Home Categories political economy Selected Works of Mao Zedong, Volume 7

Chapter 55 Build independently [1]

(June 17, 1958) This document is immediately issued to all comrades at the Military Commission meeting.It is a very good document, worth reading carefully, and it can be an eye-opener.This is your own business.Without modern industry, how can there be modern national defense? Self-reliance should be the main priority, foreign aid should be supplemented, superstition should be broken, industry, agriculture, technological revolution and cultural revolution should be carried out independently, slave thinking should be overthrown, dogmatism should be buried, and good experience from foreign countries should be seriously studied , and must also study the bad experience of foreign countries-take a warning, this is our line.This is true on the economic front, and it should be true on the military front as well.If those who oppose this line cannot convince us, they must accept it. "It can't be ordered, and it can't be ordered. It's an absolute thing" [2], it has entered a dead end, what is the way out?

Mao Zedong June 17, 1958 Printed from manuscript. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ note [1] This is Mao Zedong’s comments written by Li Fuchun, vice premier of the State Council and director of the State Planning Commission, on the key points of the Second Five-Year Plan to the enlarged meeting of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China. [2] See "Mencius·Li Loushang".
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