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Chapter 17 15 genes of business failure

Among the first batch of entrepreneurs after China's reform and opening up, many of them were born in the proletariat with bitter hatred and deep hatred. Because of their deep understanding of poverty, their desire for wealth is particularly strong: in addition, they did not receive any education when they were young. Education is basically the "grassroots" of the original ecology.These two aspects are intertwined to form the body cells of this group of entrepreneurs. Once such cells meet the political and economic environment of China's reform and opening up to revitalize the economy, a large number of so-called grassroots entrepreneurs will be produced. Grassroots quality and irreparable flaws.

1. Contempt and ignorance of knowledge, laws and rules. In the minds of some grassroots entrepreneurs, the signed agreement is one thing, as for how to use the money into the company's account after the joint venture is another matter.It can be said that this is a manifestation of the economic dishonesty of Chinese enterprises. Second, the arbitrariness of business operations. 3. Illegal operations. Failure to abide by the rules of the game, especially the illegal use of funds, such as listed company funds.Treating laws and regulations as child's play is a manifestation of low quality.

Fourth, low-level competition. Low-level competition is manifested as: first, low-quality competition; second, low-price competition; third, aggressiveness. Some domestic business operators can abandon all moral constraints and game rules for the sake of profit, but the skill embodied in their destruction is generally regarded as part of their business wisdom. Five, wishful thinking development model. The development of things will not be smooth sailing, unless the state monopolizes, a market participated by private enterprises must be a multi-point competitive market.There is no shortage of capital in this world, but opportunities to make money.For technologies that can bring profits in the early stage, if Chinese entrepreneurs do not have long-term team-style investment and development, they want a long-term and stable return. This can only show the naivety and ridiculousness of entrepreneurs.

The success of many entrepreneurs in China was largely caused by the environment at that time. 20 years ago, you could get rich selling fruits and clothes, but getting rich is not necessarily because of your own ability. People often ignore external environmental factors.After success, when you ask him why he was successful, he will often say that it is because of my hard work and my ability, but he will not talk about external environmental factors.But when he fails, it's the other way around.This makes these people's confidence very inflated, to what extent?We have seen that in business competition, some competitors often have artificially set traps for him, but he still jumps into it.The biggest flaw of the one-person leadership mechanism is that once there are very capable candidates in the organization who can become future leaders, he will try to isolate these people and even drive them out.The result of this is that once he gets sick and retires, the organization immediately enters a period of decline.In fact, the one-person leadership mechanism has its outstanding advantages, and it is not a bad thing. There have been too many such people in China in the past 20 years.We should admit that these people have extraordinary courage, passion, and strong desire to win, etc. These are all good aspects.Entrepreneurs have built a world because they have a certain personal charm.But just because he laid down a world, his self-confidence increased, so he was unwilling to leave again.He will not leave unless he has to, and the result is that what we call slowly becoming "rule of man".

Performance one, the desire to become an imperial boss is strong. Traditional leadership is mainly from the perspective of influence. Even if a leader is not formally appointed, as long as he can influence others, he is a leader.The leaders of Chinese enterprises are like emperors.What does the emperor represent?The emperor was also conceived from Chinese culture, and he is a master of Chinese culture.Because he lives in this cultural background, which is the same as that of the emperor. China has thousands of years of history and is the country that produced the most emperors in the world.Perhaps the supreme power of the emperor is too attractive to the Chinese people. Many people have such a strong desire for unlimited expansion, hoping that they can find the feeling of an emperor who can control the wind and rain.

And the emperor's desire will definitely be suppressed in this country that emphasizes the rule of law and equality. This suppressed desire began to split out in a geometric progression in a small but self-ruled business kingdom in the frantic business era. , In the end, it will destroy the basic business rules, break through any constraints of morality, and cause harm to society. Mou Zhongzhi is an "entrepreneur" with imperial desires. Except for a well-known business, we can't find any corporate activities of the Nande Group. What he can do is to create concepts, and he has the momentum of an emperor and general , what Mou Zhong wants is this feeling.

Another character is Delong's Tang Wanxin.He likes hunting and often drives a Toyota off-road vehicle to hunt all over Xinjiang.It is said that the more ferocious the prey is, the more inexplicably excited he is.There is a farm in Yumin County. He hung a large plaque in the meeting room with the words "I am the only one" written on it. Performance two, no matter how many employees the company has, it is actually always made by one person. Such characteristics can be found by analyzing most of the failure cases of Chinese enterprises.No matter how many experts the entrepreneur hires as consultants, no matter how many elites he hires for strategic research, no matter whether he hires McKinsey for management consulting or not, the actual decision-making is made by one person because of his organizational structure and decision-making mechanism. Decided that he is a person to make decisions.On the one hand, the information he has is asymmetrical to that of the consultants, and the consultants can only design solutions within the scope of business logic and laws, and within the limits of morality and law.Therefore, these solutions are actually of no use to entrepreneurs, because the entrepreneur's thinking has long been free from the constraints of law and morality.On the other hand, he is indeed a "personal leader" because he led the enterprise alone, even though the enterprise is state-owned.If the failure of these enterprises is a thing of the past, it will be worthwhile for Chinese entrepreneurs to learn true organizational leadership.Our concern, however, is that history will repeat itself over a long period of time.

First, let's take a look at the characteristics of Chinese business leaders.Including some state-owned enterprises in China, the popularity of corporate leaders is greater than that of corporate brands, and the characteristics of "personal leadership" have not changed in any way.A typical case is that an enterprise with more than 20,000 employees does not have a deputy general manager and implements a "monarchy" lead.The boss of this company once said: "In our company, I am the only general manager, and there is no deputy general manager. Because running a business is like fighting a war. When opportunities come, you must respond quickly and make timely decisions. Without strong leaders, nothing can be done. "This is a case of typical Chinese personal leadership!Chinese entrepreneurs want to go beyond personal leadership, which is actually a prerequisite for Chinese companies to go global.

