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Chapter 68 Recruitment theory

Qi Tian Chuan 楚阳冬 3030Words 2018-03-11
Fu Haijiao has had a long-standing quarrel with Tian Ting, but he knows that he can't do enough and can't stand alone.He met the people of Huaguo Mountain by chance, just like meeting an old friend in a foreign land. He thought that this revenge was hopeful, but he never thought that although the people of Huaguo Mountain had ambitions, they never made it clear. Why not annoyed?Therefore, he was the first to attack, trying to make Taibai Jinxing retreat in spite of the difficulty. Everyone remained silent, only watching Taibai Jinxing's answer.Taibai Jinxing said with a smile: "Daoist friends, this statement is wrong. Heavenly Court is the orthodox Taoism. We all come from the same origin, so why not gather together to make my Taoism prosperous? You said that Heavenly Court is a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, but this statement is true. To that For monsters who poison living beings and make troubles, Heavenly Court naturally does not bear the suffering of all beings, but if you have kindness in your heart and concentrate on seeking the Tao, then Heavenly Court is the best place in the world."

Hearing Taibai Jinxing's words, Fu Haijiao sneered and said: "Heaven has always acted arbitrarily and recklessly, how can he care about all living beings in the world?" Even in the sky, there are not many people who can see it, but the position is not high, but it conceals it a lot. This time, seeing a little monster who is so rampant, dare to talk to Taibai Jinxing, the celebrity in front of the Jade Emperor, so he stands up. One step later, Yin Yang said in a strange manner: "Don't be ignorant of praise, the Jade Emperor's move is for the sake of your life, if you don't obey, heh heh, we will meet each other someday, and your Huaguo Mountain will be reduced to powder in an instant!"

"Haha!" Fu Haijiao laughed wildly. Wu Qu Xingjun's words were just in line with his intentions. He wished that this recruitment would collapse, so he immediately added firewood and said, "Three sentences will reveal the truth. This is not arbitrariness, but what is it?" ? You can go back and report—" At this time, the Bull Demon King hummed heavily, and shouted: "Brother Jiao, can you let me say something?" The Bull Demon King saw that Fu Haijiao had plans in his heart, and was not happy, but he used his magic power in this sound.Sure enough, Fu Haijiao felt like a drum was beating in his heart, he was extremely uncomfortable, he was shocked, he didn't expect this old cow to be so profound, it seems that he didn't try his best in his usual skills.

Fu Haijiao backed away resentfully, Bull Demon King said: "My brother has always been upright, Jin Xing laughed at him." He only talked to Taibai Jinxing, but ignored Wuqu Xingjun. Taibai Jinxing said with a smile: "Heroes have always been like this, there is no reason to laugh at them." The Bull Demon King said again: "This time, the Heavenly Court sent angels to summon security from the lower realm, which really made my brothers and others tremble with fear. I just don't know who is recruiting this time. We can't move all the tens of thousands of elite soldiers from Huaguo Mountain to the Heavenly Court, right?"

Wu Quxing saw that the Bull Demon King ignored him at all, but confronted Taibai Jinxing with a smile. Standing alone was quite boring, so he had to retreat when no one was paying attention. Seeing him backing away, Fu Haijiao sneered, and Wu Qu Xingjun glared at him again, Fu Haijiao just pretended he didn't see it. Taibai Jinxing listened to Bull Demon King's question, and said: "This is a good question from the Taoist friend. Although the heaven is big, it is limited. Naturally, we should choose the elites and demon elites to recruit. If there are good and bad, there is no way for the old man to go back. There's a errand."

The Bull Demon King said again: "I'm afraid this is a bit inappropriate. My eight brothers have always been brothers and sisters, and it is difficult to part with each other. If we don't drink and have fun together for a day, I will feel uncomfortable. If only one or two are recruited to go to the sky, they will move around frequently every day, so as not to disturb them." If the Heavenly Court is quiet, what should we do?" When Taibai Jinxing heard this, he also felt troubled. The Jade Emperor only called out their names and told him to recruit the Huaguo Mountain monkey demon and the cow demon to the heaven. Who would dare to tamper with it?But after all, he has been in court for countless years, he opened his mouth and said: "I don't know what to worry about. If it's just like this, it's a trivial matter. There is no difference in the heavenly court just like in the human world. The heavenly soldiers and generals perform their duties , if you are free, walking around between brothers is also human nature, there is nothing wrong with it."

The Bull Demon King nodded, and said in his heart: You should deceive those who have never seen the world. There are many rules in the court that day, and even the old people will inevitably make mistakes.He just murmured in his heart, but didn't ask any more. At this time, Wukong said: "The angel has been in the sky for a long time, and it is rare to come down to the earth once. First, taste the fresh fruit from my Huaguo Mountain. How is it compared to yours?" Taibai Jinxing asked with a smile: "This is the owner of Huaguo Mountain, how dare I ask your name?" Wukong said: "We are people in the mountains and fields, and our names are not worth mentioning. How can we get into the ears of angels?"

Wu Qu Xingjun saw that Wukong was very polite in his speech, but he had a good impression of him, so he said carelessly: "Jin Xing teaches you to sign up, so you can sign up." Wukong glanced at him and asked, "Dare to ask this angel...what is his official position in the Heavenly Court?" Wu Qu Xing Jun touched his chest and said: "I am Wu Qu Xing Jun of Beidou Qiyuan." Wukong was taken aback, Wuqu Xingjun?Isn't that the guy who recommended Wukong to be Bi Mawen?Unexpectedly, they also met earlier.Wukong pretended to be confused and asked again: "The Big Dipper is seven yuan? What kind of official position is that? Compared with the twenty-eight constellations, which one is bigger and which one is smaller?"

