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Chapter 35 The third article strives to build a harmonious society where "everyone has food and everyone wants to talk"

Great country melody 叶教慎 890Words 2018-03-18
China's peaceful development is a historical necessity and cannot be stopped by any force.But what if others do not allow us to develop? Can "development" be possible if "peace" is maintained?How to achieve both "development" and "peace" is a dilemma. Whether it is difficult or not, whether it is difficult or difficult, it is not up to whoever decides, but depends on the facts and practice.We haven't fought a war for many years, we no longer live in the shadow of war, isn't that "peace"?Since the reform and opening up, we have doubled energy consumption to support the quadrupling of GDP, and achieved a historic leap in people's lives from food and clothing to well-off overall. Isn't this "development"?Back then, our foreign exchange reserve balance was US$167 million; now, it has exceeded the US$1 trillion mark. Isn’t this “development”?From the perspective of consumption, although the United States accounts for 32% of the world's total consumption today, China only accounts for 3%, but eight years later, the United States will decline by 4 percentage points, and China will rise by 8 percentage points.It is estimated that 22% of the global orders from 2014 to 2015 will come from China, totaling more than 500 billion U.S. dollars, almost double that of the United States. Even Brzezinski, former US President’s National Security Affairs Assistant, said: “The world stage The next giant in the world will be China." Isn't this "development"?And the history of China's peaceful development is three 28-year histories: without the 28-year new democratic revolution, overthrowing the three mountains that are pressing on the Chinese people, and letting the Chinese people stand up from now on, there would be no 28-year exploration road to socialist construction.Without these 28 years of exploration, there would be no 28 years of reform and opening up.

Can you expand on those three 28 years? The first 28 years were from 1921 to 1949. This was the period when the countryside encircled the cities, seized power with armed forces, and established a new China. In the second 28 years, from 1950 to 1978, the basic system of socialism was established, and the road of socialist construction was explored from the reality of China.Of course, during this period of exploration, there were not only achievements, but also problems, mistakes and lessons.Comrade Deng Xiaoping once said: "The ten-year catastrophe of the 'Cultural Revolution' has caused China to suffer. China has suffered more than these ten years. Before that, since the second half of 1957, we have made 'Left' mistakes. Generally speaking, it is closed to the outside world, class struggle is the key link inside, neglecting the development of productive forces, and the policies formulated have surpassed the primary stage of socialism."

The third 28 years are from 1978 to 2006.These 28 years have been the 28 years for the Chinese Communists to learn the painful historical lessons and re-find a development path for contemporary China. Therefore, in these 28 years, there has been the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party and the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The great cause has China's "peaceful development".
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