, is not just this cloud of unknown origin? After a while, he breathed a sigh of relief, and outlined the broken past with simple words—— I have lived in a small village in southern Xinjiang since I was a child, and my family worships the great God Nuwa.Our village is protected by an enchantment, outsiders are not allowed to enter, and members of the clan are not allowed to go out at will. Generations of generations have lived in seclusion here in order to protect...but I can't tell what to protect.Such a day, although boring, is also peaceful and comfortable. My mother is the great witch Zhu in the family, and she bears the mission given by God and the fate of the whole family, but I am just a naughty boy, always thinking about how wonderful the outside world should be, whether I have a chance to sneak out Play. It was that year that unexpected changes occurred in the village.From nowhere, a group of villains with strong spells came and wanted to slaughter the whole village! When I woke up, the villains had left, the whole village was dead, and my mother was also dead...there was blood all over the ground...only I survived. Although I survived, most of the memories in my brain are lost. All the past—including the accident, only fragmented pictures remain, and even the faces of those who killed my mother are blurred... …My body also seemed to have something wrong, it always seemed to be in flames, burning constantly, and the pain was unbearable. Where it came from was completely destroyed, and it was a blur. And where to go... I don't know where. At this time, the master appeared. He was the sword-wielding elder Ziyin of Yaoyong City. He traveled all over the world.When he rushed over, he only saw me covered in blood, lying among the corpses all over the place, my body was full of evil spirits, and the Fen Ji Broken Sword was lying on the ground beside me, glowing red, as if alive. The master accepted me as an apprentice and brought me to Tianyong City, but the inexplicable evil spirit in my body would flare up every new moon, the pain was unbearable, and it would even make people murderous.Even on weekdays, if you are provoked by others, you will inevitably lose control.The master didn't let me practice swords with other senior brothers, so as not to make a mistake. I bear a bloody feud, how can I not avenge it, I just practice sword hard behind closed doors every day, and seldom interact with others, not to mention that I have fierce powers, and I have suffered sudden changes, and my memory has been confused... That year, the elder brother secretly found me I competed with swords, I lost control for a moment, my mind was invaded by evil spirits, and I almost killed him by mistake... Since then, Master has been stricter and stricter with me... But unexpectedly, a few months ago, I was dreamed by the Nightmare, and my life and death were on the verge of death. Master loves his disciples eagerly, separated his soul and body, and entered my dream to perform the "Nightmare Suppressing Technique". Although the nightmare was destroyed, the evil energy invaded my heart, and I had to retreat and rest.And when he was in retreat, I was assigned to transcribe classics together with my junior brother Zhaolin. Junior brother Zhaolin suddenly died in the room. The whole Tianyong city accused me of being the murderer. There is no way to argue... I went down the mountain privately, which was not allowed by the school rules. But there are too many things I want to figure out—the murderer who exterminated the clan, the lost memory, the source of the evil spirit... And, with a little bit of hope, I want my mother to be able to... At the end, Baili Tusu's lips revealed a bit of bitterness. The few partners fell into silence for a moment, they understood that the suffering Baili Tusu experienced could not be described in a short sentence. After a long time, Fang Lansheng was the first to break the silence: "That's why you asked Shaogong for the life-reviving medicine to save your mother..." Baili Tusu nodded: "The me in the past was named Han Yunxi after my mother's surname, and from that day on, I gave myself a new name, named Baili Tusu after my father's surname." Slaughter the ghost energy and revive the human soul.What he wants to wake up is not only his mother, but also his relatives, his homeland, and...his own memories, Fang Lansheng recalled meeting Baili Tusu when he first met Baili Tusu in Fanyunzhai, and made fun of him His name, but unexpectedly today...can't help feeling embarrassed. Xiangling asked: "Brother Tu Su doesn't remember at all, who killed the people in your village?" "The remaining impression is not very clear." Hongyu was startled, and asked: "Mr. Baili has seen the souls of villagers being sucked away after death?" Baili Tusu seemed to be trying hard to connect the fragmented scenes, and said quietly: "The memory is fuzzy in my mind... It is very similar to the situation of Yuheng's soul absorption, there should be no doubt." "Did you ever see Yuheng when you