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Chapter 66 happiness and faith

barbaric growth 冯仑 2058Words 2018-03-18
The fun of an entrepreneur ultimately comes from his inner persistence and belief.Beliefs can be divided into social beliefs, religious beliefs, and professional beliefs.I studied Mao Zedong at the Central Party School.When he was young, he believed that Chinese society should be a Datong society in his ideal. His initial understanding was the Datong society in the agricultural society, that is, the Datong society mentioned in the "Book of Rites". Later, he came into contact with socialism and communism, In this way, the ideals of farmers, socialism and communism were integrated and turned into a belief, and he began to start a business and struggle.During this process, he never felt any pain, and he enjoyed endlessly fighting with the sky, fighting with the earth, and fighting with people.The spirit of civilization, the physique of barbarism, and continuous struggle all stem from a super strong belief.

Turning belief in society into idealism, then into ideology, and finally into a power to conquer everything, the happiness of these people is not the happiness of ordinary people.Bin Laden is also a typical example. He was born in a wealthy family. His belief was to establish a purely Islamic world. Therefore, he chose to fight, went to Afghanistan, participated in the anti-Russian war, and then started the war against the United States. One person and the world The most powerful country competed and planned "9.11", which caused the plane to crash down the World Trade Center in an unimaginable way.The most powerful nations try to capture him, but he still looms large in the world, making his life and death a mystery of the century.

Those who are struggling are happy, and this happiness is called the happiness of the successful. The happiness of the successful is the happiness of constantly defeating opponents and overcoming difficulties.In fact, a person's life cannot choose whether to have enemies or not, but to choose who to be opponents with.When you are a seed, floating soil is your opponent; when you are a seedling, gravel will overwhelm you; when you are a branch, big stones may block you; when you are a tree , the wind will break you.It is impossible for a person to have no opponent in his life. Your fun comes from the success you get every time you defeat an opponent. A strong person can get happiness in this process.Just like Wang Shi climbing a mountain, every time he takes a step up, he overcomes the lack of oxygen and reaches a new height, which is happiness.He is often asked why he wants to climb mountains, and he has a classic answer: the mountains are there.This is a belief, and I will go to the mountains there.

There is an advertisement called Shangao Artificial Peak.The peak of the mountain is a person, and a person must stand on the mountain, so when you have such a belief, the joy you get every step of the climb is beyond comprehension by outsiders.But there are very few people who have such ideals and beliefs, and more people actually believe in happiness because of their addiction.For example, an audiophile may ride a bicycle around Beijing for a stereo and find a small stereo after running for 3 days. This level of happiness is unimaginable to outsiders.People with professional hobbies are much happier than those without professional hobbies. The more professional people are, the more sources of happiness they get, and they will be happier in life and face the real world more positively and optimistically.

So there is a good way to be happy: develop your interests, expand your strengths, and then plunge yourself into a state of obsession, and you will be very happy.I have a friend who likes to play with insects. Once he took out an exquisite small tube, and there was a golden grasshopper in it. I took it out and took a look when it was time, I was very happy.Scientists get far more happiness than ordinary people, because scientists are not only obsessed with their profession and a certain hobby, but more importantly, their hobby highly corresponds to human moral evaluation.An artist’s work is said to be incomprehensible to others, and the artist may feel lonely; but scientists are different. Even if others do not understand, they will respect the scientist and think that the incomprehension is their own problem.So scientists get more respect than ordinary people with hobbies. Unlike playing with grasshoppers, you are very happy, but others will feel that you are playing with things and losing your mind.

This is why many scientists around us are very simple and devoted to their profession, so that their sense of worldly life becomes simple and easy to satisfy.Later, it was discovered that scientists have no worldly pain, because their fun is highly concentrated in their profession, and their requirements for the world are very low. They can live in a shabby room, ride a bicycle, or take a bus.When they have a professional spirit and even turn their profession into a belief, they get a lot of moral evaluation and self-happiness. This is a very happy state in life. The pursuit of material happiness is also very important, but this is the happiness of ordinary people, a small happiness.I sometimes joke: the more vulgar material happiness is, the more natural it is, and the more depraved it is, the more human it is. Eating, farting, hiccupping, and sleeping are all natural.Some legal programs on TV often reported that a woman killed her husband suddenly. Everyone said she was depraved. In fact, she was very human. Because her husband abused her, she couldn't think about it. She beat her husband to death at night.Animals are abused and still resist!So happiness comes from the ethical satisfaction of all the organs, that is, the satisfaction of ordinary people.The satisfaction of scientists at this level is the lowest satisfaction, and the joy of spiritually exploring the world of ignorance is the main joy and the greatest happiness.If you want to be happy, you must have faith. People with faith are happy, and people with religious belief are happy because they manage their desires well.Therefore, people with faith, whether they are religious people, ordinary people, scientists or professional enthusiasts, are happy.Old men have to play, young men have to think.

According to an old Chinese saying, when you are 40 years old, you should not be confused, and you should not think about it anymore; but you have to play, and you will develop interest in the process of playing, and you will continue to play. Making new friends in the process will make the body and mind happy in the process of playing, so that professional hobbies can be brought into play.Little men have to think.At the age of fourteen or fifteen, the main content of your life is playing. At this time, a little more thinking will give you spiritual pleasure and help you in your future life.Happiness itself is not far away from us at all. The key is that in the process of starting a business, in the process of business, and in the process of dealing with money, we must clarify the meaning of happiness, knowing that happiness is a balance between desire and means, happiness is the A state, happiness is a belief, happiness is a balance of ethics and body and mind, then our entrepreneurial process, business process, and life process will bloom brilliantly.

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