Home Categories Internet fantasy Gu Jian Qi Tan Qin Xin Jian Soul

Chapter 6 Chapter Six

Gu Jian Qi Tan Qin Xin Jian Soul 某树 6997Words 2018-03-11
Seeing that the man dropped his weapon and was so drunk that the bluffing minions tried to surround him one after another, the leader with a pointed face raised his arms and shouted: "The drunk is down! Brother, let's go!" Just as another thug with a fleshy face was about to approach, he saw Baili Tusu's face was quite dark and he was holding a sword, so he stopped cautiously: "Hey! Who are you, kid? But you know this drunk?" The sharp-faced voice was also high-pitched, and he chimed in: "This bastard gambles and cheats! Our brother must take his hand today, I advise you to get out of here quickly! Mind your own business!"

Baili Tusu was impatient to talk to these people, but with a calm movement of strength, he pulled his left leg out of the man's arms. The Luotuo man suddenly felt empty in his arms, his eyes were misty, and he stretched out his hand to grab Baili Tusu's robe. Baili Tusu had learned his lesson this time, and he was already one step away in a flash. Hey, don't go... hiccup..." One after another, the man hiccupped and sat up smoothly, ignoring the people who came up to him: "Why do you have to leave again after finally coming... hiccup..." It was clearly a drunken talk, but the sloppy man took it seriously: "You really belong to the same group as a drunk!"

Baili Tusu didn't want to explain, so he turned and left. Trouble is one of the things he hates the most. The sharp-faced man thought that Baili Tusu was scared, and sneered, "You guys are not afraid, look at his little white face, he looks like a woman, how can he stop us brothers?" The footsteps stopped. The meaty man was not much smarter than his companion, and echoed loudly: "I also brought such a fat bird, I am so ridiculous! Haha... ah!" His laughter stopped abruptly and turned into a cry of pain, it was Ah Xiang who jumped down with a yelp, and pecked his shoulder, the hunky man clutched his bleeding shoulder, and ran into the casino in a panic.

Baili Tusu didn't say a word, just turned around, his eyes were like ice wrapped in charcoal fire. The sharp-faced man was forced to take a step back by that look, his voice was weak, and he held back for a long time before he dared to yell: "What are you doing? Looking for a fight?!" Baili Tusu answered this question with his drawn sword.The sword light flashed across, just across the sharp-faced man's throat, the size was precisely measured, only scratching the skin, not hurting the blood.It feels like being bitten by a mosquito. But this little bit of pain defeated the sharp-faced man's last strong support. His fear broke out, and he yelled: "Oh my god! My neck is broken..." Rolling on the ground clutching his neck, after a while, about When he found that his head was still on his neck, he couldn't wait to escape, but his hands and feet were weak, and he fell back to the ground even after getting up a few times, in a state of embarrassment.

"Get out." Baili Tusu put his sword back into its sheath. A few minions behind him picked up the sharp-faced man and ran back without looking back. "Thank you for saving me..." A drunken voice came from behind, and the Luotuo man stood up staggeringly, and said with a smile: "Your benefactor is good, you are very skilled... the bird you raise is really impressive..." The turbulent dispute finally dissipated, Baili Tusu didn't respond to the man, looked at the sky, whistled and called Axiang back who was chasing the man with meat, and went straight to the market.

The source of this trouble, speaking to Baili Tusu's back self-consciously: "I am Yin Qianshang, great kindness... great virtue... belch... I will repay you if you are destined..." After walking far away, Baili Tusu still felt that he could smell the smell of alcohol, and a drunken sentence faintly came from behind him: "Thousands of poems, thousands of cups of wine... How many times have I looked at the king..." The two men went in different directions, and they didn't know if they would meet next time, or when it would be. In front of the gambling house, only the fragments of the broken flagon and the dried up liquor remained.

When Baili Tusu returned to the inn, a sumptuous and warm dinner was waiting for him. During this period of time, everyone went to the market separately to buy all kinds of delicious things, but no one moved a bowl or chopsticks first. The partners just set up chopsticks and waited for Baili Tusu to come back. Seeing him come back, everyone gathered at the table to prepare dinner. Xiangling came over bouncing around, sat next to Baili Tusu, and showed him the pair of bell hair accessories he just bought: "Brother Tusu, do you look good?" Baili Tusu was noncommittal, Fang Lansheng came over to talk: I chose it for you, so it looks good, so why ask him!" Xiangling just looked at Baili Tusu, twisting and refusing, shaking her head jingling, "Does it look good? Does it look good? Does it look good? "

"Ok." "Hee hee." Just a faint word can make Xiangling very happy. She picked up a meat bun and ate it happily. Feng Qingxue also sat next to Baili Tusu. She saw that everything was fresh, and she was undoubtedly the happiest one: "Susu, where are you going? It's so lively here, so bright, and the things they sell are also interesting... No Like our place, there is neither day nor night, there are very few people, and it is always quiet." "Your hometown has neither day nor night?" Fang Lansheng asked curiously, "What's the situation?"