The most dramatic scene about the "one-man mechanism" occurred in September 1992.Zhu Rongji, who was the vice premier of the State Council at the time, visited the Sanjiu Group and was very satisfied. Before leaving, Zhu Rongji proposed to take a group photo with the leaders of the pharmaceutical factory.He said to Zhao Xinxian: "Old Zhao, call your deputy factory directors to take pictures together." Zhao Xinxian said: "Vice Prime Minister, I don't have a deputy factory director here, and I am the only leader. I am the factory director, secretary, and general manager." Engineer all in one."

What baffles us is how often histories are strikingly similar.This "one-person mechanism" was staged in Wahaha Group in Hangzhou. Zong Qinghou is a successful entrepreneur who has a deep understanding of China's national conditions.However, the success of the "Wahaha" brand cannot cover up some fatal mistakes of Zong Qinghou in enterprise management.The corporate governance structure is extremely chaotic, and the board of directors does not play its due role: both the chairman and the general manager are held by Zong Qinghou, the company does not have a deputy general manager, and department directors report directly to Zong Qinghou, and almost all decisions are made by Zong Qinghou. Qinghou made it all by himself, and the company mainly relies on the prestige and experience accumulated by Zong Qinghou over the years.Therefore, for Wahaha as a whole, there is actually a huge hidden risk. Once Zong Qinghou retires, how will the whole company operate?The lag in the construction of the corporate governance structure should be the biggest mistake of entrepreneur Zong Qinghou in recent years.

Performance three, one-person holding or family holding. Many small and medium-sized enterprises operators in China only rely on their personal ability to work hard at the beginning of their business. They are extremely energetic and talented.However, if you are too superstitious about your personal talents, you will easily become a "slave" of your own talents, often achieve temporary success, and your career will not last long.Why?Because he does not have the ability to control others and the team, he has not realized that the role has begun to change, from individual ability leadership to team ability leadership.They are so talented that they make everyone around them mediocre and unbelievable.The final result is polarization, with leaders becoming more and more capable and subordinates becoming more and more clumsy.Therefore, the "one-person leadership" mechanism is becoming more and more reasonable. In the end, entrepreneurs can only "carry all the problems by themselves", and the long-term overdraft has greatly damaged their health. Performance four, personal culture becomes corporate culture. Entrepreneurs' personality traits, values, and even political opinions are commercialized, and finally form the corporate culture. Hasty decision-making and blind expansion First of all, we should put forward the "organizational strategy model" of our research, which is a three-dimensional "molecular structure diagram". We give a brief description of this structure diagram. 1.The vision of any organization must be clear and unambiguous, not vague.It is determined by the mission of the enterprise and cannot be changed at will.Giant Group started from Giant Hanka, engaged in desktop publishing system, and later turned to nutrition and health food. If it is not for the failure of Giant Building, it is estimated that due to the decline of health products, it may have already embarked on the "journey" of online games.Giant and his boss Shi Yuzhu actually do not have a vision, let alone a clear and clear vision.In contrast, the mission and vision of Microsoft in the United States have never changed from the beginning of its establishment to the present. Many entrepreneurs in China now see competition in their industry, even if it is not very fierce, and quickly change direction. , began to diversify, and always wanted to rush to the cusp of huge profits.Although the world is not flat, it is approaching the limit of "flatness".For private entrepreneurs in China, the era of huge profits has long passed.Now it's time to calm down and start a business in a down-to-earth manner.The Dutch have a saying: "Take care of your own business". This business is not chosen randomly, it must be what you are good at. 2.In the "organizational strategy model", "team" mainly refers to organizational members, especially the core organizational members; "resources" mainly refer to power resources, material resources, technical resources and environmental resources. The concept of "environment" is relatively complicated, mainly referring to: (1) customer and market demand; (2) social culture and value orientation; (3) organization's vision, culture, value concept and structural characteristics; (4) strategy implementation location, time and historical background; (5) degree of competition at home and abroad; (6) government policy orientation and regulations, etc. The vision and goals of any organization must have certain resources, build and cultivate a team that is compatible with the resources, and can only be realized in a suitable environment.We call this ability of leaders "system leadership", and call resources, teams and environments the three elements of leadership. 