were young?" "It seems familiar, but I can't remember the others." Baili Tusu said, a little lonely, "Mr. Ouyang said that the art of absorbing souls has been regarded as a forbidden method since ancient times. I don't want this method to be used." No matter how bad things happen to others, I insist on embarking on the journey of looking for Yu Heng with my husband. What's more... even if there is no soul absorption, disasters are still coming, just like in Ganquan Village..." Fang Lansheng became angry again: "It's all the work of those traitors in Qingyutan, I don't know what they are going to do!" "Thinking about it now, it's nothing more than coveting the power of the soul." Everyone was worried that Baili Tusu was carrying too much, recalling what Jiangdu Jinniang said, they felt even heavier, and tried to unravel, but they didn't know where to start. "Then what, wooden face, working hard to die, what's the use of mourning, you..." Fang Lansheng scratched his head, and strange words began to come out of his mouth again. But he didn't want Baili Tusu to nod his head and say: "There are still many things to do, so I won't dwell on the past." Everyone suddenly felt relieved, so they dispersed and asked Baili Tusu to rest more.Feng Qingxue was at the end, and after everyone had left, she suddenly turned around, looked at Baili Tusu and smiled. "Susu, will it make you feel better if you say it?" The girl said with a smile, "As long as someone is willing to share the big things, it won't be so sad. I know Susu is a strong person. I just met that I was thinking for a while, this person is obviously suffering from a strange disease, but he is not always in pain like other patients. However, no matter how strong a person is, it doesn’t matter if he accepts other people’s care occasionally or becomes weak occasionally Let’s go. Susu, what do you think?” Feng Qingxue dropped this sentence, turned around and walked out with a smile. There was only Baili Tusu left in the room, still as quiet as before, but it seemed that something was different from before.Baili Tu Suwu was silent for a while, then turned to look out the window, a faint smile appeared on his still pale face. The small town of Anlu is as quiet and beautiful as autumn leaves. The city is run through by a zigzag main street, and maple trees are planted all over the city. After thousands of years of baptism, each tree has grown so large that no one can surround it. Autumn is frosty, and the forest is completely dyed. The golden maple leaves flutter and flutter like a group of butterflies, falling on Baili Tusu's black clothes, like a slender palm, caressing his thoughts. Baili Tusu walked aimlessly in the city, feeling unprecedented peace in his heart. The stone slabs for paving the road had been worn for an unknown number of years, and even the potholes were polished smooth. Stepping on it gave off the mellow taste of time. Unknowingly, I walked past a very lively place - this is the only theater in Anlu County. On weekdays, large and small theaters are staged in turn, which is an important entertainment for the people in the city. At this moment, a young man in the theatrical troupe was yelling loudly in front of the stage: "My Shijia troupe came to Guidi for the first time, and in half an hour I will perform a good show of "Richness and Blue Sky" here! Please take care of me, if you have money, you can go to the show, and if you don’t have money, you can go to the private show! Thank you, thank you!" Several Anlu County residents have gathered, including old people and children, and everyone happily discussed coming to watch the play for a while, finely divided His words filled the sunny open space in front of the stage. Baili Tusu couldn't help but stop for a while when he heard the lively sound, his mind was attracted by the theater.In a trance, there seemed to be a very long-ago scene in his heart, which was the only childhood fragments that still existed in his heart before his memory was broken, familiar, with slight joy and sadness. In my memory is a little girl, in the dusk of a secluded small village, a small figure from the back. The little boy stretched out a hand towards her, trying to make her happy in every possible way. "Xiao Chan, don't be angry... I'll take you to see something interesting next time." The boy said with a smile. "Xiaochan doesn't trust Brother Yunxi anymore! You are a liar!" The girl was still angry. "I won't lie to you, I won't lie to you!" The boy waved his hands anxiously, "I'll take you to a farther place, where people celebrate festivals differently from us, they will put lanterns on the river, it's so beautiful!" The little girl turned around and blinked her childish eyes: "Really?" "Of course it's true!" The boy was encouraged, and he spoke even more vigorously, "Sometimes he invites opera troupes to the city to sing operas, dressed in colorful clothes, and tell you stories!" The girl heard this, her eyes sparkled: "Xiao Chan likes it. How does brother Yunxi know so many