Thinking of her hometown, Feng Qingxue's eyes were a little lonely, after thinking about it carefully, she smiled again: "Well... at my house, the trees and grass will glow brightly, there is a big river passing through the sky, yes, also very beautiful!" "Isn't it a lie?! How can there be such a place in the world? The alternation of day and night is a natural thing, how can the river run to the sky?!" Fang Lansheng heard this, and forgot to give away half of the food he caught. into the mouth. "But my hometown is like that!" Feng Qingxue said seriously.

"It's ridiculous! There is no record of such a place in books and classics!" Fang Lansheng shook his head in disbelief. "The world is so big that extraordinary people's minds can reach it, from birth to death, but it's like a mayfly in the world. How much can you know with poor eyesight? It's ridiculous to say it." Baili Tusu's cold voice suddenly sounded. This guy is usually reticent, as if he doesn't exist at all, but occasionally he speaks, but he can choke to death.Fang Lansheng was often so surprised by such a sudden attack that he forgot to refute, and he didn't know how to refute.

And Feng Jingxue looked at Baili Tusu's ice-like face, and smiled quietly for a moment. At night, Baili Tusu lay on the bed in Heyi, thinking about the past few days quietly. Strange, he never thought he would be traveling with so many people. Just like a wolf who is used to wandering the wilderness alone, it is difficult to join any wolf pack.Baili Tusu had seen this kind of wolf before, and he only looked back at you indifferently from a distance, neither attacking nor howling, and then turned around and left silently.He followed the wolf on the wasteland for three days. The wolf had been heading north. Along the way, three or four large packs of wolves had blown across the wasteland, but the wolf did not show any excitement. On the contrary, it was vigilant. The earth is hidden in the depression. He didn't avoid Baili Tusu, a human being. They parted after three days, the wolf continued to go north, and Baili Tusu turned around and headed south.He thought that even if he followed that lone wolf for another three days, he would not find anything else. That stubborn wolf just went north and north when it won. What is there in the north?Maybe nothing. Some people, like wolves, are born to go north by themselves. Like him, so the wolf didn't deliberately avoid him, maybe it smelled similar to him? Even when he was in Tianyong City, with so many children in Kunlun Mountain, he always walked alone and didn't get close to others. But suddenly, with so many companions, there is actually a little... a warm feeling. Although I haven't adapted to this kind of warmth, it seems to be a little bit better than the wind and cold feeling. The door creaked, as if the wind was blowing. "Who is it!" In an instant, Baili Tusu had turned over and got off the bed, holding the hilt of the sword in his hand, and the sword was spinning in the sheath. The candles in the room were not extinguished, and it was Feng Qingxue who pushed the door in. She looked around calmly, and said with a smile: "Hey, Susu, why are you so nervous? I saw that there was light in your room, so I thought you were still awake. Woolen cloth." "We'll talk about it tomorrow." Baili Tusu put the sword back on the bedside with a grim expression. Feng Qingxue put her hands behind her back and tilted her head to look at him: "Woke you up? Are you angry?" Baili Tusu waved his hand: "Men and women are different, it is not appropriate to be in the same room late at night." "They're all human, what's the difference? I knocked on the door!" Feng Qingxue would inadvertently open her eyes wide and show a blank expression when encountering something she didn't understand. In the past two days, Baili Tusu has already known that Feng Qingxue doesn't know much about worldly affairs, what ethics and taboos can he say to a girl who doesn't understand worldly affairs?I had no choice but to ask patiently, "What's the matter with visiting late at night?" Feng Qingxue smiled, showing her white teeth: "Anyway, you're awake too, how about...going to see the stars?" Baili Tusu frowned: "I don't have such leisure." A gust of wind, the light and shade of the candlelight, illuminated a soft curve on the side of Feng Qingxue's face and a strand of thin temple hair.Baili Tusu took a look, and couldn't help but soften a little, feeling that such a blunt refusal seemed a bit impolite. "That's why you should go. My elder brother said that when you look at the stars when you are in a bad mood, you will forget all your troubles. I also remembered a story that I want to tell Susu about the seven ancient swords... ..." Feng Qingxue was a little bit reluctant. The resistance in Baili Tusu's heart arose again: "Didn't I tell you not to care about this matter?" "Just telling a story, isn't it okay?" Feng Qingxue murmured softly. The softness in his heart rose again, Baili Tusu was silent for a moment, and sighed. The night is like water, the fragrance flows in the wind, the moonlight shines in the quiet valley, the mountains are as green as Dai, and the water in the