3.What is strategy?Strategy is the means and means of creating the environment, building the team, and integrating resources to achieve the vision. Here is "creation" rather than "adaptation", "construction" rather than "organization", and "integration" rather than "utilization". In the "Organizational Strategy Model", strategy is the bridge that integrates the three elements to achieve the vision.Therefore, in our general strategic research, according to the short-term goals, mid-term goals and long-term goals of the organization, there should be short-term strategies, mid-term strategies and long-term strategies, which can also be roughly divided into survival strategies, competition strategies and development strategies. The "organizational strategy model" emphasizes the adaptation of vision goals and resources, teams and environments. In many cases of enterprise failure, resources, teams and environments cannot support the corporate goals set by leaders. In this sense, None of these companies has a real organizational strategy. Even if there is a so-called "development strategy", it is not compatible with the basic three elements of resources, team and environment, so it is not a corporate strategy. This ability to define a vision, develop resources, form and motivate a team, and adapt and create an environment to achieve the corporate vision is what we call "organizational leadership." In many cases, entrepreneurs are only used to making a list of goals. Wu Bingxin of Sanzhu used the word "fall back".What a "fallback", each "fallback" has increased by 30 billion yuan compared with the previous year!Where are the resources to support this goal?People can be recruited quickly, or each person can be given a position, but they can only be a group, not a team.There is also the environment. The growth rates proposed by the three companies and related failed companies are almost all based on a common assumption: the environment is unchanged!And we just think that most of the reasons why these companies fail are that they failed to adapt to the political environment and the competitive environment in which they were located. Without resource analysis, team building, and environmental considerations, any "strategy" proposal is impossible.According to our research, the real strategy should actually include three aspects. Kenichi Ohmae told Chinese entrepreneurs in "Professionalism": Focus on a small field and strive to be the strongest in this field.Small fields have fewer system variables and are easily mastered by individual entrepreneurs.Diversified fields produce more system variables, which are beyond the reach of individual entrepreneurs today.Diversification puts forward higher requirements on the overall capabilities of entrepreneurs and their teams, not to mention that many entrepreneurs have low quality and many personality defects, and many people do not have a real leadership team.Entrepreneurs are not unaware of these, but this is too inconsistent with the positioning of entrepreneurs.Chinese entrepreneurs position themselves more as "Qin Shihuang", hoping to realize China's "great unification"; as Genghis Khan, to complete the grand cause of "staking the land"; expecting to obtain various privileges brought by the title of "emperor", China's imperial privileges are too attractive for many entrepreneurs. This awareness may not be strong in the early stage, but the media and government agencies' pursuit and promotion of entrepreneurs' initial success has further awakened the "emperor consciousness" of entrepreneurs. Zhao Xinxian of Sanjiu Group is an example. Why is it difficult for Chinese entrepreneurs to be single-minded?Kenichi Ohmae analyzed: First, there are so many opportunities in China that it is difficult for Chinese entrepreneurs to focus on a certain field and make outstanding achievements in this field.We think the reason is that China has a large population, vast territory, backward regional economy and unbalanced development, and the long-term planned economy has created a market that is in short supply, even for immature products, but because there is a market composed of immature consumers , Therefore, in that era, it was not difficult to start a business, and there was no competitive market like it is now.Second, the spirit of single-mindedness is not in line with Chinese culture. The ambition of every Chinese emperor is to "unify the world with me at the center." "China" means "the country at the center of the world". The self-righteous mentality reached its peak in the Qing Dynasty, and the country began to decline from then on. The goals of a business need to be supported by the resources the business has, and this is where many businesses fail.Goals are all leaders' head-scratching ideas. Whoever has the biggest goal will have the most energy, and can be called the best in the world, and can see all the mountains and small ones at a glance.If you say that these leaders have no brains, you are really wronging them a bit.The only explanation is that when they still know who they are, they will gain something; when they don't even know who they are, what they gained before will be lost!Therefore, the first lesson for entrepreneurs is not "how to implement cross-border mergers and acquisitions", but "self-awareness of themselves and their teams". We also need to think about such a question: Why can't one or two successes or even multiple successes be promoted as a model? From a system theory point