Home Categories political economy Selected Works of Mao Zedong, Volume 7

Chapter 62 Chinese medicine is a great treasure house

(October 11, 1958) Comrade Shang Kun[1]: This item [2] is very good.The Ministry of Health’s party group’s suggestion is in the last paragraph, that is, in the future, there will be a study class for Western medicine leavers to learn Chinese medicine, which will be handled by the leaders of the party committees of each province, city, and autonomous region.In my opinion, if in 1958 each province, municipality, and autonomous region could organize an off-the-job training class for Western medicine with 70 to 80 people for a period of two years, then in the winter of 1960 or 1961 In the spring of 2010, we had about 2,000 such senior doctors combining Chinese and Western medicine, among whom there may be a few brilliant theorists.Please discuss this matter with Comrade Xu Yunbei[3], write a short instruction[4] for the central government, forward the report of the Ministry of Health to the local party committees, and ask them to study it and follow it.The instructions should point out that this is a major event and should not be taken lightly.Chinese medicine is a great treasure house, which should be explored and improved.After the instructions and attachments are issued, they can be published in the People's Daily.

Mao Zedong October 11 According to the "Selected Letters of Mao Zedong" published by People's Publishing House in 1983. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ note [1] Shangkun, that is, Yang Shangkun (1907-1998), was born in Tongnan, Sichuan (now part of Chongqing).At that time, he served as alternate secretary of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee and director of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee. [2] Refers to the summary report on the organization of the resignation study class of Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine submitted to Mao Zedong and the Central Committee by the party group of the Ministry of Health on September 25, 1958.

[3] Xu Yunbei, born in 1914, is from Liaocheng, Shandong.At that time, he served as Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Ministry of Health and Vice Minister of the Ministry of Health. [4] On November 18, 1958, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued an instruction to forward the summary report of the Party Group of the Ministry of Health to the Shanghai Bureau and the party committees of various provinces, cities, and autonomous regions on the organization of Western Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine leave-office study classes.This instruction was published in the People's Daily on November 20, 1958, together with the summary report of the Party Group of the Ministry of Health.

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