cold pool is blue. The boy and the girl sat on top of the hill, and the stars fell on them. "Why do you have to travel so far to watch the stars?" Baili Tusu looked at the tiny stars reflected in the cold pool. He walked carelessly along the way, relying solely on Feng Qingxue to lead him, it felt like a sister leading a child who had gone the wrong way home.This made him a little uncomfortable. "Look!" Feng Qingxue jumped up, pointed to the starry sky above her head, and then pointed to the valley below, her brows and eyes were full of pride, "There is the Milky Way on the top and mountain flowers on the bottom, sitting in the middle, it seems like the whole world belongs to you! Do you want anything else? You don't want anything!" Baili Tusu thought silently, you don't need me to answer at all, you just ask and answer yourself. "Doesn't Susu think this valley is beautiful? This is the first thing I discovered, and I called it...um! It's called 'Susu Valley'!" Feng Qingxue rolled her eyes. Baili Tusu's face flushed suddenly, and he stood up abruptly: "Nonsense! What nonsense are you talking about?!" "Okay, okay, that's called... let's call it 'Peach Blossom Valley'!" Feng Qingxue stuck out her tongue, with a mischievous expression on her face, "Don't be angry, your lord has a lot." Baili Tusu was a little helpless, probably Feng Qingxue had expected him to react like this.But then again, it's... really beautiful here. At this moment, the Milky Way is like water pouring into the sky, traversing the sky, crocodiles singing all around, the aroma of mountain flowers and vegetation flowing freely, and the stream gurgling.Looking up at the sky and the earth, I suddenly feel that I am so small, but such a small self has a girl to watch the stars with me, and cares whether you are happy in such a silent night... What else can you want? The two stood and sat for a long time in silence. Baili Tusu sat down again: "There are no peach blossoms here." "I've sprinkled a lot of peach seeds here! But I just planted them, and they haven't grown yet." Feng Qingxue looked at her small valley expectantly, "There is a lot of aura here, and the flowers and plants will grow much faster ...It's a pity that I can't take it back to show my mother-in-law." Baili Tusu's heart skipped a beat: "Are you close to your mother-in-law?" Feng Qingxue nodded: "Father and mother passed away a hundred days after I was born... It was my mother-in-law who brought me and elder brother up. Eldest brother has important things to do and rarely stays at home. When I miss elder brother, mother-in-law Just tell me the story... the story of the seven swords is what I heard at that time, do you want to hear it?" Baili Tusu nodded, there was really no reason to refuse... Besides, he kind of wanted to hear that story in his heart. Feng Qingxue smiled: "Actually, the people there know this story to some extent - it is said that a long time ago, there was a tribe called 'Longyuan'. , have been waiting to avenge the gods. They gathered under Longyuan, built seven huge sword-forging furnaces, and forged seven fierce swords with forbidden methods." Baili Tusu realized what she meant, so he untied Fen Ji behind him, and brushed the remaining half of the sword: "Do the seven fierce swords have names?" "Mother-in-law never mentioned it." Feng Qingxue stared at Fen Ji for a while, then shook her head, "The Longyuan tribe does not worship any gods, and believes that the earth should be ruled by humans. This belief angered the god Fuxi, who decided to kill the dragon. The Yuan tribe was completely destroyed. But Empress Nuwa couldn't bear to see a tribe die. She took seven swords from Longyuan people and sealed them in various parts of the earth. In this way, Fuxi has no reason to kill Longyuan Tribal people." "Seal..." Baili Tusu seemed to think of something, but his mind was messed up and he couldn't figure out the clue, "Perhaps there is a real origin. Master once asserted that this sword is an ancient evil. The name of this sword is 'Fenji' , it was my mother who told me, other things, she didn't have time to say, or maybe she said something, but I can't remember." "Your mother..." Feng Qingxue asked. "She's dead." Baili Tusu said softly. "Sorry, I shouldn't have asked..." "It makes no difference whether you ask or not." The two fell silent together.The night sky seemed to be full of stars, and I stretched out my hand, but only the wind passed through my fingers. "Susu, thank you for what happened tonight." After an unknown amount of time, Feng Qingxue spoke. Baili Tusu turned his head and stared at her blankly, not knowing what she was talking about. "Thank you for defending me. Thank you for believing what I said, my hometown...maybe it's different from other places in the world..." Feng Qingxue pursed her lips slightly. Baili Tusu shook his head: "The world is boundless, and the human body is insignificant. The rules and common sense are nothing but the conventions of the world. If there is any difference, it will be regarded as a different kind. It is really ridiculous." Feng Qingxue smiled brightly: "Susu...sometimes you really think of others, not as ignorant as