of view, it is more clear.Any system is included in a larger system, and this larger system is the "environment" from our system theory point of view. For example, Sanjiu Group is a system, which is naturally included in the larger system of national medicine. Sanjiu's resources, management system, knowledge structure and ability of team members are innovative and successful in the traditional Chinese medicine pharmaceutical industry. System variables are "medicinal".However, when crossing the medical system and entering a larger system that includes other industries, the uncertain system variables will multiply, such as entering automobiles, food, wine, tourist restaurants, commerce, agriculture, and real estate industries. In terms of resources, it is impossible to change the knowledge structure of the team immediately, and it is impossible to improve the team's ability to control more variables in such a short period of time.And environmental variables will become more complicated. For example, when Sanjiu entered the automobile industry, it immediately changed the automobile manufacturing system. As a result, the balance of the automobile manufacturing system was broken, and the competition pattern of automobile manufacturing changed, so all variables would change. In addition to the internal force of entrepreneurs' blind expansion, there are many external forces supporting entrepreneurs' blind expansion.Simply put, it is the instinctive desire of local government departments to expand the output value of the local economy and support the "diversified" resources provided by this industry.This "diversified" resource includes preferential policies, bank loans and land concessions, and even help to go public and so on. Regarding diversification, Mike Porter once studied the records of 33 large companies in the United States from 1950 to 1986, and found that each company entered an average of 80 new industries and 27 new fields.From the perspective of the form of capital intervention, 70% is mergers and acquisitions, 22% is the establishment of new companies, and the other 8% is joint investment.Century-old companies such as IBM, Exxon, and DuPont prefer to establish new companies.In terms of probability of success, more than half of the company's M&A targets in new industries will be resold.If the company enters a new field, more than 60% of the acquired business units will be resold.Among them, the unit resale rate of 14 companies in the new field exceeds 70%.In mergers and acquisitions of unrelated industries in Chi, the record of resale is even more serious, with an average resale rate of 74%.Therefore, Mike Porter believes that the actual success rate of corporate diversification is actually very low.A large number of cases tell us that diversification is a trap that Chinese enterprises should always guard against. Finally, let’s go back to our "organizational strategy model". When resources are not prepared enough, team capabilities are not developed, and the environment becomes more uncertain, it is impossible to find a corresponding strategy for the rapid expansion of the "vision goal" in the short term, because it does not exist. In fact, this also raises a question. The diversified development of an enterprise requires a high level of ability in the leadership team, and even higher requirements for entrepreneurs with a "one-person leadership mechanism". It is difficult for a leader to use systematic thinking to correlate so many variables, so you will find that a company with a "one-man leadership mechanism" always has its historical limitations, and it is impossible to be long-term and eternal .Ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, without exception. The so-called hype product is to advertise the function of your own product that is several times stronger than similar products, regardless of whether it is in line with common sense and laws, as long as it attracts attention. The first question we ponder is: Why do many products sell well with advertising?Why do companies always like to rely on the media to create momentum?In fact, it all comes down to one question in the end: Why do Chinese people believe in advertisements so much? According to the marketing theory of developed countries, a company engages in carpet bombing on mass media (such as CCTV), which is nonsense, pediatrics, and contrary to common sense, but it is indeed effective in China, so many companies are not tired of it. The current Chinese market has the following characteristics: Market transparency is not high, information is asymmetric, consumers are immature, there are many blank spots in the market, and there is a crisis of integrity in the market.Most consumers do not have enough knowledge, time, energy and information to choose products.But advertising on CCTV at least gives consumers such a message: this company has money and scale, and it must be good enough to dare to advertise on CCTV.In addition, there are not many channels to obtain information, to verify and verify, so many things that seem to violate common sense appear, especially those products whose effects cannot be seen in a short period of time or whose effects cannot be quantified, such as health care products. , cosmetics, etc. This is only one aspect of the problem. On the other hand, Chinese consumers are generally immature. We think from the perspective of social history. 