interesting things?" "Big brother told me..." "Who?" The little girl was a little confused. "What who? Big brother is big brother. You don't know him anyway." The little boy was taken aback, remembering the rules in the village that it is not allowed to communicate with outsiders, so he hurriedly said perfunctory. "Xiaochan knows everyone in the village!" The girl was unconvinced. The boy was silent for a while, shook his hands, and only persuaded: "Okay, anyway, I'll go out with you later!" The girl nodded obediently: "Well, it's settled. Brother Yunxi doesn't allow you to be lazy, and you are a puppy!" The distant figure of the little girl gradually disappeared, but the surroundings of the stage were still lively.Baili Tusu watched with fascination, and suddenly, the image in the fragmented memory was replaced by another smiling face that appeared in front of him. "Qingxue... I don't think I've ever seen a play. It would be great if I let her watch it at this time..." He turned around thinking like this, but when he turned around, the person he was thinking in his heart actually appeared in front of him. "It's Susu?" Feng Qingxue, who appeared near the stage, was a little surprised, but then put on a smile and walked towards Baili Tusu, "Are you coming to the show too?" She smiled, "No I don't know if it's good or not, I haven't seen it yet." Baili Tusu lowered his head slightly, wanting to say something, but he couldn't open his mouth.During the silence, Feng Qingxue seemed to think of something, and suddenly said: "By the way, there is, there is something... I want to give it to Susu." As she spoke, she blushed a little, Carefully took out something from his bosom, hesitated for a moment, and placed it in Baili Tusu's palm.Looking at it like that, it didn't just remind him of this thing, it seemed that he came here to give a gift on purpose, but he was a little shy. Baili Tusu was slightly surprised. Looking carefully, he found that the object in his palm was a small clay figurine.If you look closely, you can see that the clothes of the little clay figurine are exactly like his own appearance, but the knitting handwork is a bit...strange, crooked - it is Feng Qingxue's usual unique style. Baili Tusu looked dazed, and asked for a while, "This is..." Feng Qingxue's face was blushing: "I... let the old man who made clay figurines teach me to make it... Does it look like it?" "I..." Baili Tusu finally spoke with ambiguous emotions in his heart, but before he could say anything, he was interrupted by an angry shout from the side of the stage. "There's a thief stealing wine!" A man in the Shi family troupe shouted loudly. Baili Tusu and Feng Qingxue heard the sound and saw that the theatrical troupe had stored more than a dozen altars of fine wine, which were piled up next to the stage. The man was pointing at a man with an extremely laid-back appearance, scolding him non-stop. "Being a thief in broad daylight! You are so bold!" the man from the Shi family roared angrily. "'Thief' and 'stealing' are so ugly, isn't the wine just for people to drink?" The casual man said in a nonchalant tone, "There are so many jars piled up beside your table, and you can smell the fragrance when you introduce it, Don't let me touch it, how can I bear it!" "You! You rascal!" The man listened to other people's finger and nose scolding, and just waved his hand lightly: "It's a small matter, if you're a man, don't worry about it. You just drank a few sips, and it doesn't taste like alcohol, and it's not enough to moisten your throat! Let's go." He said He was about to leave, but was grabbed by members of the Shi family: "Don't leave! Leave the wine money first!" During this tugging, the man turned around, Feng Qingxue and Baili Tusu just saw his face.After not wanting to take a look, Feng Qingxue was shocked, and couldn't help but blurted out: "Ah! Big... big brother?!" Baili Tusu was also surprised when he heard her call, and turned to stare at the man. But seeing that the man was also staring at him, his drunken eyes suddenly lit up: "Hey, isn't this your benefactor?" He said hello, and chatted with Baili Tusu, "Haha, it's really a fate to meet thousands of miles away!" Baili Tusu also recognized this person at this time, this person was the drunk man he met in Jiangdu City that day, after some blunders, he somehow recognized him as a "benefactor" and kept yelling .It's just that he never expected that the rivers and lakes are so narrow, and after a life and death, he would meet him again in this quiet small city. Feng Qingxue hurried forward two steps, looked at the man's face with wide eyes, and called again: "Brother?" This time, she didn't do it again, she seemed to be inquiring in disbelief.It seems that just now Feng Qingxue really called this man "big brother". Baili Tusu confirmed this, and frowned unconsciously. The drunk looked at the girl in front of him, and couldn't help but look left and right: "'Big Brother'... you mean me?" Feng Qingxue nodded earnestly: "That's right, you..." She