Home Categories Internet fantasy The Legend of the Great Swordsman·3·The Final Chapter

Chapter 19 Chapter 19 Battle of the Mind

In the afternoon of the same day, we set off from camp and arrived at Fushen Mountain at dusk under a clear sky. Outside Fushen Mountain is a vast natural stone platform, facing the strange and mysterious Wuyuan. It was a crack in the ground that was roughly half a mile wide and three miles long. The Shining people will definitely think that it is the gap opened by the lightning and thunder of the Shining God on the ground. It is narrow at both ends, and it is three to four hundred feet deep into the ground. A triangular building made of huge stones stands in it. Except for a gate, there is no half window. It makes people feel that the triangular space inside must be both vast and weird.

We don't know whether the Wu Emperor knew about our coming. After Xiqi and I successfully stimulated the potential of each of us that night, we successfully created a spiritual force field so that he could no longer break in at will, so we Lian Lijun is going to be dispatched to invite us to the witch palace. I am convinced that he is still unaware that Lian Lijun betrayed him. Soon I will know that this is the case. I said to Lian Lijun beside me: "You can go!" Lian Lijun hesitated a little: "Land, can you really protect me? I absolutely don't want to give him control anymore."

I hugged her fragrant shoulders and encouraged: "Absolutely not, because I will deal with him with you. Everyone here will help you." After Lian Lijun took a deep breath, she led the twelve slave shamans to the lower level of the stone platform, until they reached the bottom of the abyss, the narrow stone steps dug by hand. Watching her back gradually go away, I turned my head and said to everyone: "Come on! Let's connect our strength." Everyone sat down one after another, lined up in a horizontal line, with their hands connected together. The powerful psychic energy was quickly condensed, sent out by me, caught up with Lian Lijun in an instant, and combined with her soul.

Lian Lijun said pleasantly in her heart: "You guys are here!" I said in her heart: "Yes! We are here." My psionic energy drilled into the deepest part of her heart, and then hid there. At the same time, I released the suppressed evil power of the Wu Emperor and let the evil power contain my psionic energy. It was like wearing a mask and pretending to be Looking at the dark wind, in fact, I am still Rand inside, and the evil power of the Wu Emperor is just like that deceptive mask. Our spiritual power accompanied Lian Lijun as we climbed down the stairs. The further you go down, the more you feel that there is a cave in Wuyuan.

Under the surface, there are continuous natural caves and caves, with strange and colorful stalactites hanging from the top of the caves. Under the light of the torch held by Wu Nu, a strange underground world was reflected. Stone steps pass through these caves from time to time, and I am dazzled by the sight. After walking the thousand-level stone steps, the front suddenly became clear. The triangular witch hall appeared in front, located in the center of a vast open space. Lian Lijun collected her mind and walked towards the main entrance. The door opened automatically without wind.

I looked out through her eyes and suddenly tensed up. Finally stepped into the palace gate.In the light of Wu Nu's fire, we finally faced the giant stone sculpture representing Wu Emperor. sky! It was a chilling monolithic sculpture. On a half-man, half-beast, thick and muscular semi-elliptical body, there grew out more than 20 thick and powerful legs divided into three sections, like spider feet, which supported the body and hung on it. In the air at the other end of the Sixth Hall, on the upper end of the round body are a pair of slender eyes with no eyeballs visible, and a big mouth full of sharp teeth.

The entire giant sculpture is more than fifty feet high, and the width of its legs and legs occupies almost half of the 200-foot-wide hall, dominating the end of the hall facing the gate. The statue was painted an eerie black, with sharp knives on its feet where it touched the ground.The whole body is full of short and pointed things like tentacles. This is the stone statue chiseled out according to the enlightenment of Wudi. There is a rectangular stone bed in the center of the hall, on which lies a naked female body, her fat white jade-like body glistens with luster under the light of the fire.