1.China's thousands of years of history is feudalism, the emperor is the absolute authority, relative to the emperor is servility.Therefore, Chinese people have a long history of slavishness, deep-rooted, and the general fear of officials is a direct manifestation of servility, so in the face of authority, there is only blind obedience. 2.The general public is at the bottom of society, poor and poorly educated.In the face of strength, I can't give myself strength, because I don't have any beliefs and beliefs to support me, and I can only be dominated.Why do Chinese people especially believe in celebrities and advertisements, especially celebrity advertisements?It is because stars have a strong side. In the West, the representative of the strong is the hero, so there are so many heroic movies.The hearts of Chinese people are ruled by stars, and the hearts of Westerners are ruled by heroes. 3.In the minds of the public, the media is run by the government, and the government is a symbol of the government, and the advertisements in the media represent the will of the government.Think about it, can CCTV be run by private individuals?In the minds of consumers, CCTV is not a commercial TV station. To a certain extent, it represents the voice of the government. Therefore, it has a very high credibility in the minds of consumers and can play an "endorsement" role for advertising companies.So following and believing became the only options. Since the media represents the official will, it is extremely "wise" for companies to rely on the media to build momentum.From the perspective of the media, your company can make a fortune and make a fortune by relying on my media, so your "prosperity" and "decline" are also opportunities for my media to make money.Therefore, don’t blame the media. It’s understandable for them to tout companies and chase them down in times of crisis. The media itself also needs circulation and fame in order to obtain commercial profits. This is due to the nature of business.It will be like this for many years, so while the company is using the media to build momentum, another group of media is waiting for the company to have an accident. The matter is as simple as that.Therefore, the role of the media is just an "accelerator"! The era when Jiang Wei started his business was an era of advertisement worship. Even if an entrepreneur had a little concept of customer value, he would be wiped out by the market surprises initiated by advertisements. The "Flying Dragon" model is highly reproducible, so many corporate advertisements later imitated and followed up, and advertisements became the "Viagra" of Chinese enterprises.This is a typical "broken window effect".The so-called "broken window effect" is a term in management, which means that if a broken window is left unattended or repaired, then more people will break the window. An upgraded version of the "broken window effect" is "digging one's own grave".In this sense, Feilong was buried by the "broken window" market created by itself.Since Feilong can make a random product and make a lot of money by bragging about it in advertisements, then all of us can do it, which does not require high IQ and technology.Later, the Chinese discovered a more economical model: imitation!Even with the shape of your product, with your advertising.Imitating and then counterfeiting has almost become a "people's war". The business management is outnumbered and the crackdown is not strong enough.The Administration for Industry and Commerce said: There are too many counterfeits, and it is impossible to fight!Since it is impossible to fight, there will be more counterfeiters and counterfeiters.There is no way, there are too many Chinese, and there is a saying in China that "the law does not rule the masses". If a car runs a red light, the police can fine it; if 50 cars run a red light together, the police can only stare blankly! The second question we need to think about is: Why do Chinese people not pay attention to product quality and technology development? Why is "Made in China" so cheap? Any product can be sold very well by advertising, and who will seriously improve product quality and carry out technological development?Who else will pay attention to the feelings and experiences of customers?The Chinese market is huge, and the product economy was not very developed in the early stage of reform and opening up.Therefore, the product can sell very well in the market through advertising.Now enterprises advocate customer value, attach importance to customer satisfaction and customer service.It can be said that it was forced out by market competition.It's like if there is only China Mobile in the market without China Unicom, Netcom, etc., I believe it will be difficult for Chinese mobile phone users to be really concerned. The reason why "Made in China" is cheap is not only low labor costs and low brand value, but also related to the low technological content of Chinese products.In other words, China lacks core technologies.Is it because the Chinese don't know the importance of core technology?No, because the development of technology requires energy and time, and the Chinese cannot wait.We are too eager to make money to enrich ourselves, too eager to prove ourselves.However, low-quality and low-tech products have low entry barriers and low investment.If the competition is fierce and there is no money to be made, it is easy to change course."Drama Cake" was once