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Chapter 64 happiness and freedom

barbaric growth 冯仑 2580Words 2018-03-18
There are many unfree places in a person's life. Restrictions come from material means, social systems and culture, and unfree games with the external environment.Most people are happy in a state of freedom, so freedom is the source of happiness and the guarantee of happiness. How can we actually feel free?After doing business, three things suddenly made me feel free. First, decide what time you go to work.This matter is no small matter. In the past, the working hours were stipulated.Regardless of whether they work in a government office or a company, most people have to get up before dawn every day. At that time, I had to ride a bicycle first, then take a bus to the subway, and then walk again when I got off.After starting a business, you can set your own working hours. Flexible working hours make you feel free and happy.

Second, decide how much to pay.When working anywhere in the past, one of the most important expectations and topics between you and the external environment is the issue of salary.This matter cannot be decided by yourself, you are passive.Entrepreneurs can decide this matter initially, they can decide to pay a small salary, or they can decide to pay a salary that the market can accept and the company can bear. No matter what, this matter is up to them to decide, which is a big one. free. Third, decide where to go.I remember the first time I went to Shenzhen, I applied for a grant from the Central Party School, about three to five hundred yuan, and then I had to make a report for many people to approve when I took a plane.Now there is no such trouble, just walk wherever you want, tell the secretary, even if you don't tell me, it doesn't matter.So a person can decide what time to go to work, how much to pay, and where to go. This kind of freedom makes you feel that starting a business is worthwhile and happy.

Add three other things and you will be happier: the first is not counting petty money, the second is not counting time, and the third is not counting right and wrong. What is the difference between big money and small money?Big money is for investment, capital goods, and means of production, while small money is means of subsistence.That is to say, in the field of life, you don’t count small money. For example, if we want to eat meat, we eat meat, and we never need to count it.Because small money often stumbles people. For example, if you can’t spend two yuan for a bowl of noodles today, the store will not let you go, and even humiliate you.According to the current statistics, about 4.5 million is enough for the middle class in a lifetime. 4.5 million is enough for a child, a house, a car, several vacations a year, and basically no need to settle accounts for what to eat. This is quite happy .

The second does not count time.A lot of our pain often comes from being unable to keep up with time. For example, we went to bed late yesterday, went to bed at two or three o'clock, and woke up at 7 o'clock in the morning, which is so painful.So it is happiness to sleep until you wake up naturally, so it is often said in the jokes: Sleep until you wake up naturally, and you get sore hands when you count money, these are all happy things.Once I accompanied a friend to Shenzhen to do business. After finishing the work, I made an appointment with Ding Lei to meet and chat with him in Guangzhou at six or seven in the evening. As a result, my friend and I arrived in Guangzhou at four in the afternoon. We had nothing to do in the rest of the time, just go shopping in bookstores Kill time.We still have time after visiting the bookstore, so we went to eat together.At this time, Ding Lei called and said that the plane was delayed, and he didn't know when it would be delayed, and said that he would call us when he arrived.This time a lot of time is free, so what to eat?Eating hairy crabs is enjoyable!In the end, we both found a restaurant, and we didn’t care what time Ding Lei arrived. Anyway, we’ll eat it when he arrives. Hairy crabs and wine are not counted as petty money. We count as much as we eat, and it doesn’t count as time. , chatted there until 11 o'clock in the evening before Ding Lei called.I felt very happy that day. I suddenly had a bit of leisure in the busyness that didn't need much time.If you think about it carefully, most of the daily pain is related to time. People become slaves of time.After the invention of clocks and watches, the efficiency of human beings has improved, but people are indeed not very happy. I believe that people 100,000 years ago did not have so many pains that could not be overcome by time.

The third is right and wrong, which means that a lot of human suffering is caused by caring about your role and the evaluation of you by people around you.You are caught up in right and wrong, always discussing right and wrong every day, what others say is right and wrong, and what you think is right and wrong about this matter.The troubles in a person's life come from right and wrong, and right and wrong are the same thing that makes you sleepless.Why is there right and wrong?Because the role we play in society conflicts with other people's expectations, others will evaluate you, so this evaluation will also give you positive incentives and increase your anxiety.When a person has right and wrong, he starts to feel uneasy, and after he is uneasy, he has to seek a balance between the outside world and himself.This process is called the process of fighting for right and wrong, adjusting right and wrong, and discussing other people's right and wrong.It's a painful process.In a world with right and wrong, there will always be three people fighting, one is the original self, the original true self; the second is the ego, which is the self you know, and the self you know has morality, judgment, Have a sense of self, can deceive yourself; another one calls him me, how others see you, this is always different from what you see yourself, others see more social morality, more external popular views Even a malicious point of view.

The three "you" images are not unified, so you always fight, and your right and wrong are tossed between them.Westerners' happiness comes from their own views, while Chinese people's happiness mostly comes from other people's views of you. The so-called spittle can drown people, which has something to do with Chinese culture.For example, let’s say a young woman was in a hurry to urinate. She ran into the restroom when she passed by Heaven and Earth, and she came out 10 minutes later. A neighbor or colleague happened to pass by and saw her, and asked her: What are you doing?The woman said: I will make it easier inside.What she said was originally true.But the person passing by said to himself: I dare to come to this place, the world is really declining now, and young people want to earn all kinds of money.So go back to the unit or the street and start discussing.

The woman is strange, why do everyone gossip about me?I didn't sit on the stage or do anything bad, so I just went to the bathroom. Why can't I explain it clearly?From then on, everyone looked at her with strange eyes, and finally she fell into great pain.Finally one day, the woman found the person who spread the rumors: "Why are you talking about it?" Among the traditional right and wrong.The gap between everyone's evaluation and her original nature is getting bigger and bigger. In the end, there are only two ways to explain it. The first is to commit suicide and die to show her will. This is why so many women in China have thrown themselves into rivers and hanged themselves since ancient times.After committing suicide, others will say: "If you don't do it, you don't do it. It's not worth it. Young people really can't think about it."Another method that can explain innocence is to kill people, to kill those who speak right and wrong. After killing them, there is a reason for their actions according to the law, and they may be sentenced to death with a reprieve.A similar incident happened in the Xinjiang Construction Corps that year. A female worker killed several people with a gun.

In the human world, you have right and wrong inside your heart, and right and wrong outside you, which creates a lot of pain.If a person can manage to count money, time, and right and wrong, he will be happy, free, and happy.For example, when others say you are a bastard, you don’t care about right and wrong, even if you are like Ah Q, you say that your grandson is a bastard, and you are happy when it’s over; If you don't take it seriously, you even refute him with your own right and wrong, just do what you have to do, and you will be happy in this way. All freedom comes from inner freedom, followed by your material means.You have a certain amount of money, you can travel, you can eat whatever you want, and you can satisfy your basic material state of happiness.Happiness can also be divided into material happiness and interpersonal happiness. The happiness of interpersonal relationship lies in having a sense of belonging, being recognized, loved, respected, and needed.Once the happiness of interpersonal relationship is destroyed by right and wrong, it cannot be solved by money.A person wants to pursue his own happiness, to obtain a state of freedom, and to be free in his heart, and only those with a free heart can obtain happiness in interpersonal relationships.A small amount of money can obtain the happiness of the material state, and time can let you stretch both kinds of happiness freely.

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