you seem on the surface, you should smile more!" Baili Tusu's face froze suddenly, and he instinctively wanted to cut this topic off.Just like the wolf heading north, he followed it for three days and three nights, and it didn't cast even an extra glance at him.At night, the wolf slept far away from him, and he kept clasping the hilt of his sword, and the wolf kept grinding his teeth. Prime Minister Bai Zhiyou presses the sword.A swordsman trusts people more than he trusts his own sword. Don't say so many intimate words, you will feel so stupid when you think about it many years later. He suddenly got up: "The matter is over! Go back!" Feng Qingxue raised her head, took Baili Tusu's hand, and begged in a soft voice: "Can you stay with me for a while? It's rare to see such a beautiful star!" Feng Qingxue always wears a pair of long black gloves, but at this moment through the pair of gloves with weird texture, she can vaguely feel the temperature of her palm.This reminded Baili Tusu of the moment when he woke up in the cabin, that was one of the few warmths in his life. The night wind penetrated into his lapel, and his chest was slightly cold. Baili Tusu stood there dumbly, not knowing whether to leave or stay. A silver light flickered in the galaxy, as if the blade of time briefly pierced the night sky. "Look, Susu!" Feng Qingxue shouted joyfully, "Is that a shooting star? It's the first time I've seen it, it's amazing!" Baili Tusu looked up at the starry sky. "Ah! So beautiful, so beautiful!" Feng Qingxue shouted. "It's a pity...it's so short...it went out." She said softly, staring blankly at the sky where the meteors had passed away, her voice was faint, with a chill like the night wind, "I used to be very envious of my elder brother, who was able to leave his hometown , I saw a lot of things that I didn’t have in my hometown. Now I see it too. Just like what my brother said, the outside world is really beautiful... I remember it all, even if I can’t see it in the future, I can remember it, remember it... ...will be happy too!" "The four seasons in the starry sky have never changed. If you want to see it, you can just leave home." Baili Tusu felt a faint sadness in her words, but he couldn't figure it out, so he could only comfort him in such a lame way. Feng Qingxue shook her head: "People in my hometown say that the days of traveling far away are as precious as good dreams. My mother-in-law said that there are many dreams in a person's life, and only one hundred of them are good. If you have a good dream, Remember it firmly, for the rest of your life.” Baili Tusu felt awe-inspiring. At this moment, Feng Qingxue's eyes looked through the vast night, as if seeing a long time in the future. But Yuyu was only for a moment, and she immediately recovered her energetic look, and grinned: "That's right, what do I think about those...Susu, look at how beautiful this valley is, besides peach blossoms, I also want to plant all kinds of flowers here. Flowers and plants, as well as big-eyed frogs, jumping jumps, puyo puyo snakes, etc... it will definitely be very lively then!" Baili Tusu looked out, thinking long and hard about the future that Feng Qingxue described, where the peach blossoms were in full bloom and full of vitality, but Feng Qingxue's hobbies were strange, so that some strange things were mixed into the beautiful scenery she described. Baili Tusu couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth as he thought about it. "Hello!" Feng Qingxue suddenly said loudly. Baili Tusu was taken aback, and the smile that could have been suppressed jumped out.He stared blankly at Feng Qingxue. Feng Qingxue also looked at him blankly: "Hey! Susu... you laughed..." The woman smiled slightly: "Don't dare, the little girl Hongyu, who likes to meddle in other things, is also predestined for you. Dare I was only in a hurry to save people, and I didn't have time to ask the reason." According to Jinniang's calculation, Yuheng happened to be on the outskirts of Jiangdu. Ouyang Shaogong spread out a rough map on the Qiaotou table, pointing to the northwest of Jiangdu City, "Going to the northwest through the outskirts of the city, there is a village called 'Oasis Village', why don't we go there and check it out before making plans. " After hearing this, Baili Tusu just nodded and didn't say much.Looking at the small red dot marked "Oasis Village" on the map, he felt a faint twitch in his heart, wondering what would happen there. But as always, he did not express his thoughts. And fate is always ahead, waiting with a smile. Not long after leaving Jiangdu City and walking west, the mountains began to undulate and the road became narrow. In some places, only two people could pass by each other.Gradually, I can hear the sound of spring water flowing, sometimes it seems not deep under my feet, and sometimes it is hidden in the forest beside me. Before the trip, everyone has already inquired about the location of Ganquan Village. If you encounter a fork in the road, just follow the direction of the sound of water, and you will never go wrong. Baili Tusu walked ahead silently all the way, and sent Axiang to investigate, but he