Wu Qu Xingjun said proudly: "Beidou Qiyuan is under Emperor Ziwei, so it is naturally one level higher than Erbasu." Wukong said slowly: "Sure enough, a few days ago there were a few goblins who did evil in the mortal world. They were born in strange shapes, but they claimed to be stars in the sky. I saw that they were pretending to be heavenly generals, so I killed them all in a rage!" Speaking of this, seeing that the faces of the two Xingjun Wenqu and Wuqu changed greatly, but Taibai Jinxing was still smiling and waiting for the next sentence, and then continued to laugh, "If I go to the Heavenly Court, can you give me a big credit first? "

Wu Qu Xingjun was horrified, he only knew that the six members of Xingxiu died in the lower realm, but he didn't know that the murderer was the Huaguo Mountain group of monsters, and pointed at Wukong: "You, you, you..." I didn't know what to say for a long time. Taibai Jinxing swung his dust fly backwards, knocking Wu Qu Xingjun's arm off, and said with a smile: "Heavenly courts always have clear rewards and punishments, those who make meritorious deeds must be rewarded, and those who have done wrong must be punished. Don't worry, fellow Taoist, I will definitely give you some credit later." , submitted to the Jade Emperor for a ruling."

Wukong clasped his fists together, "thank you in advance." Wukong knew that he could hide the killing of the Heavenly General for a while, but he couldn't hide it for the rest of his life, so if he didn't ask himself at this time, he wanted to test whether the Heavenly Court knew about it.Sure enough, Wen Qu and Wu Qu didn't know it before, but Taibai Jinxing seemed to have a plan in mind. It seems that the heaven is not monolithic, and there is indeed an opportunity to take advantage of it. Naturally, Wukong didn't want to take credit for this, he tested Taibai Jinxing to see how the heavenly court would react to the killing of the general, but Taibai Jinxing returned his ambiguity, so it was difficult. In all fairness, Wukong really wanted to be recruited once in his heart, to appreciate the scenery of heaven and get acquainted with the world.In retrospect, "I met friends in the palace in leisure time and made friends. When I saw the Sanqing, I called it "Old"; when I met the Four Emperors, I said "Your Majesty". The Twelve Yuanchen, the Five Elders of the Five Parties, the All-Tianxing Stars, and the Gods of the Milky Way all treat each other as brothers and call each other ".Apart from other things, this network alone is a great wealth. But now that things have come to this point, I don't know if Tianting sincerely invites peace, if he comes to "please enter the urn", what should I do?Thinking of this, Wukong said: "In this case, I have an unfeeling request, and I hope the angel will forgive me." Taibai Jinxing said: "Fellow Taoist has something to say, but it's okay to say it, you don't have to be polite." Wukong said: "Since Shangxian Yun Tianting will reward me for my meritorious service, you may as well tell the Jade Emperor that I was killed and pretended to be a star, and see how the Jade Emperor will reward me. If there is a clear reward and punishment, I will be willing to serve the Heavenly Court, and then There is no other word! If the rewards and punishments are inappropriate...the matter will have to be discussed again." Taibai Jinxing laughed secretly, although this monkey is a monster, it is really clever.But Wukong's words had come to this point, he couldn't say anything more, he just echoed with a smile: "Fellow daoists are really good at calculating, so that's fine, I'll report back to the heaven, please wait for the good news, fellow daoists." Wukong clasped his fists in thanks, Taibai Jinxing stood up, took a fresh fruit from the table, put it in his mouth and took a bite, nodded and praised: "Good, good, if there is no good reason, how can such a good fruit grow!" After finishing speaking, he said goodbye to Wukong, and the eight Wukong people saw the three of Jin Xing leaving in the clouds, and the floating figures disappeared for a moment. The Bull Demon King and Wukong said: "Your brother is really good at delaying the attack, but the old cow still has something unclear." Wukong said with a smile: "Where is the delay? It's a way to urge the troops. If you have something to say, feel free to say it." The Bull Demon King said: "If the Jade Emperor gave you a reward at will and taught you to go to heaven, what should you do?" Wukong said: "He can give rewards as he pleases, but I can't go to heaven at will. My own safety is of little concern. My Huaguoshan foundation is just beginning to flourish. How can I bear to give it up so easily?" The Bull Demon King was confused when he heard it, and when he turned his head and saw Fu Haijiao's expression of deep thought, he immediately got angry and shouted: "You kid, what nonsense are you talking about, can't you trust Wukong?" Fu Haijiao later heard the conversation between Wukong and Taibai Jinxing, no matter how stupid he was, he knew that Wukong was far-sighted and far-sighted, beyond his own ability, so he apologized and said with a smile: "It was also a moment of anger, brother, don't blame, don't blame." The Bull Demon King said: "At this moment when we are fighting wits and courage, although Huaguo Mountain seems to have many soldiers and generals, it is not worth mentioning compared with Tianting. If Tianting is angered at this time, Huaguo Mountain is in danger!" Jiuling Yuansheng came to intercede and said: "Brother Jiao is burdened with blood and deep hatred, so it is understandable that he can't bear it for a while." Wukong also came over to reconcile and said: "It's okay, it's okay, it's not true, so it shows that we are sincere and really intend to be recruited. Brother Jiao has done nothing wrong this time, but he has made a contribution." Fu Haijiao listened to Wukong's praise, although he knew it was a polite word, he still felt much more comfortable, and said with a smile: "Even if I count the credit, I don't dare to take it, it's not clear, it's better to kill a few days to enjoy it! " The golden-winged roc said: "This Taibai Jinxing's way is not shallow, as expected, there are a lot of talents in heaven." The Bull Demon King said: "The accumulation of heaven is extremely deep. What you and I have seen is probably only the tip of the iceberg." Everyone sighed for a while, and felt that the road ahead was long and full of thorns and ups and downs.
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