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Chapter 63 14. Happiness

barbaric growth 冯仑 2970Words 2018-03-18
In real life, we need to look at happiness and unhappiness from two aspects, that is, whether there is a balance between our desires and the means and abilities to satisfy them. If you have a desire and then satisfy this desire through your own ability or external conditions, you will have a sense of happiness.The higher the degree of satisfaction, the greater the intensity, and the longer the time, the happier you will be. If new satisfaction is added during the process of satisfaction, you will be even happier. When this balance is broken, you will feel unhappiness and pain.Desire itself is there, and we cannot change it; but we can find ways to improve our ability, to struggle, to obtain higher wealth, ability, and even power.So we satisfy our desires in various ways, including power, consciousness and enslaving others.

In the process of satisfying desires, the ranking of desires is different.Some people first want to satisfy material desires, some people want to satisfy the needs of interpersonal relationships, and some people want to satisfy purely spiritual needs, such as appreciation of the country, nation, ideals, art or moral pursuit.In any case, desire is manifested as a struggle, as a resource acquisition, as a game against the external environment.In this way, many stories have appeared. Most people want to achieve a state of happiness through struggle, but the result is often not happy. As small as we do business, as large as pursuing the revival of the nation, the inflated desire often leads to many tragedies.From the point of view of business, for example, Jianlibao was acquired suddenly two years ago. The person who acquired Jianlibao was called Zhang Hai. He came from a small city in Henan Province. He practiced some special kung fu in his early years. some business.Why did he suddenly have 300 million to buy Jianlibao?Everyone can't understand.He said that he made money by speculating in stocks, and then owned Jianlibao.Then we saw that Jianlibao began to appear on camera constantly. For a while, Jianlibao football players fought with others, and for a while a new drink called "The Fifth Season" was released.But the sad thing is that two years later, this person had a problem, and then it was exposed that he had no money, and the money was given by a person named Zhu Weisha.Because Zhang Hai called himself a "master", he met Zhu Weisha when he was preaching, and then Zhang Hai borrowed 100 million from him. His desire was to acquire Jianlibao.

Zhang Hai finally put the whole thing together with a clever mouth, but he had no financial ability after all, and there was a great conflict between his desire and ability; His R&D and market behaviors have turned into a loss of existing resources, causing more conflicts; later he wanted to sell Jianlibao to a company in Beijing, and ran away. The other party found something wrong, so he filed a lawsuit and finally arrested him. stand up.It was only after he was locked up that he realized that he was incapable.I think of the boss of a high-tech listed company in Shanghai in the early years, someone introduced him to me.At that time, I knew that this person was speculating in stocks, and there was a big sister from Zhejiang supporting him behind him, but I didn't know the specific ins and outs. It was only later that I found out that the gap between his desire and ability was too great, so that he couldn't control the whole thing in the end. Enjoy the short-term happiness, followed by pain.

When the gap between ability and desire is too large, no matter how ambitious you are, you will soon pay a non-negligible cost for this desire. Another story is happening recently.There is a major shareholder of a listed company who injects 10 billion real estate assets into it by way of private placement.He announced that he was in the process of injection, and the market began to react positively. The daily limit was up for 42 consecutive days, and the stocks worth two or three yuan rose to tens of yuan. The market value of this company reached 140 billion.He said he has a lot of assets and no debts. 10 billion was put in, and he accounted for 80% of the shares in this company, which is the maximum limit stipulated by the law. At the same time, it was discovered that he might be operating in the secondary market, because he controlled 9.9% of the stock in related concerted actions in the market, because 5% have to raise their hands, and 10% have to make a tender offer. How come it happens to be 9.9%?As a result, many people in the market began to pay attention to this matter. At this time, a scandal broke out. The assets they injected included a Northeast International Building in Shenyang, known as the tallest building in Northeast China, but it turned out that there was no start-up procedure.Without a work permit, the legal procedures are incomplete. He used it to inject funds, which involves the issue of whether there is fraud; there is also the 42-day limit of its stock price, which involves the issue of whether someone manipulated the stock price.The media began to expose it. After the exposure, there were 7 consecutive limit-downs, and the stock price began to fall all the way. Under such circumstances, relevant departments began to conduct a comprehensive investigation, and this matter became a major case that needs to be thoroughly investigated.