popular in Shanghai. From the opening of the first "Drama Cake Shop" in Shanghai, to "three steps, one post, five steps, one sentry" in Shanghai, and then all of them disappeared in Shanghai. Time The cycle is just a few months.This phenomenon seems to be quite common in Eastern countries, but probably unique in the West. The impetuous mentality of the Chinese is not only manifested in small traders, but its advanced version is also vividly manifested in Sun Hongbin, the boss of Sunco. Similarly, Chinese companies are obsessed with advertising. On the one hand, it is because there are only one way to market Chinese products. More importantly, advertising can make money quickly, which can satisfy the desire of Chinese people to make money quickly and entrepreneurs to get ahead faster. There is a phenomenon that is intriguing: Shi Yuzhu has taken the "screaming" advertisement to the extreme, such as "No gifts will be accepted for this year's festival, and only melatonin will be accepted for gifts." This kind of advertisement must be despised by advertisers, and there is no technology in its production content, but it is very effective in China.In addition to the low-quality level of ordinary Chinese consumers mentioned above, we think this also reflects the lack of faith in some Chinese people, so they are easily influenced. The third question we think about is: Are these exaggerated advertisements flying all over the sky just a problem of enterprises? This actually shows that some government departments are lacking in reviewing advertising copywriting and the supervision is weak.From Feilong's application for the "Viagra" trademark incident, we can see that Pfizer of the United States developed Viagra earlier, and it still needs clinical trials to enter the Chinese market. "It only took more than a year for the official listing, and the approval of pharmaceutical products is so sloppy. It can be said that some government departments are to blame. The fourth question we think about is: What is the biggest harm caused by advertising hype and media hype? In fact, the biggest harm is that it loses the most basic principle of being an entrepreneur and running a business: integrity!But this principle is the first condition for the sustainable development of enterprises. When asked about the essence of an enterprise, Drucker, a master of management, said a very profound sentence: "The customer is the enterprise." In this sense, these entrepreneurs are not really running the enterprise.If you don't understand this statement, it's because you don't understand what Drucker is saying. Who is the most hurt by such a hyped product?It is the customers, the tens of millions of people in China, and the disadvantaged group that deserves the most attention but is the least valued in China!Businesses earn profits, media earn circulation and advertising fees, but our people are ignored.These failed entrepreneurs finally wrote something similar to "reflection book". After reading it carefully, you will find that you can't find the word "customer value" in these eloquent reflections. In fact, this is the real reason for the failure of these Chinese entrepreneurs. Ignoring customer value is their biggest failure. Our understanding is that customers are the only source of profit. Without customers, there will be no profit, and the enterprise will have no basis for survival.Many failed companies in China may win some customers by advertising at first, but if they ignore customers, or even underestimate the IQ of customers, which is called "ignoring customer value" in standard terms, then what awaits the company must be a complete failure.This is especially true today when supply exceeds demand. If these grassroots entrepreneurs failed in 1996 and 1997 because they did not understand "customer value", then seven years later, in 2004, our entrepreneurs should have learned a lesson, but "history always exhibit a striking resemblance." The reason, in addition to the entrepreneur's own quality factors, a very important factor is our social environment.We believe that the root cause of everything is "poverty".In China's 5,000-year history, which dynasty made the people truly rich?A small number of people in China got rich first, and that was after the reform and opening up. It can be said that the Chinese people as a whole are poor.Coupled with the influence of China's imperial culture for thousands of years, every Chinese is eager to stand out from the crowd and become rich.Because of poverty, the need for survival is more pressing than the need for education.This is where we are. That being the case, it is not surprising that the whole society is impetuous and eager for quick success.Therefore, stealing and plundering, cheating as much as you can, cheating as you can, will last for a long time.In addition, China's economic development is too fast, and it is difficult for the government to supervise in one step. As a result, there are many policy absences and regulatory gaps, so low-quality entrepreneurs begin to flourish. Why do you do it over and over again? Not for anything else, just because in today's China, this "Taoism" is effective. In the large system of society, everything is related to many factors. It takes a certain amount of time for the growth and development of things. It grows together with its related things and follows its own laws.For example, when Sunco Group only focuses on