We finally see the princess. Her eyes were closed, like a sleeping goddess. Lijun walked straight forward, came to the stone bed where the princess was lying, knelt down and said: "Emperor! The concubine is back!" At the same time, the eyeless eyes of the Wudi statue lit up with two blood-red halos, and shot out two red lights, completely covering the princess and Lian Lijun in the red light. I quickly dived into the deepest part of Lijun's heart and hibernated there. Huge evil power penetrated through every hole, as if I was immediately aware of my existence. But I have become one with Lijun's suppressed essence, even if he finds out about me, he only thinks it is Lijun's essence.

The red light faded. The Wu Emperor stepped back, leaving only two red lights in the eyes of the stone sculpture. A cold and emotionless voice resounded in the hall, "Why didn't Lante and Xiqi come with you!" Seeing that Emperor Wu couldn't see through my tricks, Li Jun breathed a sigh of relief, and replied, "They don't want to come here at night, but they have promised to come before sunrise tomorrow." This time the eyes did not shoot red light, but the evil power came to Li Jun's nerves, searching her memory of last night. Fortunately, I had thought of his move, and hurriedly sent out the prepared images and dialogues for him to study and examine.

He "saw" Lijun entering the tent to meet me, so he tricked me into trusting me, and agreed that I would come to rescue the princess at sunrise tomorrow, and she would be my internal response. The Wu Emperor withdrew in satisfaction. His cold voice without any emotion sounded again: "Lijun, you have done a good job, I will turn you into the most powerful person in Wu Kingdom, now you remove all Wu slaves, and then return to Rand Tell him that I will cast a spell to occupy the princess's body tonight, forcing him to come to save people immediately." Lijun rose up as ordered.

At this moment, my spiritual power left Lijun's heart and sneaked into the princess' body from under the stone bed. The princess's heart was completely sealed by the evil force, and every nerve was changed, full of the breath of death. If this situation does not change, she will only be a walking corpse without a soul. I had anticipated this situation long ago, so I took my time and slowly integrated endless love into her nerves, transforming her back to her former state. Emperor Wu said coldly: "Why are you still hesitating, go out and do business for me quickly." Lijun knew that I hadn't finished the task yet, so she said nonsense: "If Lante insists on coming tomorrow morning, what should the concubine do?" Wudi's voice sounded and said: "If he trusts you, he will come here immediately, why not tell him that when I cast a spell, I can't take care of other things at all, and it is the best time to kill me, understand? " I knew that the situation was critical, so I gathered the spiritual power gathered by all the people to penetrate into the princess's closed heart, and at the same time called out to the princess's soul hidden in the evil power: "Princess, I am Rand, I am here gone." I heard a mournful cry from the princess from far away. Extremely strong love surged up in my heart, and suddenly opened a gap in Wudi's evil power shield, and successfully poured in the deep love that was so violent that it could melt any obstacles. The evil force will never be able to completely seal the princess's mind, because the evil force can no longer seal the gap. I immediately withdrew and quietly returned to Lijun's mind. Lijun stood up, turned around and led Wu Nu towards the gate of the palace. "stop!" Wu Emperor's wild drinking shook the space of the hall. Lijun stopped suddenly, and I secretly cried out that something was wrong. A huge evil force enveloped the entire hall.He has noticed that something unusual has happened.I am searching for the reason, if he scouts the current princess, Lijun will bear the brunt and be killed by him when he knows what I have done. The situation was extremely critical, so I had an idea to release some spiritual energy from Lijun's body. The evil power immediately concentrated on that petty spiritual power, and then probed Lijun's body and nerves. Lijun trembled and shouted: "Dijun! What happened?" Emperor Wu said: "It's nothing, it's just that your body still carries the disgusting energy of Rand, and now I have removed it. This person is very serious, you have to be careful, and don't let him find out that this is a trap." Lijun went as ordered. Leave the hall. I wouldn't worry about him finding out what the princess was doing, because he wouldn't do anything he thought was boring.
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