hesitated when she reached the point of her mouth. But the man scratched his head: "I don't remember a girl at such an age." After he finished speaking, he turned to look at Feng Qingxue again, and smiled with the corner of his mouth crooked, "However, the little girl is born with water, if you want to recognize me as a Be a big brother, ha, it’s not impossible.” Feng Qingxue was confused for a moment: "Gan... brother? Sweet?" On the side, Baili Tusu became angry, his brows raised again with a stern expression, he couldn't help standing up in front of Feng Qingxue, staring at the wandering man without saying a word. "It's just a joke, benefactor, don't take it seriously." The man saw some clues and quickly scratched his head to explain. "Do you know this rascal?! That's just right, pay him the wine money!" The people from the Shijiaban rushed up to interject. "I don't know." Baili Tusu replied coldly. "Why did your benefactor meet? I remember clearly the outside of Jiangdu City's gambling house." The man didn't recognize him. "I'll pay for him, how much will it cost?" Feng Qingxue said suddenly, and everyone present was startled. "Sister is kind! Haha, there will be good rewards in the future, and she will marry a good man!" The man piled up his gibberish words again. Baili Tusu was speechless, the members of the Shijiaban saw that someone was coming out, so they hurriedly settled the bill with Feng Qingxue. Feng Qingxue didn't counter-offer, nor questioned, just looked at the man and said: "I'll pay the money, you don't go, wait for me to come back." Then she really ran to pay Shijiaban up. The Luotuo man smiled contentedly, then turned to look at Baili Tusu, and said, "Engong is probably my nobleman, every time I meet you, something good happens." Baili Tusu's expression was still displeased, but suddenly he heard someone shouting, "I found you, a drunk Taoist priest!" Before the words were finished, two men in light clothes ran over, pushed Baili Tusu aside for a moment, and started talking hurriedly around the man. "There's been a major incident outside the city, pack it up and go catch ghosts tomorrow!" The two men were from Anlu with their accents, and they were very anxious. "Ghost hunting?" The drunk waved his hands lazily, "No, I just want to drink and don't want to take care of things." "You are so virtuous, someday you don't want to drink!" The two men said angrily, "Usually in the name of Taoist lay disciples, I came to Anlu for ten and a half months to do some small rituals for drinking money, and now I have more money to earn. Still don't want it?" "More money? How much?" The man became interested when he heard the money. "It's enough for you to buy thirty jars of good wine!" "Then let's hear it?" The man laughed. "Have you heard of the Zixian Villa near Anlu?" The man said, "Decades ago, the people in the village were killed by their enemies within a day. Bishan, where the villa is located, has also become a mass grave. Later, a wandering Taoist passed by and realized that the resentful spirits were domineering, so he put a seal on Zixian Villa to trap those ghosts. All these years have been peaceful." Another person went on to say: "But recently, it's been so evil. Some people passed by Bishan were injured by ghosts, and some lost their lives. Everyone wondered if the seal was useless. A few days ago, my second uncle saw a few People who looked like Taoists haunted the villa, one of them was holding a glowing object, and ghosts were sucked into it, but looking at the appearance of those people, it didn't look like they were here to kill evil, but they were a bit sneaky Sin." As soon as these words fell into his ears, Baili Tusu couldn't help being startled.Did the fragments of Yuheng reappear? ! "If this goes on for a long time, there is no way. The neighbors pooled together some money and wanted to invite the drunken Taoist priest to go and see what's going on." The two said sadly. After hearing this, the carefree man lowered his head and thought for a moment, "Trouble, how can it be so easy to do things related to ghosts? At least you have to add ten jars of wine..." Baili Tusu interrupted him, and asked, "Is there really something about the luminous thing?" The two Anlu people were stunned, looked at the young man in black clothes, and asked, "Are you a friend of the drunk Taoist priest? You look like someone from the Jianghu. It would be best if we could help each other." , They also showed fear on their faces, "You can't go wrong with something that glows. My second uncle is old, but his eyes are good!" "How do I get from Xianshanzhuang from here?" Baili Tusu asked again. "Leaving the city from the northwest, you will find Bishan. If you keep walking along the road, you will definitely see it!" Seeing that the young man wanted to help, the two of them were overjoyed. "Engong, you don't want to meddle in other people's business, do you? It's not a good place." Said the carefree man at the side.
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