cash flow, it ignores the quality of the houses it builds, and ignores the macro-control that the government will inevitably implement due to its emphasis on the national economy and people's livelihood, all of which involve cash flow. From a macro perspective, the root cause of many business failures is that entrepreneurs lack a systematic view and thinking.Let's analyze how failed companies lack financial coordination. We can use the "barrel principle" to illustrate that the water in a wooden barrel is like the total sales volume of an enterprise, which depends on the production capacity, sales channel capacity and raw material supply of the enterprise.The production capacity of an enterprise includes the total amount of production equipment and the production efficiency of enterprise employees; while the expansion of sales channel capacity means an increase in the number of advertisements, inventory, and dealers.These variables can be abstracted into one variable in finance - funds.That is to say, each plank of the barrel is connected by the chain of funds. The profit of an enterprise comes from the total sales volume. When the competition becomes more and more fierce, the only way to ensure a certain profit is to increase the total sales volume.This means that to increase the height of each plank, more capital investment is required, and the chain of capital will become tighter and tighter. Take Edo as an example.At first, Aiduo was still profitable, but with the intensification of competition, Aiduo's sales profit has been very thin, while its expenses have become larger and larger.Looking at advertising expenses alone, in 1996 Jackie Chan spent 4.5 million yuan in advertising, which was almost Ai's profit for one more year.In a short period of 4 years, Hu Zhibiao invested nearly 300 million yuan in advertising expenses in the brand of Aiduo.And the price war with Shinco almost killed them both.So Aiduo misappropriated dealers' advance payments and deposits to supplement advertising expenses, and at the same time "created" a mighty army of debt collectors. As long as there is a simple financial system, you will know that love has been losing money for many years.The so-called effective financial system does not mean that the enterprise has a financial accounting system, but that the financial system supports and restricts any decision-making of the entrepreneur.The failure of these enterprises lies in the fact that the financial accounting belongs to the financial accounting, and the "standard king" must be fought for, and finally evolved into being the "standard king" and the "standard king", with the goal of being the "standard king".Hu Zhibiao said: "Ai Duo can't become the 'Biao Wang'. The only prerequisite is that Backgammon has not become the one."In fact, we can’t completely blame them. It’s so cool to be the “Biao Wang”. Reporters from various media flocked to interview, and major TV stations rushed to report. It’s too kingly, even if you die after enjoying it, it’s worth it! An effective financial system also includes a sustainable financial settlement system. In the golden age of giants, it adopted the branch system.各地的销售分支机构均有财务权,现金流需要经过分公司。以经销商的回款为例,回款必须先经过分公司,然后才能回到总公司。这必将降低现金流转的速度,同时还会引发携款潜逃、分公司人员和经销商勾结制造坏账等问题。巨人集团垮台的部分原因就是当现金流出现困难时,很多销售分公司经理哗变,截断了公司的现金流。虽然巨人集团有3亿多元的应收款,但依然于事无补,几乎一夜之间,集团就土崩瓦解了。 而亚细亚管理的混乱则首先表现在财务的混乱上,借800万元既没有合同也没有借条,最后还300万元不了了之,我们觉得对这样的企业谈财务体系显然是奢望。“这家自有资本总额不过4000万元的企业却进行着一场投资将近20亿元的超级大扩张”,王遂舟只有乾坤大挪移,把供应商的货变成钱,以至于百货商厦老总被打得半死。 与亚细亚有关的两个问题值得思考: 1.还有多少连锁企业在玩着“货变钱”的游戏? “货变钱”游戏有两个版本。 “补洞版”玩的是“撤东补西”游戏,就是用变来的钱补其他亏损;另一个是“集资版”,玩的是把变来的钱拿去“多元化”,比如炒地皮和房产,主业不赚钱或少亏钱,副业赚大钱。这些连锁企业经营有两个特点:一是大众常用消费品,价值较高者尤佳,比如彩电、冰箱;二是付款期长,比如半年。现在有不少企业在开连锁,你可以随便到一个门店去走一走,服务员比顾客多。我们真担心这些连锁企业能开多久。 2.企业家素质低下、盲目的决策造成的社会负面影响该如何来评估? 其一,经济受损,至少亚细亚众多的员工受害。 其二,商业道德败坏。用一位总经理的话说,“商厦总经理学会了骗钱,配货总经理学会了骗货”。 其三,给社会治安造成不稳定因素。1996年11月,天津亚细亚商厦倒闭,商品被哄抢一空。 我们再回到“组织战略模型”来分析顺驰的案例。 在实现目标的战略中,顺驰受到资源和环境的双重夹击而失败。最初环境还没有成为阻抗力量时,顺驰面临的还只是资源问题,主要表现为土地。顺驰选择的办法是“速度”,就是要让进款的速度大于付款的速度。这个财务体系要成功取决于诸多条件的满足,这些条件就是我们所说的环境。比如,顺驰的第一期房子质量还可以,好的销售就会带来好的进款。当第二期和第三期的房子由于追求造房速度而忽略了质量时,消费者的意见就会让顺驰第四期和第五期的房子销售很难,进款就少了。当然它还可以靠银行进款,前提是国家没有实行宏观调控。 其实,从上面的分析可以看出,即使没有宏观调控,顺驰马马虎虎建造的房子也不会长期快速卖出去的。当顺驰的房子愈来愈没有人买时,银行也不敢再贷款了。很多人在分析顺驰案例时,都将其失败归咎于宏观调控。但我们认为,即使没有宏观调控,顺驰也会死于“忽视顾客价值”。记得有一则幽默故事说,一个年轻人急于赚钱,在一天内画好了一幅画,卖了半年都没有卖出去。他去请教一位著名画家,画家说,如果你用半年的心血和时间来画一幅画,你一天就卖出去了。 其实,顺驰的问题不是资源的问题,也不是环境的问题,而是思维和战略不对。 前面我们提出了“组织战略模型”,强调组织的愿景目标必须要组织所拥有的资源和团队能力来支持,还必须具备一定的环境条件。我们分析改革开放以来一些中国企业的失败案例时发现,许多企业家将自己的“商业模式”发展成为“炒概念圈钱” 模式,即使他们创业最初的模式是“赚钱”模式。为什么会发展成“圈钱”模式呢?因为他们的“愿景目标”太“伟大”了,他们的资源、团队和环境都无法支撑,所以只好用“大概念”去换环境和资源。你会间:“有市场吗?”有的,一些地方官员为晋升官职而不惜代价的“政绩”思想和地方政府唯GDP论都给交换形成了巨大的市场。 如果交换不成功呢?必然的结果是“剑走偏锋”,表现为资金链断裂,于是拆东墙补西墙,或骗取银行贷款,或非法集资就上演了!对违反商业规律的人来说,上帝能让他在多长时间内赚到钱,也会让他在多长时间内失去钱,也许失去的还不止这些。 我们来分析一下他们的“圈钱”模式: 提出合乎地方政戚百泵两丽念项目 换取地方政府对这一项目的支持 向银行贷款或上市融资 弥补以前其他项目融资和运转的亏损以及作为下一个概念项目的费用支出 提出合乎地方政府口味的下一个概念项目 他们将圈来的钱大部分都用于弥补亏损和非生产性支出,所以亏损就会愈来愈大,纵然有再大的融资技巧,破产的命运也是逃不脱的。况且这些融资都是建立在国家没有宏观调控的基础上的,还有许多融资的方法都介于违法和违规的边缘,更何况还有很多就是明显违法和违规的。 有一句格言让我们记忆深刻:“你有时可以愚弄所有的人,或者你一直可以愚弄某些人,但你绝对无法一直愚弄所有的人。” 什么是商业规律?其一是说每一种商业发展都必须遵从事物的自然发展规律,而事物的发展不是一帆风顺的,是螺旋式上升的;不是跳跃式的,是渐进式的。天上掉馅饼就不是自然规律,超常规发展也不是自然规律。不是说这种发展不会出现,而是说它是一种不可持续的非常态。商业规律是不可违抗的,违背商业规律的战略和计划一定会有违背规律的结果。 失败的企业都作了一个直线上升曲线的发展模式,如巨人集团和三株集团。 1800年,当法国经济学家JB·萨伊杜撰出“企业家”这个名词时,他是这样下的定义:将经济资源从生产力较低的领域转移到较高的领域。20世纪中期,西方最重要的经济学家熊彼特这样简捷地描述说:企业家的工作是“创造性的破坏”。 萨伊或熊彼特都没有从道德的范畴来规范企业家的行为。甚至在工业文明的早期,连恩格斯都认为“原始积累的每个毛孔都充满了血腥”。如果我们用书卷气的固执来坚持对一切经济行为的道德认同,那显然是不现实的。