didn't find any abnormalities.After noon, the sky began to drizzle, and the rain continued continuously, making the already steamy mountains even more dreamlike. After bypassing a mountain depression, there is another fork in the front along the water, and a tall bamboo archway can be seen faintly, with three characters as tall as bamboo engraved on the plaque, which is "Oasis Village". "This is it," Ouyang Shaogong said, "the bamboo forest is quiet, the lower the terrain is, the spring gushes out, and the water is sweet, so it is called Ganquan Village." "Sir, you are right, but who are you?" An old man walked out of the archway, with white beard and hair, long beard swaying on the ground, leaning on a rare square bamboo cane, and his movements were quite dignified.He looked at Ouyang Shaogong and then at Baili Tusu, showing a little guard. Baili Tusu had never been good at dealing with people, so Ouyang Shaogong would naturally do this kind of socializing.Ouyang Shaogong took a few steps forward, and said softly, "I've been here all the way from Qinchuan. I'm tired from the journey, so I have to hang around for a few days to rest. Dare I ask the old man, is there a place to stay in the village?" The old man waved his hands again and again: "Our village is very small, it is not convenient for outsiders to stay overnight, I see you..." Just as they were talking, a voice came from behind the crowd, interrupting the old man's words: "Pei Gong, you are a guest from afar, so there is no reason to refuse the door. I still have two vacant rooms, so let the guests make do with it." .” The young man who spoke passed by Baili Tusu and the others. He was dressed in coarse cloth, and the herb basket behind his back looked full of weight, and his dark face that was wet by rain was showing a healthy blush. The old man named Pei Gong coughed anxiously, his face turned purple: "Yun Ping, you... you came back so early?" The young man put down the medicine basket, and gently patted Mr. Pei on the back: "Mr. Pei, your wind and cold are just right, why did you come out? You should go back to the house to rest and rest, and let me greet the guests." Pei Gong hesitated to speak, his brows furrowed tightly, and after a long while he said: "Then talk slowly, Yun Ping...don't neglect him." After speaking, he walked slowly back to the village on crutches. The young man looked at Baili Tusu and his party, "It's a pleasure to meet you. My humble Luo Yunping is the head of Ganquan Village." His enthusiasm, with the kindness unique to the farm, infected everyone, only Baili Tusu did not show his face, his eyes were searching. Fang Lansheng was surprised and said, "Village head? I thought only a grandfather could be a village head..." Luo Yunping laughed: "My little brother is right. It's just that almost all the young people in this village have gone out to make a living, and most of the rest in the village are old and weak women and children. Everyone recommended me to take care of these relatives." Speaking of this, he couldn't hide the desolate look on his face for a moment, but then he returned to enthusiasm, "Look at the clothes and clothes of these people, they don't look like ordinary people. If you want to stay, you can walk a little way before and after. There are big city inns. Why did you come around to our small village?" Baili Tusu stood with his sword in his arms, cherishing his words like gold, but Fang Lansheng was outspoken and turned Yu into a disaster. He briefly recounted the people's search everywhere, and the more he talked, Luo Yunping's expression became more serious, "This...a few months ago, A seriously injured person fell at the entrance of the village. We tried to rescue him, but we were unable to recover. Before he died, he gave me a small piece of jade and said that it was because of this treasure that he was killed... that thing Could it be the jade horizontal shards?" Ouyang Shaogong hurriedly asked: "I don't know where the jade is now? Whether it is true or not, you can tell at a glance." "I don't know if this thing is a blessing or a curse, so I hid it in a cave in the village. The place is called 'Tengxian Cave', which is covered by spring water during the day, and can only be entered at night when the spring water recedes." "So... can you bother Brother Luo to fetch it for me? Or we can fetch it ourselves. We will thank you afterwards." "You're being polite, sir. That thing doesn't belong to Ganquan Village, so it should be returned to you. It's still early, so follow me around the village. If you want to rest, my house is on the other side of the bamboo bridge. It's easy to recognize. "Luo Yunping spoke very happily, leading everyone to the village, and asked as he walked: "You just said...using the power of jade horizontal fragments to refine medicine will produce evil things. After people take it, it is a disaster or a blessing. Is this kind of... this kind of bizarre thing true?" "It is absolutely true, so I am eager to find the fragments, so as not to cause endless harm." Luo Yunping nodded: "I understand, I will take you into the cave after dark."
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