What lesson does this incident reflect?When the client's own ability has not changed, he raised his desire to the highest boundary of reorganizing listed companies. It can be seen that he has no control over his desire at all, and he put his desire to the maximum: first, on the statutory shareholding ratio He wants to achieve 80%; secondly, in the manipulation of the stock market, others have given a limit of 10%, and he just achieved 9.9%.This makes the desire highly inflated, but at the same time cannot be supported by the actual law.This is the same as the previous story, the gap between ability and desire is already too big, and failure is unavoidable as a result.Falling into investigation after the failure, I believe this is the end of the story, he can't succeed again.Many of the biggest problems in the development process of famous enterprises are like this. The balance between ability and desire is not well grasped. Either the desire is insufficient in ability, or the ability has not changed. In the process of becoming a slave to pain.

Politicians also tend to make such mistakes, such as Saddam Hussein in Iraq.Saddam was a strongman in the Middle East. At that time, he wanted to dominate the Middle East. His military strength had risen to the seventh place in the world. There was a conflict between his desire, his ability, and his surrounding relations: he occupied Kuwait, was invaded by the Americans and The coalition forces completely destroyed it, and the Iran-Iraq War lasted for 10 years, bringing the per capita GDP of the entire country from $7,000 to $1,500.He finally insisted on a frontal conflict with the United States and started a war in Iraq. The Americans destroyed his regime in 40 days, made him a prisoner, and was hanged two years later.Heroes themselves often exaggerate their abilities, and moralize, ideology, and sanctify their goals and desires, but this cannot show or exchange for an instant improvement in abilities, so when there is a conflict between abilities and desires, facing The challenges, difficulties and pressures are still unsolvable.

Many people seek to satisfy their desires by amplifying their own desires, thinking that they will be happier.The real world often emphasizes how to manage the means, conditions and external environment to satisfy desires.Interesting thing is religion, religion does not manage the means of satisfying desires, religion only manages your own inner desires.First look at where your desire comes from, this is cause and effect.Don’t worry about the effect, and find a way to do a good job of the cause. This is the root cause of the management desire, so that you can reduce the original desire.After managing this well, you can manage the amount of your desires, the direction of your desires, and the length of your desires.If you take a step back and fail to manage your desires well, he will ask you to reflect on yourself, blaming this reason on the fact that your own management of desires is not good enough, and you should continue to manage your desires instead of saying that your desires are wrong.No matter how complicated the religion is, it revolves around restraining, managing, adjusting, and coordinating your desires, and believes that desires are the source of all future pain.If desires are well managed, all happiness is at hand.

For example, there is a glass of white water, but I want to drink sweet water, so I suffer.Religion will teach me that I shouldn't drink water, and I shouldn't have this desire, so I took a sip of any water, and it exceeded my desire, so I was very happy.This is the gap between the truth of reality and the truth of religion.From a religious perspective, our actual happiness should be far greater than everyone's feelings.Why, in reality, these material conditions are completely sufficient for our basic desires, that is, as long as we lower our desires anywhere, we will be happy and happy.The inner conflicts of religious believers are far less than those of real strugglers. Religion can make people quiet, but reality makes people rush.Therefore, from the perspective of happiness, the happiness felt by religious believers will be greater than that of real people, because their cost is low.The cost of managing one's desires in a religious way is very low. Eating fast, chanting Buddha's name, repenting, and walking, for example, Sakyamuni can manage desires well, and finally become a Buddha through practice.

On the other hand, if you want to become Saddam Hussein and Zhang Hai just mentioned, the cost will be too high.When your means have not satisfied your desire, and your desire expands again, then you will fall into the abyss of infinite pain.Therefore, we must constantly adjust our life, advocate a little religious spirit, and have a little more desire to struggle. We should reconcile these two things, and then keep striving while reasonably controlling our desires, so that our career can be stable. When everyone was pursuing huge profits in the early 1990s, Wang Shi said that more than 25% of the profits were not earned, which was the desire for management.Although not religious, he knew how to manage desire.Therefore, a truly successful person will manage his own desires, so as to maintain a balance between his ability and the external environment and goals, which is very important.Greatness, therefore, is managing oneself, not leading others.

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