问题在于,当经济或企业的发展到了一个稳定的平台期后,经济宏观环境的道德秩序的建立及企业内部道德责任的培育,便成了一个无法回避的课题。一个成熟的、健康的竞争生态圈,不是简单地在政府所提供的若干条法律法规的框架内追求利益,它更应该体现为法律与道义传统、社会行为规范的整体和谐。 而我们的许多企业家则缺乏对游戏规则的遵守和对竞争对手的尊重。在捍卫市场公平这个层面上,他们的责任感相当淡薄,往往信口开河。他们是一群对自己、对部下、对企业负责的企业家,而对社会和整个经济秩序的均衡有序则缺少最起码的责任感,这种反差造成了他们个人道德与职业道德的分裂状态。 他们中的相当一部分人以“不按牌理出牌”自居。在他们的潜意识中,“牌理”是为芸芸众生而设的,天才如我,岂为此限?于是天马行空,百无禁忌。岂不知,如果人人都不按牌理出牌,那么还要牌理干什么?一位老是不按牌理出牌的人,还有谁愿意跟他玩?一位不按牌理出牌的人,他所获取的超额利润,其实是以伤害大多数按牌理出牌的人的利益为前提的,是以破坏市场秩序为策略而乱中取胜。于是,很多企业家兵败落难之际,往往是冷眼旁观者多,挺身救险者少;落井下石者多,雪中送炭者少:冷嘲热讽者多,同情怜惜者少,这也就不足为奇了。 什么是政治环境?政治环境主要指政府的政策导向和社会舆论,也指政府制定该政策的实际背景。要知晓政治环境,要深刻理解政府的政策,就要深知该政策出台的背景。比如,政府提出构建和谐社会就有其深刻的政治背景,所以当外资涌人中国房地产业、急速拉高房价时,限制外资购房的宏观调控就一定会到来;当中国经济投资过热时,宏观调控就会到来,这就是政治环境。 前面已经总结了“一人领导机制”,主要是针对企业家素质和企业管理体制来讨论的。企业失败还有一个因素就是团队建设薄弱甚至没有,更不要说在这个团队中形成良好的团队文化了。 在我们的研究系统中,团队建设大致可以分为以下几个方面: 1.按照团队的目标和价值观组建团队: 2.传授团队成员技能和提升团队素质: 3.提升团队沟通能力; 4.树立团队合作精神: 5.打造团队文化: 6.培养未来领导人: 7.对团队成员充分授权。 分析中国企业失败的所有案例,企业失败表现在团队建设上就是以上几个方面几乎都没做到,好一点的企业也许做到了某几项,但另外的几项就是瓶颈,比如“一人领导机制”的企业。 在太阳神的经营中,怀汉新下放高级行政经理到基层了解市场就说明他的高层管理者还缺乏基本的市场经验和推广能力,太阳神的管理模式、经营理念、营销政策一年数变也说明了怀汉新及其团队不具备应有的管理素质。即使出现了一些营销能人也纷纷离开或自立山头,说明太阳神没有统一的价值观,更没有团队合作精神来凝聚团队,所谓的团队文化更无从谈起。 如果一个企业家不能在领导企业的同时,培养企业未来的领导人,这个企业就无法长久,更不要说基业常青。而通过其他领导者来进行领导,是领导者最困难的,但也是最重要的一项任务。他的生活目标就是要通过人们去完成有意义的事情。这是对领导者最基本的检测——他能否通过次级领导者去激励和领导人们。做到了这一点,如果下面各级的人们想要成为高效的生产者和贡献者,那么他们将会越来越多地参与到行动中来。这项任务就变成如何使组织中的人们参与到管理过程中来,并且不会失去控制、指挥以及理想程度上的推动力。几年前,时任IBM董事長的小托马斯.J.沃森(Thomas.J.Watson)曾说过一段永远都不会过时的话,他说:“一个公司的成功或是失败,其真正的区别经常要追溯到这样一个问题,就是这个组织是如何发掘人们的能量和才能的。”换句话说,决定一名领导者以及组织最终成功的是释放人们的力量的能力。 第18章里所讲述的摩西的故事告诉我们,他在公元前1400年是如何在授权和参与这个问题上进行斗争的。米甸的神父叶忒罗(Jethro)对摩西说:“为什么你一个人坐在那里,而所有的人从早到晚都在你周围站着?你所做的事情是不好的。你和你的做法会使他们很疲倦,因为这件事对你来说太重了,你无法独自完成它。” “听着,我会给你忠告。你应该将法规教给他们,让他们知道,他们必须怎样走,他们必须做什么。” “还有,从所有的人当中选择有才能的人,值得信任的、憎恶贿赂的人,并安排这样的人担任几千人、几百人、五十多人以及几十人的管理者。让他们随时负责管理人们,每一件重要的事都要向你汇报,但是,所有的小事他们应当自己决定。这样,你就会容易很多,他们就可以为你分担责任。”于是,摩西开始留心,全照叶忒罗说的去做。 尽管摩西有动机、使命感和为伟大的事业丽献身的精神,他仍然无法激励他的人民,因为他没有通过其他的领导者来进行领导,而且,在领导的过程中,他抑制了属下的积极性和参与性。幸运的是,他及时地得到了忠告,通过次级领导者的参与来进行授权,并提高领导效率——因此,他拯救了古以色列国。 这个故事的要义很简单,就是要认识到,决策的授权、富于参与性的管理以及通过其他领导者来进行领导对于提高领导者和组织的整体实力是至关重要的。实质上,这样做的结果是,整个组织可以完成更多的事情——它的成绩更大了。然而,授权和让其他人参与进来,这自然会影响到很多领导者或潜在的领导者的收获,因为从根本上说,他们很渴望、也很享受能独自进行决策。一个人能成为领导者,是因为他表现出一种主动精神和气势,并通过他们被公认的能力去采取行动。这些是最容易显示出来的特征,它们经常会掩盖他们在思考、分析问题和培养其他人的行动能力等方面的一些并不尽如人意的技能。不过,一个组织的整个目标就是提供一种手段,通过这一手段来释放以下各级以及整个组织中的更大力量,并因而产生更多的决策者和实干家,为整个企业提供更大的前进动力。高级管理领导者必须使以下各级的管理者们充分地参与到确定目标、制定行动计划和做出重大决策等事项中来。 遗憾的是,有太多的高级管理层将授权式、参与武管理视为软弱,实际上反过来才是软弱的。要产生高效的授权式、参与式管理,需要的是强有力的高级领导层。这意味着,要设定需求性目标,要求尽可能多的管理者参与进来,并在这一过程中,每个人都能做出自己的承诺和贡献。而这之后,必须要根据事先确立的标准对他们的绩效进行测评。 软弱的或者缺乏想象力的管理领导者,由于畏惧或者无法改进管理过程,包揽几乎所有的事,最后导致以下各级的大量管理者没有什么贡献可做。通常,管理领导者们忙于决策,以至于他们无法开发或使用一个可以让其他人来做出决策或采取行动的过程,实际上,他们没有认识到拥有更多的决策者能带来更大的力量。如果没有更广泛的参与,通过一个有序的过程形成一个整体,整个组织将无法实现其全部的力量。但是,那是领导者的职责。 增加决策者数量可以产生更大的力量。在任何组织甚至是中等规模的组织中,为了开展业务,都需要在日常工作中做出百个,甚至数千个决策。当然,从组织的整体来说,这些决策的重要性和影响力有很大的不同,关键是,必须要做出并实施这些决策。与摩西和他的人民的情境类似,一个组织内的决策过程必须在管理层内广泛地、横向与纵向地,在整个组织内进行分散。从某神程度上来说,每一名决策者都是由一个规格和强度各不相同的电池将他们集合在一起,形成决策能量和成绩的一个有力的资源。实施这种管理领导将产生通过其他领导者来进行的领导,这将达到两个关键性的重要目的。 首先,这能使组织完成更多的事情。组织中的人们不必“从早到晚都站在周围”等待决策。实质上,组织将具备更高的生产率——它做了更多的事情,前进得更快。其次,这种管理领导是培养更有力的未来领导者的一个温床。根据这种参与性管理为以下各级人员创造了参与决策、发展及其实施的机会,这可能成为创造新领导者的一个关键力量。这并不是说,每个人都聚集到一起,共同做出决策。通用汽车公司前董事长罗杰·史密斯曾经很好地表达过这一观点,他说:“告诉我你的看法,我将做出决定。”如果提出看法的人能确定,他所提出的看法将产生某些不同效果,那么这样做将会起作用。事实上,征求意见的过程必须要真实。如果只是走走形式,那么我们很快就会发现其中的虚伪。在通用汽车的经验里,他们在进行改变、尝试新观点的坦诚和意愿之下,形成了良好的给予和获取的过程。人们愿意坦率地表示,某个观点是“不好的”或者“好的”,这非常关键。无论以何种形式,如果它带有一种虚伪的味道,那么将失去它的真正价值。如果要参与,那么这种参与应当是有意义的,而不应达到领导者失去控制和人们对他的尊重这种程度——领导者和跟随者都不希望这样。 如果能以最高的水平去实施,高效的管理意味着通过其他领导者来进行领导。领导并不是,也不应当仅仅存在于高层。一名领导者要发挥自己的效能和力量,并不是通过把所有的事都掌握在自己手中这种方式,而是要培养其他的次级领导者来做出决策,并激励组织中各个层次上的跟随者。当摩西学会了如何领导时,他也同样必须要通过与其他领导者分担治理人们的重担来进行领导。伟大的领导者最终的成就是:他培养次级领导者,并通过他们来进行领导的程度究竟如何。里根总统(特别是在他第一届总统任期内)的领导哲学就极力主张这一点。他坚定地相信并执行了这样一条原则:在自己周围安排高素质的人,授予他们自己的职权;只要人们贯彻了自己的政策,就不去干涉他们。这是释放组织成员的力量的最重要方法。也就是组织与成就的全部意义,通过其他领导者来进行领导——释放你的下属的力量,并在这一过程中培养更多的管理领导人才。 评价企业领导者在交替过程中是否是一个真正意义上的企业领袖——我认为要看他是否能发现或培养比自己更好的领导者,把职位交给最有能力和最有责任心的人,这也是判断领导者平庸还是卓越的首要标准。 《现代汉语词典》如此定义“道德”:社会意识形态之一,是人们共同生活及其行为的准则和规范,道德通过人们的自律或通过一定的舆论对社会生活起约束作用。 很显然,按照这个定义,道德属于经验范畴,而不是先验论,其威慑力在于社会舆论的力量。老子在中讲得很清楚,“道”就是事物存在和变化的总原则,是推动事物运动和变化的内在力量,是事物发展和运动的规律。这种描述也是不准确的,因为“道可道,非常道”。通俗的理解就是自然的境界,体现为一种自然而然。以庄子的话说就是,太阳出来了,人就不要举着蜡烛去跟太阳比光亮,你比不过它。这就是自然,就是不要刻意。“德”则是遵循这种规律而表现出来的功能。顺应天道,顺应自然的法则,那就叫做“德”。违背了自然的法则就是违反了道德。从这个意义上讲,中国几千年来自然形成的文化也是民族道德的一部分。 那么,什么是法律呢?道德的底线就是法律。比如说,一个已婚妇女跟一个不是丈夫的男人偶尔有男女关系是不道德的,如果跟这个男人长期同居就是违法。 有了道德和法律的概念,我们来分析中国企业的失败。 他们的失败就在于自己的资源和团队在当时的环境下不能支持这些企业家快速做大做强的目标,他们理念中的做大做强是刻意和强求的,并不自然。比如说,这些企业家都不满足于在一个或少数几个行业专业化,而要无限多元化,力争做到“市场通吃”,这固然是一种雄心壮志,但事实上这不大可能。且不说世界市场,就说中国市场就有那么大,我们是很难做到“通吃”的。以道家的观点来看,“人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然”,在天、地、人当中,人是很渺小的,人只是自然界的一个微小的存在。因此,人不能够“心比天高”,否则极有可能“命比纸薄”。 有的人会说,做企业不容易,竞争非常激烈,这么做也是迫不得已。其实问题很简单,面对压力,你是否会坚持道德?面对利益和道德不能兼得的局面,你该如何取舍? 这些企业家的失败,无一不反映了道德的缺失。在利益与道德的权衡中,他们背弃了道德,同时也就失去了利益。有时甚至为了利益而不择手段,比如违规集资、骗取贷款、关联交易、官商勾结鲸吞国家资产等。 顺便要说的是,违反商业道德也并非中国企业独有,跨国公司也存在道德问题。 在一次“惠普全球移动技术峰会”上,一向以“高尚、正直”形象出现在世人面前的惠普公司,现场踩踏并拆装包括联想、戴尔等品牌在内的多家竞争对手的笔记本产品,以显示惠普笔记本的结实耐用。惠普的一位全球副总裁表示,这是为了有效体现惠普与竞争对手产品的差异与优势。此举一出,一片哗然。 产品对比本无可厚非,然而惠普的手段却有些过火,现场肢解和践踏产品在商业竞争领域是非常少见的。事后,媒体非但没有把报道重点放在惠普的产品性能方面,反而就其过火行为大肆报道。这样,导致了竞争对手纷纷指责惠普涉嫌恶意攻击,而且大众也负评如潮。 不仅如此,联想很快用“越野摩托车碾压昭阳笔记本电脑”的表演质疑了惠普评测的有效性,戴尔亚太区高层更是揭露惠普采用对手老产品与自家新产品竞争,所以性能指标才会占优;显然,惠普本次的公关活动远远没有达到预期效果,无心之过也给自己带来了不小的负面影响。 其实,惠普类似的行为已经不是第一次了。早在联想刚刚收购IBM PC的时候,惠普就在台湾打出“连想,都不要想”的广告,剑锋直指IBM和联想。毋庸置疑,商业竞争必须遵循道德规则。2006年百事可乐帮可口可乐抓到了企图向
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